info Overview
Name - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s full name?

Sarah Valerie Gordon


Pretty much the entire team, including her partner Chloe, calls her "mom". She's just used to it now.


Her hero name is Thunder, since she has weather powers.

Age - How old is Sarah Valerie Gordon?

26 (born 8/3/97 - Leo)



Gender - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s gender?

female (she/her)

Role - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s role in your story?

Side Character

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Sarah Valerie Gordon style their hair?

about mid-neck length with a bit of a wave

Hair Color - What color is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s hair?

brown with purple tips

Eye Color - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s eye color?


Height - How tall is Sarah Valerie Gordon?


Weight - How much does Sarah Valerie Gordon weigh?

161 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sarah Valerie Gordon have?

some freckles across her nose and shoulders


She has Chloe's initials tattooed behind her ear, & Chloe has hers. She also has two lobe piercings in each ear.

Body Type


Skin Tone

vaguely tan



Race - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s race?

Metahuman - mostly human species born with a recessive gene that, when activated, gives them superpowers in their adolescence. People may be carriers of the metahuman gene without it being active, but in this case, Sarah has an active metahuman gene that activated when she was 15.

accessibility Style
General Style

She loves vintage shirts & sweatshirts, so a lot of her clothes are thrifted. She also loves oversized sweaters, mom jeans, and sneakers

Formal Wear

She likes big princess dresses as opposed to anything form-fitting, but she does like heels.

Pinterest Board
fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Sarah Valerie Gordon have?

She's anti-racism, anti-misogyny, & anti-queerphobia. She really cares about kids and is absolutely against child abuse.


She has ADHD and a peanut allergy.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sarah Valerie Gordon have?

She's very comforting and enjoys giving & receiving hugs. She also picks at her nails & cuticles and enjoys playing with her and others' hair,

Motivations - What motivates Sarah Valerie Gordon most?

Her team, especially Simon, Chloe, & Lucas.

Talents - What talents does Sarah Valerie Gordon have?

She can control and create weather phenomena, anywhere from a blue sky to a hurricane.

Flaws - What flaws does Sarah Valerie Gordon have?

She has to stay focused on whatever type of weather that she's conjuring, because if her emotions get in the way (especially sadness or anger), bad stuff will happen.
Can she control her powers? Yes absolutely. Is she like Pepa Madrigal from Encanto? Also yes. Sarah is Mom, she’s got her shit together, but like also…bestie’s got some repressed anger. Someone pushes her over that edge and there’s one hell of a natural disaster coming your way.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sarah Valerie Gordon have?

She likes to cook & bake and she dabbles in photography.

Personality type - What personality type is Sarah Valerie Gordon?

ENFJ & Neutral Good

Similar Characters

Glimmer (She-Ra & the Princesses of Power), Pike Trickfoot (Critical Role/The Legend of Vox Machina)

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s favorite food?

strawberries & watermelon

Favorite animal - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s favorite animal?

dogs, especially retrievers & doodles

Favorite weapon - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s favorite weapon?

She doesn't enjoy fighting, but she does like her powers.

Favorite possession - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s favorite possession?

her laptop

Favorite color - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s favorite color?


Favorite movie

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Favorite TV shows

One Piece

Occupation - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Sarah Valerie Gordon have?

Mostly liberal

Religion - What religion does Sarah Valerie Gordon practice?

She grew up Catholic but she wouldn't consider herself practicing.

info History
Birthday - When is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s birthday?

August 3


She was born in Stockholm, NJ & now lives in Jersey City at the League base.

Education - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s level of education?

She has a high-school diploma and she graduated college with a degree in psychology.

Background - What is Sarah Valerie Gordon’s background?

She discovered her powers at 15 when she had a bad falling out with a friend & it began to storm in the middle of an unclouded day in the middle of July.

Dating History

She talked with Simon about the possibility of the two of them dating in high school, but they knew it wouldn't work out.
She did date a guy in college, but he was weird about her having powers so he was in fact not worth it.
She's now currently dating Chloe.

device_hub Family
Familial Relations

She's one of the only League members with not only both parents alive, but also a good relationship with both parents! She also has a younger sister, Lucy.

emoji_events Heroics & Villainy
Team Affiliation

She's one of the founding members of the League.

Public Appreciation

She's one of the more favored members of the League, mostly just cuz she has good vibes.

library_music Playlist Analysis
chat Incorrect Quotes
Incorrect Quotes

Sarah: You’re so cute when you’re angry

Sarah: Keep an eye on Jack today. CJ said he’s going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Chloe: Sure, I’d love to see Jack get punched.
Sarah: Try again.
Chloe: I will stop Jack from getting punched.

Lucas: Tale as old as time, meme as old as rhyme, beauty and the y e e t
Simon: What-
Sarah: Don't. Questioning it only encourages him.

CJ: Y’all, where the fuck is the peanut butter?
Sarah: Language, Cas, could you say it a little nicer?
CJ: May I ascertain the whereabouts of the fucking peanut butter?

Simon: My boyfriend is too tall to kiss.
Asia: Punch him in the stomach then when he leans over in pain, kiss him.
Lucas: Tackle him.
Chloe: Dump him.
Sarah: Kick him in the shin.

Simon: it’s kinda cold
Dean, handing them his flannel: here
Henry: it’s kinda cold
Sarah: It’s kinda cold
Chloe: Do you want me to set you on fire?

Marie: So lemme get this straight
Sarah: more like let me run this bi you
CJ: Let’s just see how this pans out
Ava: Let’s ace-ess the situation
Simon: In fluid motions
Peter: I’m gay
Jack: unintelligible screaming

Sarah: Where are you going?
Chloe: To get ice cream or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.

Chloe: If Pinocchio said “my nose will grow right now”, what would happen?
Sarah: The word “nun” is just the letter n doing a cartwheel
Lucas: Surgery is just stabbing someone into life instead of death
Simon: If you sweat in a sweater, aren’t you the sweater?
CJ: If you wear cowboy clothes, are you ranch dressing?
Dean: I hate all of you

Sarah: I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You are grounded.
Simon: What if the Legion’s out again?
Sarah: Fine. Other than that. And no laptop.
Simon: My laptop’s broken.
Sarah: Then I’ll take your phone.
Simon: I might need my phone if the Legion captures me.
Sarah: Then no...uh…
Sarah: glances at Dean No Dean.
Simon: What? No Dean?
Sarah: NO DEAN!

Sarah: You know what I need?
Simon: To be accepted
Chloe: To be listened too
CJ: To be allowed to be sad
Sarah: …
Sarah: I was gonna say a back massage and maybe a nap. Are you guys ok?

Chloe: I just slept for 8 hours straight
Chloe: And 2 hours gay
Sarah: That’s not how sleep works

Simon: You were hurt, what do you remember?
Dean: Just the ambulance ride.
Simon: We didn’t take an ambulance, Sarah drove us.
Dean: But I heard a siren.
Sarah: That was Cas.
CJ: I was panICKING.

Simon: Going to Plan B?
CJ: Technically, that would be Plan G.
Sarah: How many plans do we have? Is there like, Plan M?
Dean: Yeah, but Lucas dies in Plan M.
CJ: I like Plan M.

Simon: CJ has zero self preservation or survival skills. Sometimes I think they were just born without them.
Sarah: I’m sure that’s not true everyone ha-
Simon: Watch this. Hey Casper I’ll race you downstairs!
CJ: jumps out a two story window

Sarah: Wow, you all were well behaved tonight.
Sarah: Really well behaved.
Sarah: REMARKABLY well behaved.
Sarah: What did you do and how hard will it be to fix it?

Sarah: Where’s Chloe?
CJ: Doing stuff.
Sarah: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Dean?
CJ: Trying to stop Chloe from doing the stuff.
Sarah: Simon?
CJ: Trying to stop Dean from stopping Chloe from doing the stuff.
Sarah: I see. And what are you doing here?
CJ: I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Simon from stopping Dean from stopping Chloe from doing the stuff.

Sarah: Goodbye Simon!
Sarah: And goodbye Simon’s-boyfriend
Simon: She knows your name I swear

Dean: about Charlie this is my brother twice removed
Sarah: that’s not how that-
Dean: because I’ve tried to get rid of him twice AND YET HERE HE IS

Dean: You guys got kicked out of the movies!? What for?
Sarah: Chloe kept yelling diving scores during the titanic when the people jumped off the boat
Chloe: That last guy had a solid 8 lemme tell you

CJ: Are you awake?
Simon: Yeah what’s up
Asia: You guys! Shhh!
Simon: What is the meaning of life
Chloe: Dude shut up!
Sarah: Quiet guys my mums gonna hear us!
Xavier: from the shadows you kids wanna buy some drugs?

Sarah: If someone took Simon what would you do?
Dean: Murder.
Dean: I’d murder them all.

(seeing a snake)
Lucas: What a beautiful snek
Dean: What
Lucas: So smooth. the cutest snek
Dean: snake?
Lucas: Snek
Dean: Snake
Lucas: snek.
Dean: SNAKE! Grabs Sarah and points at it
Sarah: Oh look a snek

Sarah: slams fist on table
Sarah: Ow

Simon, pointing at Dean: dis a hunter
Simon, pointing at Sarah: dis a friendo
Simon, pointing at CJ: dis a lovely
Simon, pointing at Henry: dis a fabulous
Simon, pointing at themself: disappointment

Things That Simon and/or Sarah Have Said As The Team Parents
- “Stop drawing on Lucas’s face in sharpie. If you’re going to do it, at least do it with something that’ll wash off easier.”
- “How the hell did you two spend $1000 at McDonalds in one visit?”
- “No I will not let you start an IV full of coffee just to see if you will survive, drink it like a normal person.”
- “Where did you find a box of cereal that big?”
- “Complain about one more thing, and I’m sending you to boarding school...I don’t care that you’re 27, I’ll find a way.”

Chloe: You love me, right?
Sarah: Normally I’d say yes, without hesitation, but I feel like this is heading somewhere.
Sarah: And I’m not sure I like where.
Chloe: Okay because I’m about to test that.

Sarah: You know that could kill you right?
Cj: high as a kite that’s the point
Simon and Dean: Drunk as fuck we’re trying to speed things up
Henry: eating raw cookie dough and nodding

Sarah: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha voca do”, how are you feeling?
Lucas: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Simon?
Simon: Probably “road work ahead”.
Dean: I can exorcize demons, but I can’t understand this.

Chloe: On how many legs do mice walk?
Sarah: Four?
Chloe: Good, but which mouse walks on two legs?
Sarah: How am I supposed to know?
Chloe: Mickey Mouse. Now, what duck walks on two legs?
Sarah: Donald Duck.
Chloe: wrONG, All ducks walk on two legs, you uncultured lettuce.

Simon: I just got a new notebook, but I don’t know what to do with it. I am now taking suggestions.
Lucas: Put spaghetti in it.
Simon: I am now taking suggestions from everyone except Lucas.
Chloe: Put spaghetti in it.
Simon: I am now taking suggestions from everyone except the two of you.
Sarah: Put spaghetti in it.
Simon: I am no longer taking suggestions.

Simon: coughs
Sarah: don't die
Simon: Don’t tell me what to do

Chloe: If I cut off my leg and swing it at your head, am I hitting you or kicking you?
Sarah: You’ll probably end up mentally scarring me more than anything.

CJ: Listen...the day you came to us was the happiest day of our lives.
Logan: You guys know I’m not actually your child, right?
Simon: What? That’s a horrible thing to say.
Logan: The truth?
CJ: Just because you’re adopted doesn’t mean you’re anything less than a son to us.
Logan: You didn’t adopt me. We met a few weeks ago. I’m 24 years old.
Sarah: Logan, don’t talk to your parent like that.

Sarah: sees Dean and Simon holding hands So who finally confessed?
Dean: With a proud smile It was me. I made sure it was short and sweet.
Simon: You yelled, “Listen here you little shit I have feelings for you and it’s about time you acknowledge them.”
Sarah: ...
Simon: From the roof
Dean: It worked though

Sarah: I’m the most responsible person you’ll ever meet
Peter: You left me at the grocery store
Sarah: That was on purpose

Henry: I have never thought about any decision I’ve ever made
Sarah: Everything adds up now

Sarah, looking at Jack: I suppose I owe you some kind of an apology
Sarah: walks away

Sarah and Chloe in bed for the first time
Chloe: You nervous?
Sarah: Yeah
Chloe: Is this your first time?
Sarah: No I’ve been nervous loads of times

Simon: What do we say when we think like this?
Sarah: More espresso less depresso

Sarah: You promised you wouldn’t get me bees again
Chloe, from a distance: Just open it

Sarah: Chloe are you going to eat all those kit-kats?
Chloe, holding 28 packs of king sized kit-kats: No of course not. These are for everyone
Sarah in a narrator's voice: They’re lying

Sarah: Do you want the last muffin
Chloe: yeah
Sarah: Do you want the last muffin
Chloe: Yes
Sarah: Do you want the last muffin
Chloe: Yes!
Sarah: Will you go on a date with me?
Chloe, frustrated: YES!
Chloe as realization hits: Wait

Sarah: What state do you live in?
Simon: Constant anxiety
CJ: Denial
Henry: Perfection
Julianna: New York!

Chloe: A knife!
Sarah: NO!

Simon: Permission to punch him in the face
Sarah, glaring at Peter: Permission denied, reluctantly

Dean: Sarah can you pass the pepper?
Sarah: What’s the magic word?
Dean: starts chanting in Latin

Sarah: Supersuit? Check.
Simon: mask? Check.
CJ: Claws? Check.
Dean: bullets? Check.
Asia: I am? Asia.
Lucas: Hotel? Trivago.

Logan: Why are there tides?
Mom Sarah: The moon is trying to steal our water but it’s very bad at it.

Dean: I prevented a murder today
Sarah: Really? That’s amazing! How did you do it?
Dean: Self control

Sarah: I don’t get paid enough for this…
Lucas: For what?
Sarah: gestures to everything

Lucas: Hey guys guess what I got!
Simon: A girlfriend?
Chloe: A real job?
Sarah: A friend your age?
Lucas: Nope!

Dean: Sarah why is there a big carrot in the bag of baby carrots.
Sarah: They needed adult supervision

Lucas: Fuck, I wanna die
Sarah: Lucas, language
Lucas: Heckity heck, I crave death.

Sarah: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
Chloe: It would be nice to get my sense of purpose back.
Dean: Oh wow! My childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Logan: My will to live! I can’t even remember when I last had this.
Lucas: I knew I lost my potential somewhere!
Simon: Mental stability, my old friend!
Henry: Guys, could you lighten up a little?

Sarah when the League first started: For self-defense purposes, I’m gonna pretend to be a villain, and you guys have to act wisely.
Simon: Okay.
Chloe: Sure.
Sarah: If you want to live, give me your money!
Simon: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Chloe: Bold of you to assume I want to live.

CJ: I am gonna say it. Public school is kind of a letdown.
Dean: Not a fan of the classes?
Chloe: Homework got you down?
Sarah: The early wake-up?
CJ: The lack of spontaneous singing and dancing.
Dean, Chloe, and Sarah: …
Henry and Simon: I know, right?!

Sarah: I bet you have a crush on Dean
Simon: Ha the only crush I have is crushing anxiety
Simon: ...and on Dean

Chloe: We’re out of eggs again!
Sarah: It’s okay, there’s cereal
Chloe: throwing Cheerios at the Legion base This sucks.

Sarah: You three. Explain.
Simon: It was Dean.
Chloe: It was Dean.
Dean: It was Dean.
Dean: Dammit.

at Simon and Dean’s wedding
Sarah: If anyone has a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.
CJ: bursts through the double doors I’m in love with Simon!
Henry: slides in through fire exit I’m in love with Dean!
Lucas: sprints in through the room behind the altar I never signed the divorce papers! I’m still married to Simon!
Chloe: yeets in through window Freeze! You’re all under arrest!
Becky: shouts casually from the congregation That suit is too hideous to get married in.
Simon: presses palms together, fingertips to lips First off: Becky, fuck you.

Sarah: What did you do?
Chloe: I didn’t do anything! I just walked in.
Sarah: Bullshit. You’ve got that look in your eyes. You did something.
Chloe: No I didn’t!
Sarah: ...
Chloe: ...
Sarah: ...
Chloe: ...Look it wasn’t even that big of a deal-
Sarah: What. Did. You. DO.

Sarah: I was gone for five minutes, and you’ve already knocked someone out, and you didn’t even try to stop them! Are either of you going to explain yourselves?!
Simon: ...To be fair, they were genuinely a shitty person.
Chloe: Incredibly shitty.

Simon: Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck!
Sarah: Very eloquent addition, thank you.

Sarah: I hope you two have an explanation for this.
Simon: Actually, we have three.
CJ: Pick your favorite.

Simon, a gen Z kid, in a casual conversation: Yeah, I saw Chloe beat the shit out of someone. What a mood. We stan a king. My wig has been snatched. They just yeeted him.
Dean, a frustrated millennial who is coping with the fact that his sense of nihilism has been matched: What does that even mean?
Sarah, trying to connect with the youths: That means that Chloe has big dick energy

Sarah: Good job
Lucas: You’’re giving me a sticker
Sarah: Not any sticker. A sticker that says ‘Me-wow”
Lucas: I’m not a child, Sarah
Sarah: Fine i'll take it back-
Lucas: No back off I earned this

Jack: Marie’s death wasn’t natural
CJ: Where are you going with this?
Dean: Isn’t it obvious, Cas? He thinks one of us killed her.
CJ: You do!
Jack: No-
Sarah: How could you think that?
Jack: Guys come on
Simon: Great job Jack. Way to lead. Leaves
Jack: That’s not what I‘m-
CJ: You’re crazy. You’re crazy man
Jack: I’m not finished
CJ: Sorry I’m just gonna go murder Lucas be right back Leaves
Jack: I didn’t. Sarah-
Sarah: Leaves
Jack: Well...that went well

Sarah: Can I get a waffle?
Dean and Henry: beating each other up
Sarah: Can I please get a waffle?

Sarah: Why would I hate you though. You’re great
Samantha: I stabbed you
Sarah: yeah but that was a while ago

Dean: I taught Simon how to fly a helicopter when we first started dating in case the world goes to shit and we need to fly away
Sarah: Why didn’t you learn how to fly a helicopter?
Dean: I’m in charge of weapons and ammo

Chloe: What’s the scariest thing you can think of?
Sarah: The people I love getting hurt!
Simon: Being a burden and annoying the people I love.
Dean: Eventually not being able to do what I love.
Lucas: The sun’s inevitable explosion happening sooner than expected.
Noah: Geese.
Everyone: What!? Why!?
Noah: Because those little fuckers will fight and I can barely open a pickle jar. They will end up killing me.

Chloe: Can I go ride my skateboard outside?
Sarah: Whatever, I’m not your mom.
Chloe: yeets off on skateboard

Sarah: What’s the hardest thing to say?
Simon: I was wrong.
Dean: I need help.
Lucas: I’m sorry.
CJ: No.
Noah: Worcestershire sauce.

Lucas: You’re coming with me? No offense, Sarah, but I don’t need backup.
Sarah: I’m not backup, I’m babysitting.

Sarah: Who hurt you?
Logan: Do you want a list or what?
Sarah: Actually yes

Sarah: Hello?
Lucas: It’s Lucas

Sarah: what he do this time
Lucas: no it’s me, Lucas
Sarah: ...what did you do this time

CJ and Asia: sneaking a life size cardboard cutout of a angel dust from Hazbin Hotel into the base
Sarah: What’cha got there?
Asia: …..a smoothie

Sarah: Guys, you don’t have the capability to be serious for a solid minute.
Lucas: Of course we can!
Simon: from the other room SOME-

Sarah: CJ, I don’t know what's so interesting on your phone but this is an important briefing and you need to concentrate.
Adam, the one whos been sending CJ memes nonstop throughout the whole meeting: Yeah, Cas grow up

Dean: If you found out you only had one day left to live, what would you do with it?
Sarah: Say goodbye and mend my relationships.
CJ: Something illegal.
Lucas: Accept my fate.
Simon: I would message ten people saying that if they didn’t forward the message to ten other people, I would die tomorrow.
Dean: What?
CJ: That’s freaking awesome. Can I change my answer?

Sarah: I hope you’re not doing anything foolish guys
CJ, about to throw a shuriken at Henry who has an apple on his head:
CJ: I hope you’re not hoping too hard

Sarah: Your ridiculous family might be surprised to find that not everything is solved by murder.
Madeline: Oh, we WOULD be surprised.

Sarah: I’ a loss for words
Lucas: Despite being at a loss for words, Sarah yelled at me for the next forty five minutes

Simon: using he/him pronouns for the day
Sarah: Today’s a Son day huh?
Simon: Yeah
Sarah: Huh I thought today was a Saturday not a Sunday

Sarah: It’s unhealthy to eat cake after 7pm
CJ, eating cake at 3am: Well fortunately, time is an illusion

Sarah: I have never taken the high road. But I tell other people to ‘cause then there’s more room for me on the low road.

Sarah: Screw you Goog—am I allowed to say screw?
Chloe: Yeah.
Sarah: Okay. Screw you Google!

Sarah: Cas hasn’t been answering their phone all morning
Adam: let me try
Sarah: we’ve been trying all morning what makes—
Cj, on the phone: hey, whats up?

Sarah: You should always say “please” and “thank you”.
Chloe, to Peter: Please shut the fuck up. Thank you.
Sarah: Not really what I had in mind, but you can’t deny progress.

Sarah: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Cj: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Henry: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Simon: edible

Sarah: Go to sleep or you'll hate yourself in the morning!
Chloe: I'll hate myself in the morning regardless.

Sarah: Morning Si, want a coffee?
Simon: I'm good. I'm still fading in and out of existence from drinking twelve Red Bulls last night.
Sarah: Why would you do something like that?
Simon: To feel something.
Simon: Anyway—

Sarah: Shoutout to everyone who got through the day without taking a nap.
Sarah: I pulled an all dayer today. Pretty rough.

Sarah, tweeting: Alright I reflected on the self. I’m 100% sure the beasts are the issue here.
Simon, responding: Hell yeah bro. Time for top surgery.
Simon, a few days and multiple retweets later: sorry thunder. I see now you said beasts. Like, the animal. Not breasts. The word for boobs. Did not mean to threaten you.
Cj, responding: This is so fucking funny.

Sarah: vomits up a dinosaur-shaped sponge alright who switched out my pills
Chloe: is not comforted by a relaxing spongy weight in their stomach where are my fucking dinosaurs

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Piercings/Tattoos link mentioned Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Other names link mentioned Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Parents link linked Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Sarah Valerie Gordon

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Sarah Valerie Gordon

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