info Overview
Name - What is Kaden McCoy’s full name?

Kaden McCoy



Age - How old is Kaden McCoy?




Occupation - What is Kaden McCoy’s occupation?




Birthday - When is Kaden McCoy’s birthday?

June 9

Played By:

Shawn Mendes

face Looks
Height - How tall is Kaden McCoy?

5'8" // 172 cm

Eye Color - What is Kaden McCoy’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Kaden McCoy’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Kaden McCoy style their hair?

Kaden has the kind of dishevelled curls that look like they were styled like that on purpose (“It was not, I swear”).


A sparrow on his right hand, a guitar on his right arm and a butterfly on his left arm.


Kaden’s style is very casual - or at least it generally seems so. While he never dresses in anything crazy or expensive, in fact buys a lot of his clothes secondhand, he does pick it out carefully, though it’s often put together at random. Dark and/or a little ripped jeans, t-shirts or button-ups and usually a hoodie. He has a handful of sneakers that are more or less equally beat up.

Identifying Marks/Scars

The only significant one is on his right cheek, which he got from a very dramatic fall as a child. Lots of blood, hospital, stitches, bad stuff. Didn’t teach him to stop climbing trees (he’s learnt since). When asked about it, he will most often give a story that is very obviously made up on the spot.

fingerprint Personality
Personality Overview

Kaden has always had a positive outlook on life - at least on his own life. Even when stressed or struggling, he is convinced that everything will work out in the end. And if it doesn’t? Then it wasn’t meant to happen. That is not to say he’s the kind of guy who believes everything happens for a reason, and he certainly doesn’t believe in faith, but if something goes wrong, then something better will come along eventually.

He has often been described by friends as a ray of sunshine, and one of his favourite things is making other people happy. Often Kaden will go to great lengths to achieve this, and has a tendency to put everyone else before himself. He’s also very protective of his friends, and while he won’t fight you (he’s weak and very non-violent), he has been known to pose as a boyfriend or flirt of his female friends.

Kaden is the kind of person you know you can confide in, even without knowing him very well. He’s down to earth, honest and straightforward. When it’s said that Kaden is honest, it’s not to the extreme where he just blurts out anything on his mind, but he does have a lot of trouble lying. It causes him almost physical pain, and he believes he couldn’t tell a lie to save his life. He gives off this vibe that you could tell him anything and it would be okay - and for by far most of the time that’s true.

Despite his optimism and his general sunny disposition, Kaden suffers from anxiety and has some pretty severe panic attacks. Due to an intolerance, he isn't medicated - instead he uses songwriting and the music in general as an escape, and perhaps this is why he has thrown himself so deeply into it and has allowed his passion to take up such a big part of his life. Kaden has been writing song lyrics since his early teens, has been playing guitar and piano for much longer, and has been singing since he could talk. It’s such an ingrained part of his life he wouldn’t know how to do without.

Kaden has a very open and forgiving nature, perhaps sometimes too much so for his own good, and it boils down to the fact that he’s terrified of doing something that will make those he cares about dislike him or even turn on him. He also doesn’t know how to hold a grudge, it might be entirely impossible for him. It doesn’t mean that he never stands up for himself and the things he believes in, however.

What Kaden’s youthful self lacks in experience, he makes up for in personality. His life has been very much led in one direction, and there haven’t been any life-altering ups or downs, nor a lot of failures or successes outside of his own control, which can make him come off as both naive and innocent, but in turn he has a deep-rooted, undeniable kindness toward anyone he meets, and a determination to see good in almost everyone. You have to do something really vile for him to hate you, and likewise it takes a lot to burst his bubble of positivity.


Reliable, ambitious, positive


Anxiety, fear of rejection, perhaps a tiny bit naive



Friends & Enemies

Kaden is a very social person and he loves making new friends and going to parties and concerts and whatnot. He's easy to talk to and generally just easy to be around, with no high expectations for anyone, other than being a somewhat decent person. He's lived in Snow Haven his entire life, so there's plenty of opportunities. He is, for now, an unaware human, and will stay like that for the time being.

all_inclusive Characterization
Favorite possession - What is Kaden McCoy’s favorite possession?
Occupation - What is Kaden McCoy’s occupation?


groups Relationships
Family Overview

Mother: Joan McCoy
Father: Kevin McCoy
Adopted sister/cousin: Anaya McCoy

Lovers/Love Interests

date_range History
Birthday - When is Kaden McCoy’s birthday?

June 9


Snow Haven, Alaska

Current Residence

Snow Haven, Alaska

Detailed History

Born and raised in Snow Haven, Kaden grew up in a home where, while not exactly wealthy, he never wanted for anything. In exchange he had to live up to his parents’ expectation, get a good education so he could earn enough to provide for a family. Okay, so his parents are a couple of traditionalists, but it wasn’t a bad deal.

His interest in music started very early on, and his passion was seen as something positive until he, at fourteen, announced for the first time that he wanted to become a musician. Not a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer. A musician.

Kaden was just shy of his fifteenth birthday when his aunt died in a plane crash. His uncle had passed away when he was still too young to remember, and so his parents adopted their 12 year old niece, Anaya. Kaden and Anaya had practically grown up together anyway, so looking away from the fact that the family had now lost a mother, a sister, an aunt… well, it could have been a lot worse.

At seventeen, Kaden came out of the closet, at least officially. To those who knew him, this came as no surprise, and while his parents were ever supportive, it went against their dreams of grandchildren and a big, traditional family.

Kaden has been in several bands, all ones that resolved before they amounted to anything. A year ago, he and his best friend formed their current band, BLAND, which is slowly starting to actually sound decent.

Instead of going to college, he has decided to focus on his music (even though not all of the band members share his enthusiasm), which resulted in a bit of a… disagreement with his parents. But Kaden was raised to believe that you can do anything if you want it enough, and work hard enough. He might have interpreted it differently than what his parents meant by it, but he’s sticking to it, convinced everything will work itself out in the end.

To have enough (or what he considers enough) time for his music, Kaden works as little as absolutely possible, and doesn’t keep a steady job. He makes only enough to pay his rent, and often goes a little too long without eating properly. His parents don’t know exactly how his living situation is, or they’d physically haul him home in an instant.

ac_unit Magic Info
Awareness Overview

Fully aware, told by Xerxes O'Grady

edit Notes
Kaden McCoy appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Lovers/Love Interests link linked Kaden McCoy

This character was created by Sally on

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