info Overview
Name - What is Human named?


Description - How would you describe Human's people?

A Human is just that: the ordinary, everyday people of Earth we all know. They inhabit almost every corner of the globe. They have no special powers or abilities, no magic… just their humanity.

face Physiology
grade Magic System
date_range Age & Development
Magic Access

There is an international statute of secrecy to keep humanity as a whole from discovering the supernatural underground that shares their world. All supernaturals are required to keep this secret to the best of their abilities. Those who blatantly reveal themselves or attempt to reveal the secret to humanity at large are quickly eliminated.

However, the Supernatural Underground at large recognizes it is impossible to keep ALL Humans in the dark. Humanity is vital to supernatural survival and often supernaturals prize humans in different ways. Sometimes a Human must become 'aware' and told of the secret.

The responsibility of the secret falls to both the Supernatural that reveals it and the Human who learns of it. The aware Human becomes as bound by the Statute as the Supernaturals are. The same penalty of Death applies to them and all those around them who might learn as a result of their knowledge.

For the most part, the Statute allows individuals, families, and groups of supernaturals to handle the secrecy between their own. The penalty of elimination and death applies to all. The Council will not step in unless things are deemed to be 'out of hand'. Where that line is drawn is unknown, so most do whatever they can not to draw the Council's attention.

Turning a Human

A Human has the unique trait of being completely devoid of magic. Humans are a blank, clean slate for magic to work itself on. As a result, a Human can be turned into any supernatural species present in the story.

This change is permanent: once the Human becomes a supernatural there is no turning back. They can't ever go back to being Human, and they can't ever become a different kind of supernatural once the magic has taken hold.

The other caveat to this is that a Supernatural can never be turned into a Human. They can lose or be locked away from their magic, but they won't be considered a Human.

To see how to turn a Human into a Supernatural, please read the respective species doc for the supernatural you're interested in.

groups Culture

Humans can have children with the following species besides themselves:

The child of a Human and another species will always be the species of one of the parents.

Example: The child of a Human and a Mage will either be a Human or a Mage. There is no such thing as a 'hybrid' species.

Other Species Relations

There are FAR more humans in the world than supernaturals. In a world of seven billion people, only around 700 million or less can be considered supernatural. Humans make up 90% of the population on Earth.

As a result, the magical creatures that also inhabit the world, and the existence of the world's magic in general, are a complete global secret from the Humans. Humanity has more than enough numbers and firepower to eradicate the supernatural even with no magic or abilities, and so the supernatural world fears the day that Humans discover their secret.

Hunting & Humans

Humans who discover the supernatural secret, no matter the reason, are bound by the global secret as much as a supernatural is. Most Humans who discover the secret are better off keeping their mouths shut and pretending they have no idea.

It is not uncommon or unusual for supernaturals to eradicate humans who attempt to reveal the secret, and sometimes even if they only discover it. Whether by turning them, killing them, or passing off their knowledge as insanity or conspiracy. This usually happens to Humans who have no form of protection through things like family, or a friendly supernatural who has taken them in.

Between the global secret and hunting those who figure it out, the idea of Human "Supernatural Hunters" has yet to really exist in modern society. Humans don't have a lot of defenses against supernaturals and most Hunters are killed or turned before they can do much damage.

This hasn't stopped various Humans from trying, and supernaturals hunt their own all the time.

edit Notes

This race was created by Luna Mora on

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