forum rating your characters averagely because I'm bored (thank you for participating!)
Started by @tomat brightness_7

people_alt 83 followers

@tomat brightness_7

Hello! If you are still open to do this could you do Otis? His backstory and some relationships is still a work in progress so any and all critiques are good! Lately he has been bordering Mary Sue territory as well so just a heads up for that……if you have any questions I got you

understood. if his backstory and relationships have little information written, I won't rate them.

Overview - 89/100
ooh, demon characters are nice, I wonder how you've written him. and judging by my quick glance on his sections, you've written A LOT. like, wow, there are so many words in his relationships. I get a feeling that I'll spend a long time on him.

Looks - 90/100
I suppose that the only thing that differentiates him from humans are his eyes. is there something more? if he's among humans, does he hide his demon traits, and vice versa? or maybe he doesn't have to hide anything?

Nature - 95/100
his mannerisms are very well-written! although, I'd like to know more about his "demonic side". maybe I'll find it in "Race" or "Magic" section.
I'm so curious about his backstory
okay he's definitely going to be my friend
"I want to say…" then say it. don't be afraid.
I see nothing troublesome here, but I can give you some advice if you're concerned about that "Mary Sue territory". firstly, define your characters' virtues, and then stretch them so far that they become flaws. if they're always honest, make them afraid to tell lies, and then put them into a situation where they have to deceive someone. after that, watch them panic and find a solution. remember that virtues and flaws should be balanced, but even more flaws are accepted. to be sure that they definitely aren't Mary Sue, make them fail or do something wrong in your story. make them misunderstand something, break down from their responsibilities, push them far beyond their limits. there must be a situation from which the character can't come out with no effort. I hope that I've explained it well because this is my limit of English language. good luck ^-^

History - 80/100
after you finish writing his history, I advise you to reread it to correct some minor mistakes.
I really liked that part of him becoming a Royal Messenger! I didn't quite expect that!
his backstory is good, not minding the mistakes. I hope that you'll write the part that you missed soon, and determine more of Otis' traits from it!

Social - 96/100
what exactly is "Guardian religion"?
"Quetzil" this is such an interesting name, can I have an exemplary sentence of this language?
Pasta Yes
woah that necklace must be pretty

Relationships - 98/100
oh boy here we go
his mother's relationship is good, but I get a feeling that it's written a bit more from her perspective. it's Otis' page, so I think that majority should be written from his POV.
I admire that you put so much thought into his relationships. it really helps me to understand Otis and I feel like I've known him for 5 years at least
he is such a good brother
the same as "History" here, reread when you finish and correct mistakes.
is impressed
I admire your effort. I think I'm going to… checks notes …take a leaf out of your book. wow I just learned a new idiom (wisdom +5, self-appraisal +10)
and I even get to know more about your other characters! that's great!
Goddess? who's that?

Race/species - 85/100
"not be able to react strongly or understand emotional cues". is that me? insert meme maybe I am a demon.

Magic - 93/100
I hope you'll find that list quickly!
everything's nice here but remember to not make him too op!

wow, Otis is surely a very developed character! it was a pleasure reading about him. when you finish his history and relationships, I think there will be nothing more necessary to add to his page! you did a great job, you've made me impressed and curious about his later story, and you've made Otis such a likeable character! be proud!
average - 90/100

Otis is:
98% likely to be my friend
78% likely to by my lover
83% likely to be my party member
48% likely to be my enemy



Thank you so much! I didn't expect him to get a such a positive reaction but your advice is gonna be so helpful even for my other characters! Just to answer some questions (since i think its a good exercise and so you can get a better idea.

Demons are mainly humanoid so don't have to hide, but he tends to hide away or make an effort to not be seen as a demon since they are creatures of chaos. The only limit to demonic magic is that they can't change their eye color (yellow eyes defines a demon or shows that you have strong demonic blood) so Otis uses his hair to cover that up or lack of eye contact to make sure people don't notice and assume the worst of him.

Guardian religion is the religion around my world, its a polytheistic religion that worships the Ten Elements (rock, earth, dark, light, fire, water, air, electricity, ice and poison). Pretty fun overall but normally demons would worship the Goddess Persona (mother of all demons) but he choses not to as devotion to her means that he would have to accept his demonic side to the fullest.

Quetzil i'm not 110% how it sounds, it not written using English characters either so its hard to write a sentence….overall I've always imagined it sounds like Gaelic? Or at least has the same vibe.


I'll rewrite his mom's relationship, but glad that it all looks good! Takes a long time to write it all down but so worth it.

For the magic, yes he is technically pretty op compared to most of my characters but its intentional! He hates using his powers to a large extent so thats a part I'm gonna push forward, in my story it leads to a lot of dangerous things that ultimately result in him being in life-threatening danger….the rest is spoilers hehe…

But ahhhh I can't thank you enough for looking at Otis! I'll start reworking him as soon as possible!

@tomat brightness_7

I have someone I would like you to meet :) Zane Smyth
He's not completely finished but don't hold back and be sure to have fun!

Alayna my love I hope my letter finds you well you have no idea how I am excited you are one of my favorite writers or worldbuilders whatever you want to call yourself out there just a quick reminder okay let's get down to business

Overview - 80/100
Zain is such an unusual name but I love it
so he 'eventually' joins the group but 'temporarily'? that's interesting
ooh, early 1900s. even more interesting

Looks - 88/100
get this man a comb
I am sorry but I cannot imagine what a "normal" nose shape is. it would be best if you described it better
prosthetic arm that's so cool and that gloves thingy he does is also cool

Nature - 76/100
I think there's no need to put so much things in the brackets. just write it next to the main information
he plays with his knives? no wonder he has so many scars
ok he's not likely to be my friend. but he tries to be nice, so we may be good acquaintances.
I have looked up 1900s prosthetics. they indeed look really cool.
nooo, don't share his secrets!
and now I'm sad

Social - 79/100
I'll be waiting for Mackenzie!
I want to travel too
oh I'd love to eat that cake

History - 82/100
of course, of course, spoilers are sacred. turns a blind eye

I see that he isn't finished, because the descriptions aren't really gripping nor exciting. the brackets also quite disrupted my reading, especially in parts where there was a lot of them. try writing more consistently to reduce their amount. as for Zain himself, he looks like an interesting character! his personality is growing, and his backstory peculiar. I get really eerie vibes from him. and I'm really curious about his further story, and who's Mackenzie? who's that "acquaintance"? write, write more. don't keep me in suspense.
average - 81/100

Zain is:
45% likely to be my friend
19% likely to by my lover
87% likely to be my party member
82% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

ooooo could you do Haven?? Haven Lomasi Dockside

hello, Haven. nice to meet you.

Overview - 78/100
that's… an interesting role.
is there a reason behind her other name?
and that's an interesting name for a universe

Looks - 90/100
I wonder what condition her hair is in
oh she wears contacts! that makes her even more unique!
and a heart birthmark! she surely stands out!

Nature - 96/100
she really seems intimidating to me
if I had been her friend, I'd really like her. but now she seems kinda repulsive to me. maybe if I had the chance and time to bond with her, we'd get along well. but I'm not sure where would we end up.
she really is unique, not only in her appearance! I absolutely am impressed

Social - 89/100
what's "wicca"? never heard of it, to be honest
frozen yoghurt yum

History - 59/100
her history is rather brief. I'd like to know about her more. what are her feelings towards her stepdad, her brothers, her mom? did she have some kind of a therapy after such a major event? what was she like in her early life? if you have time, expand her history. it will also help you to understand her better.

Haven is such an extraordinary character. I think she's the most unique one I've rated so far (so bonus points)! her looks and nature are well-written, but I advise you to work on her history more. maybe you'll find some more traits to give her throughout developing it?
average - 82 + 5 bonus final points/100

Haven is:
40% likely to be my friend
3% likely to by my lover
71% likely to be my party member
93% likely to be my enemy

@Alayna group

@tomat First of all, thank you so much for the reminder, you're too kind :) I'm very excited to keep working on him so hopefully you wont be in suspense for too much longer. Once I finish Mackenzie's page I'll be sure to swing by again! ( yes I put everything in brackets, yes it's a problem ;)

@tomat brightness_7

I’ve updated Ada: Ada Freeburn

I see, that's great that you're working on her! I've read through her page once again and noticed that some things in "Nature" aren't fully finished. you can link her for me to rate her once again when you fill out all her fields thoroughly!


Hey I have 2 characters if you don't mind- they are still in extreme early stages so there’s still a lot more work to do until I finalize them.


@wren-has-mommy-issues group

ooooo could you do Haven?? Haven Lomasi Dockside

hello, Haven. nice to meet you.

Overview - 78/100
that's… an interesting role.

her role is kind of a joke, she's a main character but since i know her role i chose a- unique role label.

is there a reason behind her other name?

her other name is her given name, haven is what she chooses to go by because she hates her birth name.

and that's an interesting name for a universe

it's going to be the name of the novel i'm writing.

Looks - 90/100
I wonder what condition her hair is in

well, if i can be any kind or representative, it's probably fine. i dye my hair all the time (i just redid it 3 days ago, actually) and it's super healthy. as long as you use the right dyes and stuff, it's not too bad. just avoid excessive or
harsh bleaching

oh she wears contacts! that makes her even more unique!

i've always wanted colored contacts! i think they're really cool :)

and a heart birthmark! she surely stands out!

yes, i like my characters to be unique. however, this birthmark is actually a sign that a group of chosen people have. they all have heart birthmarks in different places

Nature - 96/100
she really seems intimidating to me

that's what she likes >:)

if I had been her friend, I'd really like her. but now she seems kinda repulsive to me. maybe if I had the chance and time to bond with her, we'd get along well. but I'm not sure where would we end up.

you've really gotta win her over to have any kind of positive image of her honestly.

she really is unique, not only in her appearance! I absolutely am impressed

Social - 89/100
what's "wicca"? never heard of it, to be honest

very "witchy" type things. but like- nature witchy, not black magic witchy. it's like connecting with nature and worshipping goddesses, things like that.

frozen yoghurt yum


History - 59/100
her history is rather brief. I'd like to know about her more. what are her feelings towards her stepdad, her brothers, her mom? did she have some kind of a therapy after such a major event? what was she like in her early life? if you have time, expand her history. it will also help you to understand her better.

i'll definitely be expanding on this more. i haven't had the time to really go into detail, but i'll get to it as soon as i can

Haven is such an extraordinary character. I think she's the most unique one I've rated so far (so bonus points)! her looks and nature are well-written, but I advise you to work on her history more. maybe you'll find some more traits to give her throughout developing it?
average - 82 + 5 bonus final points/100

Haven is:
40% likely to be my friend
3% likely to by my lover
71% likely to be my party member
93% likely to be my enemy

i'll definitely be expanding on her history more! let me know if you'd like to see when i update it, if not, no worries. :) and thank you, i appreciate your feedback!

@tomat brightness_7

Hey I have 2 characters if you don't mind- they are still in extreme early stages so there’s still a lot more work to do until I finalize them.


I stated that I'd rate only one character per post, but since there's no queue after you, I'll let it slide (but shh don't tell my boss). let's start with Theo:

Overview - 87/100
that's a lot of roles

Looks - 90/100
oh, that beauty mark is really unique!
is sad in kg

Nature - 61/100
I wouldn't put that description in his mannerisms. maybe it will find its place in his personality field?and here you could write about his habits, ticks, etc.
I think he could use some more flaws
reads motivations, is sad now
the term "Fake" doesn't really suit me here. these traits are still a part of his personality, right? does he act this way when he meets new people? or maybe people in general? instead of "Fake", you could write that he behaves like this under certain circumstances.
woah he's getting more and more interesting

Social - 74/100
I think "Rich" is not a job
his favorite weapons are words! thinking outside the box, I see!
robotic voice c h i k e n n o o g e t

History - 49/100
no n o no n- you've mentioned his mother and his brother enough times to make me really interested in his life, and now I can't read his whole backstory! I hope you'll write it as fast as possible! I'll be waiting!

Theo is indeed an interesting character! he needs some more work in "Nature" and of course, backstory! I know that writing so much about a character's story can be draining, but you can firstly write a draft that mentions all the major point (like his brother's death - I want to know what happened!).
average - 72/100

Theo is:
34% likely to be my friend
30% likely to by my lover
60% likely to be my party member
68% likely to be my enemy

now let's do Naiche!

Overview - 88/100
a help for Theo. loves

Looks - 91/100
I've always wanted to try that hairstyle
a car crash? you're making me curious, just like when I was rating Theo

Nature - 65/100
the same things as "Mannerisms" in Theo's page ^
no prejudices? I didn't think it was possible
"sleeping is his passion" too many can relate
I'd expand his "Personality type" and "Flaws" field.

Social - 83/100
brass knuckles

History - 50/100
here! same as Theo! tell me when you write their backstories!

Naiche seems like a nice guy, from what I've learned from his page. I think I like him more than Theo, but he seems like a secondary character than a main one. I hope you'll develop him more soon, and let me know when you finish both backstories!
average - 75/100

Naiche is:
70% likely to be my friend
54% likely to by my lover
79% likely to be my party member
45% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

Do you mind doing Sky for me?

well, well, well, what do we have here. nice to meet you, Sky!

Overview - 84/100
Skyanna Windblossom. something about her name… brings back old memories…
I'm guessing she looks like a 16 year old and she's some kind of an immortal

Looks - 97/100
she has no skin tone? that's… unusual.
oh oh that's a lot of information. but wow. she must be beautiful.
oh so she has scales! but still, she would have some skin beneath them?
she's a DRAGON now I know! I'd move this field to the top of this section because without knowing it, I was kinda lost and confused. I didn't quite know whom I was reading about and how to imagine her!
I want to draw her so badly. it's a shame that I don't have time.

Nature - 78/100
I think talking fast is not a flaw
I advise you to think more thoroughly on her flaws. you can easily do that from deducing them from her backstory. if you have it written, read it again and try to get as many traits as you can.
22 books in one night? how many pages is that?
"Tragedy that shaped them"? does your every character has a tragedy? that's grim. maybe you could rename it to "Event that shaped them", so it doesn't sound like we're mourning or something (unless each of your has a tragedy. which I doubt. but I may be wrong).

Social - 89/100
seafood rocks
cannot imagine a dragon using a bow
oh she's a librarian! no wonder

History - 68/100
Windbreaker Manor sounds so cool
that bugs me, what exactly are Astras?
her backstory is nice, but I can't really see what will be going on in your story. there's no "teaser" of her further life. and I want to know what may happen next.
"Childhood happiness level", what an interesting field

Sky is definitely someone new for me. she looks gorgeous, has her place in you universe (I believe), but you need to work more on her pesonality. I see that you have her brief backstory ready, so it should be easy for you! good luck ^-^
average - 83/100

Sky is:
89% likely to be my friend
78% likely to by my lover
83% likely to be my party member
67% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

Can you do Abi? She's sort of still in progress, and half the ghost/underworld stuff won't make sense, but I'd really appreciate a review! Thanks!

Info noted! I hope you'll find my ratings useful! sometimes a fresh look from a random person is all that you need

Overview - 81/100
Abi. I think I've heard this name somewhere.
her role is… round?

Looks - 78/100
I think facial hair is for moustache and beards. you can move this information to "Hair style"

Nature - 78/100
wait wait wait who's Mallory
Ünterworld is such a confusing name
her fields are curiously written
I think that everyone has some kind of a condition. tell me if I'm wrong
I get a feeling that this section could use some more information.

Social - 100/100
"The pen is mightier than the sword". but in the end the bearer's prudence is the key.


I like your writing style as well as this section in general! everything is neat here, I really have no negative remarks!

History - 90/100
oh, I really wonder how developed her backstory is that you created a separate section for it

Spirits/ghosts known - 87/100
woah that's interesting
such a big spoiler in Frank's description! I genuinely was quite shocked when I read that
now I want to know more about ANUB1S, too

Quotes - 98/100
oh nice!
I want mooore

Backstory - 99/100
your writing is really unique! I feel like I'm reading a simple short story, not a block of raw information. bonus points!
I want to read the whole story. now.

Quirk - 85/100
hmm… interesting

Abi is an interesting character! I love her ability to communicate with ghosts! her story sounds unique and you made me want to get to know the other characters! she could use some more deep thought in her "Nature" section but overall she looks great!
average - 88/100

Abi is:
69% likely to be my friend
45% likely to by my lover
84% likely to be my party member
26% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

howdyyyy! im new to this website, but I was wondering if you could review my oc, willow? i know shes very under developed, but could you maybe rate her so far? here she is - Invalid Character xoxo

oh, her page is private. you can make her public for other too see it next to the editing button. let me know when you make her ready!


howdyyyy! im new to this website, but I was wondering if you could review my oc, willow? i know shes very under developed, but could you maybe rate her so far? here she is - Invalid Character xoxo

oh, her page is private. you can make her public for other too see it next to the editing button. let me know when you make her ready!

Invalid Character oh my gosh i’m so sorry!

@tomat brightness_7

howdyyyy! im new to this website, but I was wondering if you could review my oc, willow? i know shes very under developed, but could you maybe rate her so far? here she is - Invalid Character xoxo

oh, her page is private. you can make her public for other too see it next to the editing button. let me know when you make her ready!

Invalid Character oh my gosh i’m so sorry!

don't be! everything is fine. now that you solved the problem I can't wait to rate Willow!

Overview - 88/100
nothing to comment on here, next!

Looks - 76/100
she's a vampire! I haven't seen one in ages!

Nature - 70/100
good mannerisms!
I like that her traits are clearly listed, but I think they could be more elaborated. for example, one of her talents is "speed", but what kind exactly? or she's fearless, but "most of the time". what are the factors that make her feel fear?

Social - 79/100
a pocket watch? sounds interesting. how did she get it?

History - 40/100
oh, she has no backstory yet. I'm sure that when you write it, you'll figure out how to develop her personality more!

Notes - 80/100
it's great that you stated that you're working on her! remember to fill out her "Nature" section the same time as her backstory!

it was an interesting experience, rating a vampire character! vampires may seem kind of cliché, but I love to see how other authors make them unique with their backstories and traits! I hope I'll see you working on her well ^-^
average - 72/100

Willow is:
74% likely to be my friend
45% likely to by my lover
73% likely to be my party member
68% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

I gots another one for you, Tomat!! Have fun with another one of my children, Fennec!

we meet again, MJ. I'm curious about what mysteries you've prepared for me.

Overview - 70/100
Fennec. I love fennecs. but do I love Fennec? that is the question.
is there a reason behind his nicknames?

Looks - 90/100
New Human! now I know what that means!
"Very angular and sharp features". hmmm… did you mean fox-like features? ^-^
crooked teeth. I relate.
and he even lives on the desert

Nature - 93/100
you already know how I feel about your "Nature" layout
"To finally get some peace". is it even rational to start loving a character just because of this line?
is independence really a flaw?
soup is


Personality - 95/100
I think I am kinda a Fennec myself
Why Are You Making Me Sad With His Fears

Voice - 95/100
even a laugh description! I'm really impressed!
woah those languages sound so cool by the way I want to meet the Sun Goddess
very unique speaking patterns!

Social - 90/100


wait but what kind of soup exactly
and what's Bane's trail mix?
lizards yes yes yes yes yes
oh Solellum also sounds cool
you know what? I love Fennec

History - 98/100
explanations of their last names! I never thought of doing that!
He Brings Me So Many Memories. I Am In Love.
you don't realize how he warms my soul. when I close my eyes and think about him, I see a beautiful desert with quiet Austin Wintory's songs in the background. majestic.
his whole aesthetics I'm gonna cry

Abilities/powers - 91/100
aww that's hot. that's real hot.

Inventory - 87/100
if he heats his hands, don't his gloves, like, melt or something? I hope he doesn't heat his hands while wearing them

Medical - 80/100
I've said this a few times that I like this field but I've never wondered what exactly each number represent. I interpreted it my own way but I'm not sure if it's the right one. unless there's no such thing as "the right way".

Family - 79/100
wait is it possible for a salamander to live in a desert?

People - 81/100
now I only need to meet Bane and Rune

oh, rating your characters is always a pleasure. and Fennec? he's been an adventure. like a ride throughout the desert's ruined city. a journey to my memories with Austin Wintory, sand and snow. thank you. if you write your story, I'll try to be the one of the first readers, just to see how you've brought Fennec to life. of course, I'll be happy to see the others, too. but for now Fennec wins my heart. and I think it's safe to say that you're one of my favorite writers on this site.
average - 87/100

Fennec is:
97% likely to be my friend
81% likely to by my lover
79% likely to be my party member
53% likely to be my enemy

@larcenistarsonist group

I gots another one for you, Tomat!! Have fun with another one of my children, Fennec!

we meet again, MJ. I'm curious about what mysteries you've prepared for me.

Overview - 70/100
Fennec. I love fennecs. but do I love Fennec? that is the question.
is there a reason behind his nicknames?

Yup, he has Fox-like features, Fen is short for Fennec, and he goes by Asher when going undercover at one point in the story and his friends like to call him Asher to annoy him.

Looks - 90/100
New Human! now I know what that means!
"Very angular and sharp features". hmmm… did you mean fox-like features? ^-^
crooked teeth. I relate.
and he even lives on the desert

fennec the fox
i know he loves the desert

Nature - 93/100
you already know how I feel about your "Nature" layout
"To finally get some peace". is it even rational to start loving a character just because of this line?
is independence really a flaw?
soup is


asldk;fja thank youuuuuuuuu
It's a flaw when he literally kicks people out of his workshop cuz he doesn't want them to touch stuff
soup is SO GOOD

Personality - 95/100
I think I am kinda a Fennec myself
Why Are You Making Me Sad With His Fears

Fennec is a freaking m o o d
Because Yes.

Voice - 95/100
even a laugh description! I'm really impressed!
woah those languages sound so cool by the way I want to meet the Sun Goddess
very unique speaking patterns!

Thank you! This is what the completed voice section looks like and I haven't gotten around to the other characters yet

Social - 90/100


wait but what kind of soup exactly
and what's Bane's trail mix?
lizards yes yes yes yes yes
oh Solellum also sounds cool
you know what? I love Fennec

He makes every type of soup he can
Once he finally leaves the desert with the Gang
Honesty, it's just dried fruits and random nuts, but Fennec loves anything Bane makes because fennec is a useless gay when it comes to bane ad;fklajsd;lf I love Fennec too :DD

History - 98/100
explanations of their last names! I never thought of doing that!
He Brings Me So Many Memories. I Am In Love.
you don't realize how he warms my soul. when I close my eyes and think about him, I see a beautiful desert with quiet Austin Wintory's songs in the background. majestic.
his whole aesthetics I'm gonna cry

I really put a lot of thought into his backstory and I'm glad you like it so much!!! :DD

Abilities/powers - 91/100
aww that's hot. that's real hot.

ver hot

Inventory - 87/100
if he heats his hands, don't his gloves, like, melt or something? I hope he doesn't heat his hands while wearing them

Nah, he takes em off. He just wears 'em while he's inventing so he doesn't accidentally slash his palm open again

Medical - 80/100
I've said this a few times that I like this field but I've never wondered what exactly each number represent. I interpreted it my own way but I'm not sure if it's the right one. unless there's no such thing as "the right way".

It's just kinda on a scale from 1-10. 1 being the least and 10 being the best. Example: if a character isn't fast, but strong, their Speed would probably be a 3 and their strength an 8 or something. Just sort of a rating if that makes sense??

Family - 79/100
wait is it possible for a salamander to live in a desert?

I dunno but Fennec has a lizard, salamander, gecko, something like that

People - 81/100
now I only need to meet Bane and Rune

I have Rune coming up for you soon!! >:DD

oh, rating your characters is always a pleasure. and Fennec? he's been an adventure. like a ride throughout the desert's ruined city. a journey to my memories with Austin Wintory, sand and snow. thank you. if you write your story, I'll try to be the one of the first readers, just to see how you've brought Fennec to life. of course, I'll be happy to see the others, too. but for now Fennec wins my heart. and I think it's safe to say that you're one of my favorite writers on this site.
average - 87/100

D;KAJD;AFKJSDKASDJF;LASKJ DTHANK YOU SO MUCH A;SDKFJ;ASDKLFJA;SLDJFASLKJ You have no idea how happy I am that you genuinely love my characters!!!

Fennec is:
97% likely to be my friend
81% likely to by my lover
79% likely to be my party member
53% likely to be my enemy

@tomat brightness_7

Could you please do Nick when you've got the time? He hasn't seen the light of day in ages

hi Nick

Overview - 70/100
hi Nicholas
aces, unite!

Looks - 87/100
woah his hair is so cool
he pretty

Nature - 95/100
oh, a gifted kid! I rarely see those
his motivation is only "relax"?
I think I've never met anyone who had no problems with slouching
everything is so neat that I don't have any negative remarks!
as an INTJ myself I agree that this personality type fits him. he really resembles me. I could copy 80% of this section and change his name to 'tomat' and everything would match my personality

Social - 87/100
stuffed animals are the only things that keep us sane

History - 70/100
you nailed all the important events, but I don't see clearly where his history is going. what happens next, or what may happen next? it's like his story is cut right before everything starts to warm up. try to create a 'trailer' of further story.

I like the clarity of his page. I also like him, maybe because I strongly relate to him. he seems like a nice character, but I don't really know what kind of a story he would participate in. you could try to elaborate his history, and that's it, really!
average - 82/100

Nick is:
80% likely to be my friend
73% likely to by my lover
45% likely to be my party member
64% likely to be my enemy