forum rating your characters averagely because I'm bored (thank you for participating!)
Started by @tomat brightness_7

people_alt 83 followers

@tomat brightness_7

Can you do my boi Theo?

Theo, Theo, Theo it's your turn, my boy! it's my first time seeing him so it'll surely be fun to rate him! (or whatever I'm doing right now. I get a feeling that I'm not rating characters anymore, just saying whatever comes into my mind and giving random numbers)

Overview - 80/100
is Theo his full name? is it a diminutive from Theodore or Theophilus or Theomartinusius? and does he have a surname?

Looks - 72/100
maybe you could describe his tattoo better? what does it represent, what is its meaning?
there isn't really that much to read, so I have not that much to comment.

Clothes - 78/100
erase that question mark! don't hesitate to write the truth! if you aren't sure what to write in a given field or if you think you'll change it in the future, just write anything that suits your character the best at the moment. you can always change that later. but don't show anyone that you are uncertain about something that you have full control over. don't be afraid to make mistakes, because this is why we're living in the first place.

Nature - 64/100
I'm sure that he has more flaws somewhere deep inside him
one of his hobbies is "making things", but what kind of things? paintings? origami? ships? rockets? governments?
I think that "none" in the "condition" field isn't a good description. how does it feel like to have no condition?

Social - 78/100
"probably"! same as the question mark!
ooh, Purple Rose sounds so adventurous
meat-lovers unite!
is there a story behind his scarf?

History - if it's still WIP, I won't rate it. you started pretty good, though, so keep going!

I assume that Theo is your new character, because he's quite underdeveloped. but that, of course, is okay, as long as you plan to work on him more! I see great potential in him. find some time in a day, an hour maybe, and have a deep conversation with him. I'm sure that you'll be able to create a wonderful, believable character. as for the universe itself, the idea of a sea adventure is really interesting, and the other characters' names sound professional. I hope that you'll tell me more about this story ^-^
average - 74/100

Theo is:
74% likely to be my friend
58% likely to by my lover
96% likely to be my party member
51% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

Gonna start off with my boi Jay

we meet again, Jay Hunter. let's see how you've changed since our last encounter.

Overview - 80/100
nothing new here. but I always wanted to know what Huntsmammals and The Crusaders are exactly.

Looks - 63/100
I know that a description of an animal doesn't need to have many details, but in my opinion you could write more about him, as he's your MC. his height and weight, and maybe about his fur's texture, length. there's plenty of features that can be described to make Jay more real.

Nature - 58/100
hmm, who's Clawe?
I like his motivations. bonus points for that that they change throughout the story.
I see that this section isn't fully finished. I hope you'll have some time and inspiration to write about him more, about his strengths, weaknesses, fears. more flaws would be welcome, too.

Social - 49/100
there also isn't much about him here. maybe you could describe his favorites, and add more ones. In this section I like to write for my characters their opinion of people, ideal type and overall worldview, stuff like that. maybe you could also write about his relationship with his friends?

History - 89/100
his history is well-written (and sad). I think you don't need to add anything strictly related to him, but I want to know more about Team Ceartais. it appeared for a second and disappeared as quickly.
the 'interdimensional rift' part sounds like "oh it's raining superpowers, guess I'm a vigilante now", and when I thought about it, it gave me quite a laugh. maybe you could also write about how people reacted to the event itself, because I doubt that such a big thing can be just shrugged off.

Powers - 98/100
that's all understandable, but I was just wondering, if his fangs grow bigger, can he close his mouth without any trouble?

Voice - 100/100
I admire anyone who does voice claims. like, how do you get the time. how do you find the person. do you search or just hear some song in a distance and go "WAIT WAIT. THAT'S HIM. THAT'S HIM, WHO'S THE SINGER?". h o w
from these people I only know K. Silverstein's voice, and I'd say that it really would suit him.

yes, Jay has the possibility be an exemplary character. he really needs more development in his "Nature" section, and I'm sure that you'll describe him well, since you already nailed his backstory. I'm once again giving words of recognition for his voice claims, and I hope to see Jay's page with more descriptions in the future.
average - 77/100

Jay is:
46% likely to be my friend
21% likely to by my lover
89% likely to be my party member
76% likely to be my enemy


we meet again, Jay Hunter. let's see how you've changed since our last encounter.

…oh yeah, i've showed him to you before .v.;

nothing new here. but I always wanted to know what Huntsmammals and The Crusaders are exactly.

There are no "Huntsmammals" in plural; that's his vigilante identity's name (whether or not he gets it from the news/press, I haven't fully decided). And it's "Huntsmammal" because in the setting, "-mammal" is used as a suffix instead of "-man" (Cuz it's Zootopia so there are no humans, only mammals)
As for the Crusaders they're a superhero team formed by my other mc Min after that event that caused people to gain superpowers, one of those people being her best friend Alyx. (Min also recruits two other powereds that are from the first incident; Jay and Alyx get their powers from the second, which happens about 6 months after the first)
The team eventually catches Huntsy, then recruits him, forcing him to not do any no-no stuff

hmm, who's Clawe?
I like his motivations. bonus points for that that they change throughout the story.
I see that this section isn't fully finished. I hope you'll have some time and inspiration to write about him more, about his strengths, weaknesses, fears. more flaws would be welcome, too.

  • Mob boss of whom initially a couple of his underlings are killed by the Huntsmammal, which sparks a vendetta
  • Hooray for character development :D
  • 🤔 Ok

but I want to know more about Team Ceartais. it appeared for a second and disappeared as quickly.

They're not mine, that's for sure ·v·;; They mostly belong to the writer of the Take a Stand series, which I'm spinoff-ing
They formed after a rise in crime rate following an earthquake+tsunami that wrecked Zootopia

if his fangs grow bigger, can he close his mouth without any trouble?

………….idk >_>;; I didn't think about that

I admire anyone who does voice claims. like, how do you get the time. how do you find the person. do you search or just hear some song in a distance and go "WAIT WAIT. THAT'S HIM. THAT'S HIM, WHO'S THE SINGER?". h o w

Eh I just grab potential VAs from the stuff I've seen so far

from these people I only know K. Silverstein's voice, and I'd say that it really would suit him.

Here's Q. Flynn (1, 2) and Chris Evans

yes, Jay has the possibility be an exemplary character. he really needs more development in his "Nature" section, and I'm sure that you'll describe him well, since you already nailed his backstory. I'm once again giving words of recognition for his voice claims, and I hope to see Jay's page with more descriptions in the future.
average - 77/100

Jay is:
46% likely to be my friend
21% likely to by my lover
89% likely to be my party member
76% likely to be my enemy

Thanks! 👌

@tomat brightness_7

My apologies, I’m not completely familiar with how to link things in text, so I’ll just give you the link: Shade

Shade’s a bit different than all of the previous ones here, since she’s actually an animal character rather than a human — the orizore are a highly intelligent mountainous species on the planet Reesflon capable of rational thought and sentience. They have fur and wings and are usually black or a shade of gray, with brightly colored purple or red stripes, since their prey can only see in the yellow/blue spectrum. They usually have one horn, maybe two aligned vertically, which they use to spear their prey since they would hurt their paws if they used those. The orizore have thick skulls to compensate for head damage and long tails and strong hind legs to compensate for this extra weight. (Orizore don’t have last names, since they don’t really have technology or anything like that. They’re a simple people.)

Also, she’s primarily used in roleplays, so her profile is missing details on purpose to prevent my friends (who have accounts on here and read my stuff) from seeing spoilers. I assure you, she has some really interesting things in her Private Notes.

thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind! now, let's get to the rating

Overview - 95/100
what's Kekeron? sounds spiky
nothing to comment on here, I'm going further

Looks - 97/100
💜she smol💜
Captured? I hope that you'll explain what does it mean later.
I want to immerge into her fur so badly (even though I physically wouldn't be able to)
flower crowns I am in love
ok so Kekeron's nothing good I assume
photosynthesis? that was unexpected
what is psycho-empathy?

Nature - 92/100
she is too pure, protect her at all costs
insert that one meme with a red shirt guy saying why are you so cute
her name is Shade and she has an uncle named Dark, that's adorable! does she have any more relatives?
if she can fly well for an orizore her age, what is the average age at which orizore can fly as well?
is Sky a name or did you mean sky as the blue thing floating threateningly above us
can I adopt her
there's good balance in her "Nature" section, you've written her well, so be proud!

History - 84/100
"pulled out of Kekeron into a portal of fire by a strange lion." wow that's a roller coaster
an orphan hero… what a miserable world we live in.
lions and fedoras. I sense an interesting case.
alright then keep your secrets
oh so Captured is a roleplay. now everything's clear

Social - 76/100
I like those simple names!
I don't think that this Kekeron collar should be mentioned in her favorite possesion, just write that she doesn't have one
chooi birds sound very chonky, I want to see them

Family - 80/100
I wonder if her parents also had darkness-related names
I may or may not check out Sound's page. that depends on my time. I'll write it down to remember

Shade is such a cute and innocent character, I love her with all my heart! if she's so well-described in her public fields, I can't imagine what developments you've got in her private notes! I hope that by roleplaying with her more, you'll se her grow and bloom like a beautiful flower.
average - 87/100

Shade is:
89% likely to be my friend
67% likely to by my lover
96% likely to be my party member
54% likely to be my enemy

@Tidermelon group

AAA Thank you so much for your ratings! I’m so happy that you liked her — I was a little worried about that on a site where most of the characters seem to be more humanoid. I’ll try to explain everything that you asked for elaboration on.

Looks - 97/100
💜she smol💜

Can’t go wrong with ✨smol children✨

ok so Kekeron's nothing good I assume
photosynthesis? that was unexpected
what is psycho-empathy?

Yeah, the photosynthesis part is a bit weird, but all of the other Kekeron powers are completely weird as well (to be explained below). It’s not exactly photosynthesis, she just gets power from the sun and can regenerate underneath it, but that’s the best way I could find to describe it.
Psycho-empathy is the sensory of emotions and pain around you. Like, she knows if someone’s sad, or if they’re injured.

Nature - 92/100
she is too pure, protect her at all costs
insert that one meme with a red shirt guy saying why are you so cute

ajdhdhbsdjjs thank

her name is Shade and she has an uncle named Dark, that's adorable! does she have any more relatives?

Yeah! I’m not sure if it showed up on the page or not, but Sound and Ice are her adopted parents, while Frost is her adopted brother. (Dark is Sound’s brother, so he’s her adopted uncle.) As for blood relatives, as written in her backstory her father went missing before she was born, and her mother died, so she was left only with her older brother Blaze.

if she can fly well for an orizore her age, what is the average age at which orizore can fly as well?

I actually haven’t thought that out yet! I’d say that her other flying lesson friends would have reached her level at around five years old, so she was around a year ahead.

is Sky a name or did you mean sky as the blue thing floating threateningly above us

Sky’s a name; she’s a big ol’ cheetah with anger issues who also happens to be the murderous girlfriend of Silent, who is kind of a faux-uncle to her because he’s the best friend of both of her parents.

can I adopt her

Sound and Ice say no, but if you’re willing to fight for her I mean

there's good balance in her "Nature" section, you've written her well, so be proud!

sfhWJSHEKSN thank you so much

History - 84/100
"pulled out of Kekeron into a portal of fire by a strange lion." wow that's a roller coaster
lions and fedoras. I sense an interesting case.

mystery music starts playing

oh so Captured is a roleplay. now everything's clear

Yep! The original studio got deleted and I WILL avenge it, so unfortunately all of the roleplay threads she was in got deleted. (whyyyyyyy. I don’t even know who did it so I can’t take my vengeance ugh.)

Social - 76/100
I like those simple names!

Thank you! Most of my character names are fairly simple, but I do have a couple oddballs like Ikxenspump. I love Ikxenspump.

I don't think that this Kekeron collar should be mentioned in her favorite possesion, just write that she doesn't have one


chooi birds sound very chonky, I want to see them

They’re basically alien mountain chickadees, but yes, they are very chonky. Chonk birbs.

Family - 80/100
I wonder if her parents also had darkness-related names

Probably! I actually haven’t come up with names for them, but one of them is going to be more important later, so I’ll have to get on that. Suggestions are welcome, if you’d like.

Shade is such a cute and innocent character, I love her with all my heart! if she's so well-described in her public fields, I can't imagine what developments you've got in her private notes! I hope that by roleplaying with her more, you'll se her grow and bloom like a beautiful flower.
average - 87/100

This is the most proud I’ve been to get a B, lol. But in other news SJSKSJSJSJSCODS thank you so much aAAAaa I’m so very glad you like her. Most of her private notes are just things like “add __ to her names when Myth is introduced in the roleplay because she calls Shade that” and stuff like that, but there are a couple gems in there.

Shade is:
89% likely to be my friend
67% likely to by my lover
96% likely to be my party member
54% likely to be my enemy

She would love to be your party member! Or your friend. She’d probably enjoy being your enemy, too, since she’s competitive and stuff, but we don’t really want that.

@larcenistarsonist group

Ooooh! Do you think you could do Sparrow?? Sparrow Kingslayer

I'm kinda bored so I'm gonna pick this apart with my feedback I guess XD

Sparrow! I'm so happy to see her again! is she doing well? I just love how many great characters you've created, keep doing your best!

Overview - 70/100
real age unknown? I'm guessing 3,637
doesn't have a surname? hmm, she's getting more and more mysterious.
maybe that's not not related strictly to her, but the name "God Challenger" is superior to any other god related ones

Valid guess my guy, not too far off XD
She doesn't have a surname because she hasn't earned hers yet >:D
akldf;aklj thanks :DD

Looks - 85/100
Immortal! did I guess her age right?
is disappoint in kg and cm
I admire that you broke down all her face features into separate fields on her page. It's easy to read this and it gives a clear picture of her.
overall she's really beautiful. I really want to hug her. can I?

I mean… not really XD Sparrow got turned immortal when she was 16, unfortunently trapping her in an awkward teenage body for eternity. She's been immortal for 20 some odd years.
I'll add those measurements for you, buddy :D
And thank you so much a;dskfja;skldja and yes you can give her a big hug :D

Nature - 90/100
you really did a great job in mannerisms! I've never seen such detailed descriptions before. thanks to them I feel like I know her from real life. keep up the good work.
that's some truly beautiful motivations chef's kiss
sword fighting? why do characters younger than me/my age can fight with such weapons? (tomat, you have a whole race who gives their children first knives when they are 3.) that's wild, right?
the rest is well-written. the King God serves a good mysterious part. is it to late to say that I like your writing style? I hope not

:DD YES! That makes me happy! I really want my characters to be seen as people and not words on a page.
That's our responsibilities as writers, to just give our characters abilities that we've always wanted but sadly could not have
My writing style?? I haven't even put any real story writing on her page yet XD And yes, the King God is the main antagonist in the series so we'll be able to unravel more about them in the near future >:D

Personality - 99/100
I have nothing much to say here, to be honest. the more I read, the more I see her as a real person, not just white words on a gray background. good job, I'll say that again.

a;lksdfjk :DDDDD

Voice - 40/100
I assume that this section isn't finished. I hope you'll fill it as soon as possible!

It'll be done soon! I can let you know when her whole character page is done if you'd like.

Social - 85/100
I'm glad that you added a reason behind her favorite color! some people miss that, even though it's more important that it seems.
I just imagine a small girl walking down the street, holding a literal sword. (tomat, your race.) that would be wild, right?
I'd like to hang out with her in a forest next to my hometown.

Sparrow just loves the forest. The animals, the plants, the trees, breeze, and the sun. She just loves everything about it.
a;dkfja she would love to hang out with you :D

History - 40/100
tell me when you have her background ready to read, and I'll be honored to get to know her more!

I can totally tell you when it's all done! Ooh boy, is her backstory a wild one.

Inventory - 75/100
it's nice that you described her clothing so well. I'd like to see her other outfits, though!

That's the only one at the moment, but I definitely will be adding more in the near future!

Medical - 100/100
bonus points for such a creative section! I'll say it again - everything is well-written, and that's all there is to it!


Quotes - 90/100
you've piqued my interest. give me more.


I assume that other sections aren't fully developed, so I'll refrain from rating these ones. nonetheless, I must admit that Sparrow can be considered a character that's ready to be put in your story! I imagine her fighting with her sword and making a perfect duo with Thaddeus as her teacher, and becoming more and more excellent in what she loves to do. I hope that she fulfills her dreams and becomes a God Killer (hmm… but is it really something that she wants? maybe the act of slaying the King God has unforeseen consequences…)

maybe… >:D

average - 77/100

Sparrow is:
69% likely to be my friend
50% likely to by my lover
98% likely to be my party member
59% likely to be my enemy

Just a;lkdfj;afkdj;akldsjf again, thank you so much for reviewing her :DD

@Personwhowrites group

Discord or $|.?~¥$ have fun

I'll go ahead and answer your questions as well!

Discord. mysterious vibes. I can sense black and dark purple mist around their persona. as I touch it, the haze surrounds me, and takes me into the navy blue ocean's depth.

Overview - 99/100
Puppet Master. that's an interesting role. I imagine them as a god who rules over the world and has everything in their hands
I wonder what system the Aieou language has (it's a language, right?). were the symbols assigned randomly or do they have another meaning behind them?

When I designed the language system, I wanted it to be complicated, but not so complicated that people couldn't decipher it themselves. But yes, I assigned symbols randomly.

Numine Divus sounds even more interesting. what exactly is this? I'd like to see a short explanation (or maybe that's something you don't need to explain yet, that's understandable).

Numine Divus is the name of the race that all the characters in my story are. Basically, they are all created with the purpose to protect certain parts of nature, depending on what type of Numine Divus they are. Like one Numine Divus can protect all trees, and another one can protect all sea creatures. Numine Divus are immortal, meaning they don't age. but they can be killed under….certain circumstances. (You can compare them to the gods from greek and roman mythology as a good example)

the more I read about them the more confused and engaged I am
"Persuasive. Violent. Sarcastic. Sadistic. Smile. Sweet. Sister. Surprise. Service."
caring? that question mark is tingling me

Looks - 95/100
I think I should open a new tab and check how many pounds and feet are kilograms and meters to have some basic idea of how much space these characters occupy
now I know they're smol

yes, very smol

heterochromia, cool!
they have so many colors
what's Malfekete again?

The system designed by the rulers of the Numine Divus is divides each Numine Divus into three sections. Lux, meaning that the certain thing you protect is a positive influence on the world, and therefore you are too. Swirl, which means that the object you protect can be both good and bad, which labels you as neutral. Malfakete means evil. The object you were created to protect is evil and brings no good upon the world, and therefore you are evil too. (If it sounds unfair and convoluted, it's supposed to be)

wings and a horn? they're getting even cooler

wait let me count the wingspan really quick… OH that's big, how do they even move their wing?

I actually shortened it to 10 feet, because I realized how long it was XD

even more colors… they sure are chaos
wow that scar is disturbing

Nature - 83/100
I swear I get more and more confused but I think it's confusing in a good way
oh so caring is a flaw, that's why it had a question mark earlier

is fashion sense a talent?

couldn't think of any other talents for them honestly.

I know that your names here are important, but in some places they could be explained more, especially in 'Alignment'.
those lollipops popped out of nowhere

I like the 'Morals' field a lot. it made me nod with understanding. I'm starting to like Discord.

I'm glad :)

this section is well-written, really, but some places aren't that clear as I said before. you could work on that sometime.

I will do my best, and thank you

Social - 91/100
they're both Malfakete of Corruption and Malfakete of Chaos. I have no idea what's the difference.
oh so the lollipops popped out of here
nice choice of weapons

History - 74/100


I know, I know. But if it makes you feel better, none of them are her biological children. She created them along with the Universe.

that would be nice if you also wrote their history from others' POV. it would be complementary and also the readers will have more knowledge than from a one-sided story

That's my plan atm

Family - 100/100
their 'pets' are mythical monsters, oh my I'm jealous

me too

Notes - 99/100
I love that you are thinking about two endings, that's rare. I enjoy stories in which readers interpret the plot themselves, so bonus points!

Yeah, I'm going to try, but idk if I'll be able to pull it off. Hoping I can

Discord is indeed a mysterious character. they beam with that dark vibe which I admire. their descriptions in some places could be a bit clearer, but if you write only for yourself, it's okay to have some things understandable for you only. as a character, they seem well developed (even though the design is quite chaotic - but I assume that you did this on purpose ^-^). I hope that their story will someday see the outside world!

Yeah, I made them chaotic on purpose, it makes them more fun in my opinion. I want Discord to be incredibly complex and hard to understand, so by the time you truly understand what's going on with them, it's too late.

average - 91/100

Discord is:
43% likely to be my friend
25% likely to by my lover
79% likely to be my party member
71% likely to be my enemy

I don't think I'd get along well with Discord, either.
Thanks for rating them! I liked answering your questions because it helps me develop things too! I hope I answered your questions well enough!

@tomat brightness_7

This right here is my girl Piper

She's one main character of six but I guess you could say she's the leader of the group in a sense? But not really but also kind of, idk it's hard to explain without giving away major story details

I get that you're probably really overwhelmed with everyone else's characters so feel free to leave her for last lol, like oh my god that's a lot-
You're very good at this!

info understood and noted. and also thank you! I didn't think I'd be good at something I intended to do mediocrely °•°

Overview - 75/100
I like the name Piper and I do not know why. I thought that I'll share that with you.
it's good that you stated "at the moment", this means that you are still working on her.

Looks - 73/100
I wonder how important is the fact that she keeps her hair down that it had to be compared to her cousin's hair
sees a question mark okay the sermon begins: I don't want to see any question marks. are you asking me? I don't know this information. you have to tell me this. I won't know this by myself, and if you tell me that you're not sure, I won't be sure, too. I don't like to wander in a thick fog. I want to see things clear. don't show anyone that you are uncertain about something that you have full control over. don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Nature - 38/100
oh. we gotta work on that.
after quick skimming I'll just assume that this section isn't finished, so I'll try to help you develop it more.
firstly, her personality type. I don't think tired is a trait. the best way to uncover a character's personality is to fill some questionnaries. you can find plenty of those on the internet. you can also try talking "face to face" - find some free time in your day. imagine that you are talking with your character. just lead the conversation like you're talking with a friend. you can also imagine them reacting to a certain event, situation, and then take notes of their actions. I'm sure that with some time you'll get what I mean and coming up with characters' personalities won't be a challenge anymore.
question mark senses active
it's harder to come up with adequate conditions, especially mental illnesses and disorders. to determine those, it's best to write down a character's story. do they have any traumas? how were they raised? by whom? have there been any small events that carried a bigger impact in their future? one's backstory tells everything. and if you can't come up with a backstory before you determine the nature of a character, do your best to form it so their traits result from it.
there's more written in the "Mannerisms", so that's better. the only thing that bugs me is the Irish accent, I think it should have been in some other place.
other fields are also underdeveloped, but they have a good start. as I said before, have a conversation with Piper. let her tell you about everything she's been through, and then write it. if you are done, you can always let me know, and I'll check her, if you want.

Social - 78/100
"school" tells too many jobs. if she's a student, write that. "she's a student" tells more precise information.
question mark
I like that you let others know that you are still working on her, that means she's still growing to become the best!

History - 82/100
may all the parents who died in a fire whose children were somehow saved have a decent afterlife.
is it known what caused the fire?
but I want to know who Scarlet is
oh they're that dude who lives in people's heads
wait wait wait where did Grace come from?
I see that you have a rough sketch of her backstory ready. that will allow you to define her personality easier. remember my advices.

from what I've read, I compare Piper to a caterpillar. cute and wiggly, but that's not her true form. she only has to spend some time in her cocoon, answering your questions, and after your conversation, she'll come out as a stunning butterfly, ready to fly and bedeck the flowery meadows. my final words: don't stop working on her and good luck on that!
average - 69/100

Piper is:
56% likely to be my friend
21% likely to by my lover
62% likely to be my party member
39% likely to be my enemy


Hello! If you are still open to do this could you do Otis? His backstory and some relationships is still a work in progress so any and all critiques are good! Lately he has been bordering Mary Sue territory as well so just a heads up for that……if you have any questions I got you

@tomat brightness_7

Okay thank you so much for doing Sparrow for me!!! :D! I'm so glad you love her as much as I do!!

Do you think you could do Thad now?? Thaddeus Godchallenger

Thaddeus the God Challenger. the Teacher. the Man. you better look after Sparrow like she's your own daughter, or else I'll be forced to break into your home and scream out a sermon through my tears and call the police in a polite and good manner

Overview - 85/100
aces, unite!
looks at age MR. THADDEUS.

Looks - 89/100
New Human? what's the difference from a regular human
is now smart and calculates pounds and feet yes, I see more, I see clearer.
m a j e s t i c
"he crash-landed on New Earth." o h
again, I appreciate the separate fields for face features.

Nature - 99/100
like with Sparrow, these mannerisms layouts are perfect
"Take down the King God", you go, Thad, you go. sudden realization MR. THAD
"Hitting random things with his staff" what a fascinating hobby, I'd like to do that too. too bad that I don't have a staff
those clear descriptions, they blow me away

Personality - 89/100
am I favoring your characters? yes, yes I am.
dances giddily Mr. Thad, you old man, I hope you'll see yourself someday as you were once before. you will see a brighter future, for you and for your world. (or not. I've no idea what your creator is planning to do to you.)
my mood is too funny to rate him rationally whoops. why am I so happy today again?

Voice - 78/100
ooh the voice I fear the most. scary.

Social - 88/100
venison… and BLACKBERRIES? I hope he doesn't eat them at once. (tomat, let people enjoy things)
"both the taste and the look of them" ah, the one true love
my stick by bad lip reading starts playing in the background

History - 98/100
the origins of the Godchallenger… MR. Godchallenger
why is the King God so not nice
oh so he got shot to Earth that explains the crash-landing
wait w i N G S !?
and here the story begins. beautiful. I'd read this.

Abilities/powers - 100/100
aaaaahhhh so that's where the wings came from. now I can see, so clear, so undisturbed
I understand the mysteries of our world now, there is so much knowledge in this section. also the fact of him having wings is so cool wobbles in appreciation

Inventory - 73/100
I desire more clothes
I want to learn archery someday

Medical - 97/100
nods with understanding
sight 10? is it connected to his eagle mutation?

People - 75/100

Other - 89/100
big yes

I get a feeling that I raised his ratings a bit because I am very happy today, so if you want to know how I'd rate him on a normal day go down by 5 units or something. or don't. overall, he seems like a great mentor, perfectly fitted into this universe. the more I read about your characters, the more I want to know about your whole story. be proud. I hope I'll see Thad grow throughout it. dances wiggly a wobbly dance
average - 88/100

Mr. Thaddeus is:
54% likely to be my friend
28% likely to by my lover
99% likely to be my party member
70% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

This is Minnie! I've got a ton of ideas for her story, but for now I'm working on her character and world building more.

I think you haven't made her public. you can change it on her page, next to the editing button. if you do this, let me know, and I'll return to your character as fast as I can!

@LiteralCyborg group

This is Minnie! I've got a ton of ideas for her story, but for now I'm working on her character and world building more.

I think you haven't made her public. you can change it on her page, next to the editing button. if you do this, let me know, and I'll return to your character as fast as I can!

Oh sh*t I'll get on that

@tomat brightness_7

Hi, would you mind doing my boy Destrian? Invalid Character

I remember him, we've met before. I think it was my other thread, yes, if my memory is correct.

Overview - 97/100
Sa'ekka reminds me of Sokka
wow you're already pulling me deeper inside his story! the name meaning is great! his power is interesting and uncommon! if I want to know more about him that much just from his overview, you're doing it good!

Looks - 85/100
there's so little information here that I don't need to comment this section. I'd add some more fields, but it's up to you. if this is enough for you, then you don't need to worry about changing anything.

Nature - 69/100
I'm sure that he has more mannerisms and flaws! have a conversation with him in your free time and get information out of him!
"Bhugatans" what a hard word. that doesn't really tell me what his prejudices are.
"Hobbies" and "Talents" could be a little longer, too.
"Personality type" and "Conditions" are good. try to write the other fields just like those.

Social - 80/100
"He is a literal prince" but what about his worldview? what's his political orientation? he can be a conservative prince or a liberal one.
Kavicon Buns sound very tasty, how do I bake them?
your names are amazing. they don't sound like some letters glued together, they seem like normal words from another language, and I love that. I really feel like you've made a professional fictional world.

History - 87/100
woah, there's lots of things happening here
so that's Bhugatan. now I know
why was he kidnapped in the first place?
his history is well-written, but is that his whole story? or just his backstory? that sounds like a separate book! if so many great events happen in the past, what's left for the future? I am so curious about his further story, I'd like to know more!

Destrian is such an interesting character! I get lots of high-fantasy vibes from his descriptions! the thing that bugs me the most is lack of information in his "Nature" section (which is the most important!), so I hope that you'll develop him more there. overall, I think he's a good character. I appreciate the names of the universe he's in. good job!
average - 84/100

Destrian is:
76% likely to be my friend
44% likely to by my lover
90% likely to be my party member
87% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

Okokok I got a shareable link right here

okay, it's my first time seeing her. I wonder what secrets she hides inside her.

Overview - 80/100
"Villain" and Hero aliases? you've piqued my interest.

Looks - 78/100
eyes change color N O I C E
underfed and muscular? I think that doesn't go with one another.
"The faded number 0117 tattooed on the back of her left shoulder" that's interesting

Outfit(s) - 100/100
bonus points for including multiple outfits! I don't see that very often, but it allows us to know more about the character!
she surely loves her earrings
I love the detail put into her clothing! every pin, tear on her jeans, even shoe types! I'm impressed, really! good job, and keep doing that!
I may sound overexcited but this section is just perfect

Nature - 72/100
her mannerisms are well laid out, but I'd call it trivia, not mannerisms. I think that this is a place for her gestures and habits, not preferences. for example, I think "Sleeps in fetal position" and "Never sleeps with any blanket thicker than a quilt" can stay here, but things like "Prefers tea to coffee" and "LOVES a good horror movie" should be in a different place.
next fields are well-written and clear
so she has some fire-explosion-bomb-combustion powers, nice and scary
"Fireproof skin, insides still flammable" oh wow, now I know how to defeat her
I think that her powers are well balanced, so good job!

Social - 93/100
ooh, brownies, you're making me hungry
so that's where the earrings came from
who doesn't like knives as a weapon
💜The Sun Bear💜

History - 80/100

I said before that in "Nature" everything is well laid out, but I think that her backstory should be written in proper full sentences. it's better to read it this way
tragedy - check
her backstory is really interesting, and I'd like to know more about her team! the universe itself sounds great (maybe that's because I love typical magic powers)

Minerva has great potential and I hope that her story is as good as her! remember what I've said and develop her more. I'd be happy to read more about your story sometime. also I'll say that once again that I am in love with her outfits
average - 84/100

Minnie is:
76% likely to be my friend
34% likely to by my lover
97% likely to be my party member
86% likely to be my enemy

@sheabutter group

Hi, would you mind doing my boy Destrian? Invalid Character

I remember him, we've met before. I think it was my other thread, yes, if my memory is correct.

I appreciate the feedback! I'll be sure to add in what you suggested!

@larcenistarsonist group

Okay thank you so much for doing Sparrow for me!!! :D! I'm so glad you love her as much as I do!!

Do you think you could do Thad now?? Thaddeus Godchallenger

Thaddeus the God Challenger. the Teacher. the Man. you better look after Sparrow like she's your own daughter, or else I'll be forced to break into your home and scream out a sermon through my tears and call the police in a polite and good manner

Trust me, if anything ever happens to Sparrow, Thaddeus will kill everyone on New Earth and then himself.

Overview - 85/100
aces, unite!
looks at age MR. THADDEUS.


Looks - 89/100
New Human? what's the difference from a regular human
is now smart and calculates pounds and feet yes, I see more, I see clearer.
m a j e s t i c
"he crash-landed on New Earth." o h
again, I appreciate the separate fields for face features.

New Humans are just regular humans except they're on a brand new Earth and have powers :P
And thank you so much!!

Nature - 99/100
like with Sparrow, these mannerisms layouts are perfect
"Take down the King God", you go, Thad, you go. sudden realization MR. THAD
"Hitting random things with his staff" what a fascinating hobby, I'd like to do that too. too bad that I don't have a staff
those clear descriptions, they blow me away

a;kdj;a I'm so glad you like him!! :D

Personality - 89/100
am I favoring your characters? yes, yes I am.
dances giddily Mr. Thad, you old man, I hope you'll see yourself someday as you were once before. you will see a brighter future, for you and for your world. (or not. I've no idea what your creator is planning to do to you.)
my mood is too funny to rate him rationally whoops. why am I so happy today again?

Voice - 78/100
ooh the voice I fear the most. scary.

I've always imagined it Chris Hemsworth-esque. I don't even know why XD

Social - 88/100
venison… and BLACKBERRIES? I hope he doesn't eat them at once. (tomat, let people enjoy things)
"both the taste and the look of them" ah, the one true love
my stick by bad lip reading starts playing in the background


History - 98/100
the origins of the Godchallenger… MR. Godchallenger
why is the King God so not nice
oh so he got shot to Earth that explains the crash-landing
wait w i N G S !?
and here the story begins. beautiful. I'd read this.

Why thank you!! Yes he has them w i n g s .

Abilities/powers - 100/100
aaaaahhhh so that's where the wings came from. now I can see, so clear, so undisturbed
I understand the mysteries of our world now, there is so much knowledge in this section. also the fact of him having wings is so cool wobbles in appreciation

Yes! He's an eagle boy. I try to put as much info about my world in my character pages without totally overwhelming it.

Inventory - 73/100
I desire more clothes
I want to learn archery someday

I'll add more! I also want to learn archery… but knife throwing more

Medical - 97/100
nods with understanding
sight 10? is it connected to his eagle mutation?

Yes! He has the vision of an eagle and almost the hearing of one

People - 75/100


Other - 89/100
big yes

Thank you! :D

I get a feeling that I raised his ratings a bit because I am very happy today, so if you want to know how I'd rate him on a normal day go down by 5 units or something. or don't. overall, he seems like a great mentor, perfectly fitted into this universe. the more I read about your characters, the more I want to know about your whole story. be proud. I hope I'll see Thad grow throughout it. dances wiggly a wobbly dance
average - 88/100

Mr. Thaddeus is:
54% likely to be my friend
28% likely to by my lover
99% likely to be my party member
70% likely to be my enemy

Thank you so much for rating Thad for me!! :DD

@tomat brightness_7

Can you rate mine? Ada Freeburn

Ada. an unusual name, but as beautiful. let me see her up close.

Overview - 75/100
leader? hmm, leader of what?

Looks - 78/100
there isn't much information to comment on, really
slash marks? that's interesting. how did she get them?

Nature - 49/100
motivations and talents are okay, but other fields need some work.
"Mannerisms" and "Flaws" could - and should - be more developed. I've said this a few times before. to get to know your character more, ask them questions, interview them, spend a whole day with them daydreaming. look at them, what do they do unknowingly? what are their habits? define her virtues, and then determine her flaws from them. is she brave? make her reckless. is she genuine? make her unable to lie. there's a whole gamut of traits that you can give her, and when you do so, writing down her personality based on them should be easy. and after that, you'll surely assign some hobbies for her.

Social - 87/100
"The world is too wild at the moment" I feel you, we all feel you
that occupation at the age of 15? she's achieved more than I ever will
11th realm? everything is getting more and more interesting.

History - 70/100
her history covers every major points in her life, and is just enough. I'd like to know about her more, though, her childhood and relations with her parents.

she seems like a nice character for now. I can't really figure out her personality yet, but everything begins well. she gives me such mysterious vibes, because for now I know about her so little, and about her universe, too. I hope that you'll develop her more, so she becomes a well-written and realistic character! (I'll also say again that I love the fact that her weapons have names!)
average - 72/100

Ada is:
50% likely to be my friend
20% likely to by my lover
70% likely to be my party member
30% likely to be my enemy