forum rating your characters averagely because I'm bored (thank you for participating!)
Started by @tomat brightness_7

people_alt 83 followers

@Tidermelon group

Speaking of ratings, by the way… A couple days ago, my friend proposed the idea of a Pokémon roleplay, so I went ahead and made Ray here for that. He’s a brand new character (in a universe different than all of my other roleplays, which take place in the Known Clocktwister Universe; Ray, on the other hand is in the Mystery Dungeon Universe, which is all Pokémon with no humans or other animals involved.) and so I thought; wait, maybe before the roleplay begins and he actually gets used and stuff, I could get someone to check him out for me! And, of course, there’s nobody better than good ol’ Tomat for that. :) So… would you like to check him out?

@tomat brightness_7

Wonder if you could do my character

wonder is such a nice word it sounds so blue to my ears

Overview - 94/100
"Blue Bird of Paradise", it's so poetic. I love this name, even though I'm not exactly sure what does it mean
The World? I suddenly feel the need to know everything about her
"Looks 32 years" but how old is she exactly

Looks - 95/100
golden eyes!
her race is Void? I certainly need a description of it
I admire her aura, it's so unique!

Nature - 87/100
she could use some more mannerisms
a lot of her traits are just listed one by one. try to second them with some examples from her life when she acted like this, or how does she feel about her hobbies or talents. that would definitely improve these descriptions and make them more lively!
"Regular Void magic, Insightful blood" I NEED DETAILS THESE SOUND SO COOL

Social - 90/100
you have so many new and unfamiliar names like "Healers of the Two Divines" here, i'd like to see them explained!
other things are fine here!

History - 50/100
her history is "Explained in story." but you could at least write a summary about her! she's such an interesting character, so I think her backstory deserves to be here!

Sapphire seems really mysterious and unique character. with all those names and appearance, she's piqued my interest. I'd love to read about her more, to know her like she's my friend. I hope that you'll keep in mind what I said and work on her well!
average - 83/100

Sapphire is:
80% likely to be my friend
44% likely to by my lover
89% likely to be my party member
65% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

@Tidermelon, I'd love to rate Ray, but I don't think I'll manage to do that anytime soon. I still have some characters to rate before yours, so if you want to start your roleplay now, you'd have to go without my opinions ._.
if you really want to read my rating, I'll try to get to Ray as fast as I can!

@Tidermelon group

@Tidermelon, I'd love to rate Ray, but I don't think I'll manage to do that anytime soon. I still have some characters to rate before yours, so if you want to start your roleplay now, you'd have to go without my opinions ._.
if you really want to read my rating, I'll try to get to Ray as fast as I can!

That’s alright! Take your time. I’m no more important than the people before me on the list, after all :) No pressure

It’s not one-on-one, by the way, it’s with a whole bunch of people and by no means is it important that I get a rating right away as soon as possible no time wasted. I have enough information in his bio to play him just fine without one. This is just kind of a side thing to see what others think about him first and that’s totally optional for you to do. If you don’t feel up to rating him, then I’ll congratulate you on recognizing that and I’ll take him to someone else who wants to. :) You’ve done a lot of characters already and you deserve a break.

@SapphireMoondancer The World

Wonder if you could do my character

wonder is such a nice word it sounds so blue to my ears

Overview - 94/100
"Blue Bird of Paradise", it's so poetic. I love this name, even though I'm not exactly sure what does it mean
The World? I suddenly feel the need to know everything about her
"Looks 32 years" but how old is she exactly

Looks - 95/100
golden eyes!
her race is Void? I certainly need a description of it
I admire her aura, it's so unique!

Nature - 87/100
she could use some more mannerisms
a lot of her traits are just listed one by one. try to second them with some examples from her life when she acted like this, or how does she feel about her hobbies or talents. that would definitely improve these descriptions and make them more lively!
"Regular Void magic, Insightful blood" I NEED DETAILS THESE SOUND SO COOL

Social - 90/100
you have so many new and unfamiliar names like "Healers of the Two Divines" here, i'd like to see them explained!
other things are fine here!

History - 50/100
her history is "Explained in story." but you could at least write a summary about her! she's such an interesting character, so I think her backstory deserves to be here!

Sapphire seems really mysterious and unique character. with all those names and appearance, she's piqued my interest. I'd love to read about her more, to know her like she's my friend. I hope that you'll keep in mind what I said and work on her well!
average - 83/100

Sapphire is:
80% likely to be my friend
44% likely to by my lover
89% likely to be my party member
65% likely to be my enemy

Reason the history is done that way is because after the first chapter she forgets everything.
And thanks for the feedback!

@tomat brightness_7

Hey! If you get the time to do so I would love a critique of my man Vincent :)

it's nice to meet Vincent again! I don't remember him well since I last read about him, so it'll be nice to refresh my memory ^-^

Overview - 85/100
from the first glance I always read his name as "Vincent Crisis" I don't know why

Looks - 89/100
no identifying marks? what a regular man.
a typical section, maybe somewhat spare, but the most important things are all covered!

Nature - 93/100
his personality type is very well written!
you definitely need to write more mannerisms!
this section is neat, but to make it better, try to elaborate "Motivations" and "Mannerisms"

Social - 86/100
maybe you could write the reason why these are his favorite things? it helps to understand the character better!

I see his history is a WIP, so I won't rate this one. I'll just say that I love how you've mentioned why he wears long hair! for now Vincent sounds like an interesting character, and I'm sure I'll like him even more when I get to know his whole backstory. I hope that by defining his past you'll also get more inspirations and new ideas for him!
average - 88/100

Vincent is:
78% likely to be my friend
41% likely to by my lover
80% likely to be my party member
57% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

Hello again! hehehe I've got another one for you…. Here's my boi Raef
did his backstory in a bit of a rush it won't be as good as my other backstories
have fun with the soup devil

soup devil? it's shaping up well

Overview - 92/100
Raef is such an intriguing name, how do you pronounce that?
okay but that tag "take one dough boy" made me chuckle

Looks - 95/100
half banshee? never seen one
n e c k could fit in "Identifying marks"

Natuer - 99/100
my mind can't think straight in the morning bc the sun is shining directly into my brain and making too much serotonin if I come back in the evening to finish this rating I won't remember writing any of these things anyway that has nothing to do with Raef
wait why would someone exile a four year old


I know a guy that would be soup friends with him ( @ManiacalMJ I'M CALLING FENNEC)
you're telling me that there's a HORSE in a SPOON
does he eat soup with this spoon? if so, does it make the taste more stable?
write more flaws!
"man cannot live on soup alone" links over 5000 different kinds of soup that can feed a family for a month TRY AGAIN
okay I love him

Social - jaguars/100
struggles to write 'soup' without it turning to 'soyuop'


spoons…. but make it LETHAL
does he fight with his horse spoon?
Why. Why "He likes jaguars" is so funny to me. There's a lot of description in other fields but I completely lost it at "He likes jaguars". This sentence doesn't even have a period. There isn't anything explained. Just jaguars. Nothing more, go on. I love it.

Family - 100/100

Quotes - 100/100
to be off topic I wonder if you can get high on sunrays? because I definitely am now

Backstory - 90/100
noooooo why his father
I just imagine his father T-posing in the middle of the room and yelling into the void. the void doesn't answer.
I want to know more about him, how does he meet Abi and Knox and Mallory and

Quirk - 100/100
"It usually results in him spraining his ankle, and the tree looking a little worse for wear." w h a t w h y

you and the sun made me shed a tear from laughter which isn't so easy to achieve at all! I can say that Raef is a well-developed character with lots of descriptions that helped me understand him better! he's so creative, and I'm getting more and more interested in your universe! I'm going to follow you so I can show you that I really appreciate you and your work!
average - 97/100

Raef is:
97% likely to be my friend
50% likely to by my lover
100% likely to be my party member
79% likely to be my enemy

(here's a commentary of a sunless tomat: I've become sane now. I've corrected some mistakes that made the text indecipherable, I've deleted Spanish, Polish and Japanese words, and I made soup less invading. this way is better, believe me)

@dennywrites group

Hello again! hehehe I've got another one for you…. Here's my boi Raef
did his backstory in a bit of a rush it won't be as good as my other backstories
have fun with the soup devil

soup devil? it's shaping up well

Overview - 92/100
Raef is such an intriguing name, how do you pronounce that?

pronounced Rai-eef (but the emphasis on the first syllable)

okay but that tag "take one dough boy" made me chuckle

Looks - 95/100
half banshee? never seen one
n e c k could fit in "Identifying marks"

what no just when little inexperienced Raef was tryna cook soup for him and George~ also who trusts a six-year-old to make soup after two years of living on berries~

Natuer - 99/100
my mind can't think straight in the morning bc the sun is shining directly into my brain and making too much serotonin if I come back in the evening to finish this rating I won't remember writing any of these things anyway that has nothing to do with Raef
wait why would someone exile a four year old

the villagers think he murdered both his parents


wisest course of action


I know a guy that would be soup friends with him ( @ManiacalMJ I'M CALLING FENNEC)
you're telling me that there's a HORSE in a SPOON

long short short he encountered one and tricked it into his spoon but now his favourite soup spoon is cursed
oh the sacrifices we make for our art~

does he eat soup with this spoon? if so, does it make the taste more stable?
write more flaws!
"man cannot live on soup alone" links over 5000 different kinds of soup that can feed a family for a month TRY AGAIN
okay I love him

Social - jaguars/100
struggles to write 'soup' without it turning to 'soyuop'


spoons…. but make it LETHAL
does he fight with his horse spoon?
Why. Why "He likes jaguars" is so funny to me. There's a lot of description in other fields but I completely lost it at "He likes jaguars". This sentence doesn't even have a period. There isn't anything explained. Just jaguars. Nothing more, go on. I love it.

i just realized how disloyal that is to George~

Family - 100/100

Raef or George losing instincts?

Quotes - 100/100
to be off topic I wonder if you can get high on sunrays? because I definitely am now

Backstory - 90/100
noooooo why his father
I just imagine his father T-posing in the middle of the room and yelling into the void. the void doesn't answer.
I want to know more about him, how does he meet Abi and Knox and Mallory and

Quirk - 100/100
"It usually results in him spraining his ankle, and the tree looking a little worse for wear." w h a t w h y

what do you expect he kicked a tree

you and the sun made me shed a tear from laughter which isn't so easy to achieve at all! I can say that Raef is a well-developed character with lots of descriptions that helped me understand him better! he's so creative, and I'm getting more and more interested in your universe! I'm going to follow you so I can show you that I really appreciate you and your work!
average - 97/100

Raef is:
97% likely to be my friend
50% likely to by my lover
100% likely to be my party member
79% likely to be my enemy

(here's a commentary of a sunless tomat: I've become sane now. I've corrected some mistakes that made the text indecipherable, I've deleted Spanish, Polish and Japanese words, and I made soup less invading. this way is better, believe me)

Thanks so much! Now I need a page for George….
also am I the only one who's scored 'jaguar/100' i'd be surprised if you said no
and how do you know all those languages lend me your skills

edit: i just reread it this made me laugh so hard

@tomat brightness_7

Raef or George losing instincts?


also am I the only one who's scored 'jaguar/100' i'd be surprised if you said no

yes you're the only one say thanks to my morning persona

and how do you know all those languages lend me your skills

well Polish is my native, I've had English classes since I was 5, I learn Spanish on Duolingo and I mainly know Japanese from my mom. I often get them all mixed up.
I'm glad that you enjoyed my chaotic rating ^-^

@tomat brightness_7

Hmmm…I’d like to see how you think of this rat man

he's the one who Leo has already met!

Overview - 90/100
screen name. interesting.
how do you even say "Jschlatt" it's crazier than this weird German word Sehenswürdigkeiten

Looks - 99/100
everything is nice here, no questions!

Nature - 95/100
he needs to be protected
such perfectly written mannerisms chef's kiss
this section is just right! there's a decent amount of information, not too much and not too little, and I have no questions!

Social - 100/100
okay that's a lot of names I don't understand
wait is it a Dream SMP character? I should've guessed. ah, now the names say a bit more. I've always wanted to know more about it since I heard it for the first time but I wasn't so keen on doing it myself
"words Techno said to him were " You look like a knife guy." before placing the kinfe into Jahbowen's hands and walking off. " I love this interaction. I might do something similar in my story


History - 90/100
redacted… interesting…
ew children
okay it's getting more complicated

Jahbowen is a really interesting character. his page has an ideal amount of information, but some places, especially with the names, made me think a little more, like solving a math problem with decimal fractions. I hope that those "redacted" names will someday see the sunlight!
average - 95/100

Jahbowen is:
51% likely to be my friend
24% likely to by my lover
78% likely to be my party member
60% likely to be my enemy

@Tidermelon group

Jahbowen is:
51% likely to be my friend
24% likely to be my lover
78% likely to be my party member
60% likely to be my enemy

He’s more likely to be your enemy than your friend
Oh no

@tomat brightness_7

This is such a fun chat lol!!
Here's one of mine if you have time:

hello and hi!

Overview - 90/100
"None Of Your Goddamn Business" ok I won't ask
ace! our community is growing

Looks - 85/100
nothing much, not too little

Nature - 98/100
perfect mannerisms
what motivation will he have when he finishes college?
throughout reading his personality type my only two thoughts were "oh he's just like me" and "oh he's nothing like me"

Social - 100/100


I love the creativity of his interaction with the knife!



just learned that italic emojis exist

History - 93/100
I didn't give you the permission to make me sad. not today.

Beck. I got kinda bored while reading about his looks, but you really got me interested in "Nature" and "Social". the descriptions are so lightly written that I feel like I've known Beck since primary school! he's a good character. there's so much trivia about him which helps me understand him better. I'm not quite sure if every single one of the is needed, but if you've written them already, don't hide them before others' eyes. I'm curious about his further story, so whatever you're creating, don't stop!
average - 93-3 points for making me sad/100

Beck is:
89% likely to be my friend
68% likely to by my lover
50% likely to be my party member
36% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

OooOooo this seems cool and fun! here's my Not Cool And Fun Boi

I will see if he's so Not Cool as you say

Overview - 94/100
wow I love the detail put in his names' history
I just realized there's like way over 4 different sections. this is going to be an entertaining weekend

Looks - 98/100
I didn't know that you can put such detail into hair style
there's so much information I'm in heaven
is there a reason behind his tattoo?
I'll say that once again I'm in heaven

Nature - 100/100
I'm out of words
you describe him like he's your closest childhood friend
his page is so perfect I'm going to cry
it's only 3rd section but I am already immerged deep into his existence

Social - 99/100
his best friend is also his arch-enemy? I'm curious about what will turn out from it
didn't even know there's such thing as flavor of popcorn but dear lord you've answered every question that I could have asked here
wait Prince is a CAT now that explains everything
nvm I got one question - oranges or tangerines?
"Jean would really need a reason if he were to use a knife." cut the bread

History - 100/100
the false Christians
so they got a Chris, a Kris, and a Crys. creative.
wait Anubis did WHAT
and he did WHAT
this was a perfect roller coaster his backstory I love it it's crazy but good and I love it

Family - 100/100
"Prince didn't kill Jean's family" I don't know, I wouldn't trust a cat
if you keep writing so well I'll be forced to give you 100 points in every section. and I don't like when there's no variety.
so toxic

Wardrobe - 90/100
FINALLY SOME VARIETY now seeing one sentence fields makes me uncomfortable
BROWN PANTS such atrocity

Health - 99/100
put this man into therapy for the love of all gods

Trivia - 98/100
ah, yes. another spicy food enjoyer.
"Jean never texts; he always calls." ok now I'm scared
I've never loved someone so overdeveloped
what do you do in your free time. because no human could ever fit such character development AND one's hobbies including basic human needs in 24 hours

oh boi thank me that it's rating not critiquing because I have no advice! I'm just out of words. Jean is a perfectly written character, and even though some information may seem too much, I enjoyed reading almost every one of them! (the Q&A wasn't really necessary but I admire the effort!) also I adore the poem (and the memes) but I purposefully omitted this section because I don't rate poems (and memes). I was also amused by the fact that his color codes you've written are basic: hair, skin, eyes. and shirt. because it's important. I'm impressed, really. you've become my Lady/Lord/anyone you want of Character Development. keep up the good work. bows with grace
average - 97,5/100

Jean is:
36% likely to be my friend
25% likely to by my lover
96% likely to be my party member
85% likely to be my enemy

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

oh boi thank me that it's rating not critiquing because I have no advice! I'm just out of words. Jean is a perfectly written character, and even though some information may seem too much, I enjoyed reading almost every one of them! (the Q&A wasn't really necessary but I admire the effort!) also I adore the poem (and the memes) but I purposefully omitted this section because I don't rate poems (and memes). I was also amused by the fact that his color codes you've written are basic: hair, skin, eyes. and shirt. because it's important. I'm impressed, really. you've become my Lady/Lord/anyone you want of Character Development. keep up the good work. bows with grace
average - 97,5/100

Jean is:
36% likely to be my friend
25% likely to by my lover
96% likely to be my party member
85% likely to be my enemy

yeah so I and my friend accidentally became obsessed w this guy's story and so this development was kinda accumulated over about,,, 2 years now? maybe 3? dang it's been a while,,,anyway,,,,yeah,,,,,,you don't even wanna know how many actual drawings I have of this guy, I only post the Good Ones to his profile. anyway YES he's overdeveloped i have this thing where I don't wanna be dropping random ass trivia about my characters YEAAARRS after their stories are published in a desperate attempt to stay relevant like an author we've all been ignoring cough so due to that fact I decided to have as much fun as possible with this guy,
and to answer your question,
tangerines, they're just easier to deal with, and you know jean does not want to put extra effort into something if there's an easier option.
edit I just remembered the tattoo question ! the tattoo was obviously inspired by Prince. i don't remember if I put a date on his tattoo, but imma say he got it around the same time he moved out of his parent's house. it signifies his greatest rebellion against them, and he loves cats LMFAO

@tomat brightness_7

Speaking of ratings, by the way… A couple days ago, my friend proposed the idea of a Pokémon roleplay, so I went ahead and made Ray here for that. He’s a brand new character (in a universe different than all of my other roleplays, which take place in the Known Clocktwister Universe; Ray, on the other hand is in the Mystery Dungeon Universe, which is all Pokémon with no humans or other animals involved.) and so I thought; wait, maybe before the roleplay begins and he actually gets used and stuff, I could get someone to check him out for me! And, of course, there’s nobody better than good ol’ Tomat for that. :) So… would you like to check him out?

okay I'm here I hope you didn't get impatient!

Overview - 90/100
a Raichu with a PhD, nice
and an archeologist. I didn't expect that

Looks - 92/100
wait. is he a Ray-chu?
I want to see him
plumpy Raichu

Nature - 99/100
nice nice nice
Martha is such a basic name. I don't like any Marthas that I was destined to meet in my life
who doesn't like pasta

History - 99/100
an engagement necklace!
wow his history is so well written even though I don't really get all the names
"Our dear 400 foot tall platypus bear roleplay" …okay I'm good I'll have to pass

Social - 95/100
his favorite animal is a Pikachu. huh. how does it work in this world?
how does common Pokémon language sound like?

Family - 100/100

Other - 99/100
oh you can't imagine how much I love the quote about autumn
I didn't see any errors here but my English grammar advice isn't trustworthy
buckarooing backyardigan

I didn't even know I'll be so emotionally attached to a Pokémon. but well, this is what characters are for, to share our endless love with them. I like how you've developed him! all the details, his relationships - it's all well thought! I don't have much experience with Pokémons, but I hope I helped you in any way!
average - 96/100

Ray is:
67% likely to be my friend
39% likely to by my lover
78% likely to be my party member
50% likely to be my enemy

(on a side note I might start posting these irregularly because I'm back at school, but I'll definitely get to rate everyone!)

@tomat brightness_7

Nathaniel Aiden Young Don't be super nice to him. He's kind of a dweeb.

when I try to be not so nice I end up either crying or super embarrassed so

Overview - 89/100
I was always a little amused by the name "Young" and I don't even exactly know why
does he age throughout the story or are you unsure of his age?

Looks - 93/100
the white room…
"Yarrow" sounds nice!
no… don't make me do this again…
okay I must.
erase that question mark! kill it and make it to never come back again! those are your characters and you should be 100% sure of everything you write about them! are you asking me about his skin tone? how would I know! are you unsure of what word describes best this color? then describe it how do you see this color! don't show that you're unsure. and if this information will change in the future, then you'll just rewrite it.
"sinewy", "lithe"… such hard words…
how DARE he skip gym in winter, says tomat who's never touched a barbell
I would like to know the details of the accident involving a sliding glass door

Nature - 88/100
nice mannerisms!
"to survive"? it's his only motivation? but why does he want to survive? to feel things, to see someone or to find something?
enough flaws, but more would be welcome
his descriptions are on the better side, but try to work more on his motivations first, and then try to make him more flawed!

Social - 97/100
is there a reason why he lies about his favorite color?
everything else is okay! I really appreciate that you've described his feelings toward Yarrow, since this name has showed a lot on his previous sections (and now I want to know them too)

I'll assume his backstory is a WIP. Nate's an interesting character! I'm really curious about what story he's a part of. his page is so stylishly and lightly written, so keep up the good work! remember to think over the things that I said, I believe they'll help you make his personality deeper. and I hope to see Yarrow in the future!
average - 92/100

Nate is:
79% likely to be my friend
54% likely to by my lover
63% likely to be my party member
60% likely to be my enemy

@wittyxhandle group

Nathaniel Aiden Young Don't be super nice to him. He's kind of a dweeb.

when I try to be not so nice I end up either crying or super embarrassed so

Overview - 89/100
I was always a little amused by the name "Young" and I don't even exactly know why
does he age throughout the story or are you unsure of his age?
I can't decide if he should be 28 or 29, but in terms of the story, he's a bit closer to 29.

Looks - 93/100
the white room…
"Yarrow" sounds nice!
no… don't make me do this again…
okay I must.
erase that question mark! kill it and make it to never come back again! those are your characters and you should be 100% sure of everything you write about them! are you asking me about his skin tone? how would I know! are you unsure of what word describes best this color? then describe it how do you see this color! don't show that you're unsure. and if this information will change in the future, then you'll just rewrite it.

He's not exactly tan but he's not ghost white and I've never been able to to identify what an 'olive' skin tone is? I always assumed it was somewhere between pale white and tan, but I'm likely very wrong!

"sinewy", "lithe"… such hard words…
how DARE he skip gym in winter, says tomat who's never touched a barbell
I would like to know the details of the accident involving a sliding glass door
He may or may not have gone running through a sliding glass door. As in, glass shattered through. He's very lucky it didn't damage his eyes, but it's definitely something that made him become much more aware of his surroundings.

Nature - 88/100
nice mannerisms!
"to survive"? it's his only motivation? but why does he want to survive? to feel things, to see someone or to find something?
'To survive' was the easiest answer to use without giving too much of the story away. But he wants to live. He wants to find Yarrow and find a place to continue their lives, but with the events of the story, he's not sure it's possible.

enough flaws, but more would be welcome
his descriptions are on the better side, but try to work more on his motivations first, and then try to make him more flawed!

Social - 97/100
is there a reason why he lies about his favorite color?
It's a Monty Python reference. "Blue! No, yellow! No! Red! AHHHHH"
But also, yellow is kind of his go to for "brighter" colors? But his favorite color is really red because of Yarrow's hair.

everything else is okay! I really appreciate that you've described his feelings toward Yarrow, since this name has showed a lot on his previous sections (and now I want to know them too)

I'll assume his backstory is a WIP. Nate's an interesting character! I'm really curious about what story he's a part of. his page is so stylishly and lightly written, so keep up the good work! remember to think over the things that I said, I believe they'll help you make his personality deeper. and I hope to see Yarrow in the future!
average - 92/100

Nate is:
79% likely to be my friend
54% likely to by my lover
63% likely to be my party member
60% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

Heyo!! I gots another one for you. Here's Rune!!!

RUNE RuNE RUNe rune runE RUEn Nur I'll admit that I might have peeked at her page several twenty times

Overview - 90/100
Roe… roe… crab roe… no…
ace! fist bump

Name - 99/100
wait Rune is only 1 syllable? wha
but what about the accent in her last name
master assassin I need to read her backstory

Looksa - 100/100
;-; kgs and cms ;-; thank
aw smol bean
her hair color is just like mine we have so much in common we have to be besties
what a beauty
scars on neck, my thoughts are gone

Personality - 100/100
if I ever had to die I want to die by her hand
I think I might be high on sunrays again?
mmm… a family weakness… I can already imagine the scenarios
hahaha… I can't run

Nature - 100/100
I guess her mannerisms have been moved
I senSe a.. FENNEC
yeah girls are scary but I think that she has a more reasonable reason
I want a bracelet

Mannerisms - 99/100
I imagine her reaction if Bane dies
I. love. my. heart. is. melting.

Mannerisms 2 - 99/100
she sleeps with a knife? what if she stabs herself and she won't be aware of it?
this is so perfect

Social - 95/100
dumpling dough is the best
I want to live in Raingor

Voice - 94/100
seeing such elaborated descriptions makes mine look so small
is kinda glad she doesn't talk much bc doesn't like her voice

History - 99/100
finally I'm here
but what about her school education?
I love your surname mechanic. I might take notes. or not. you'll never know
I'm sending my carrier parrot to you with a letter full of hearts, I hope she'll find the address

Abilities/powers - 90/100
one question: does she have to be more careful so as not to make a noise? or can she roll in the grass like a fish out of water and still don't make a sound? wait that's two questions
if she intends to not to make a sound while playing an instrument will it still play normally or don't?
what if she's festooned with bells or other jingling things, can she make them silent too?
huh that's way more than one question

Inventory - 98/100
"Ninja Murder Outfit" give me this
"Undercover Gala Outfit" I want this one too
now describe her knives, describe her knives, describe her kn

Family - 98/100
I imagine them standing in a family picture and I'm sad because I don't know how does Raysa look like my darling
now I think. siblings that would die for each other with trauma and dead parents, I have them too. I wonder who was first

People - 99/100
there will be a time when I'll be in her "Best friends" field; I hope she'll like me as much as I like her and she won't stab me in my sleep
Bane seems so killable idk why

Rune my love my bestie my queen my ronin. she's perfect. she's my love. she's so well developed, everything is clear, there's so much information and I love it. I want to see her in action so badly. all I need to do now is to rate Bane, read your story thrice, steal Rune and Fennec and never give them back. wish me good luck
average - 97/100

Rune is:
99% likely to be my friend
87% likely to by my lover
100% likely to be my party member
98% likely to be my enemy

@larcenistarsonist group

Rune my love my bestie my queen my ronin. she's perfect. she's my love. she's so well developed, everything is clear, there's so much information and I love it. I want to see her in action so badly. all I need to do now is to rate Bane, read your story thrice, steal Rune and Fennec and never give them back. wish me good luck
average - 97/100

Rune is:
99% likely to be my friend
87% likely to by my lover
100% likely to be my party member
98% likely to be my enemy

a;kldsfja;sdjf;adfl thank ^-^

I'll have Bane to you soon

and then I have the seven gods and the other characters (including Rune's wife) to show you