info Overview
Name - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s full name?

Richard Edwin Porter

Role - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Richard Edwin Porter go by?


Gender - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s gender?

M (while human)
Agender when not

Age - How old is Richard Edwin Porter?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Richard Edwin Porter weigh?


Height - How tall is Richard Edwin Porter?


Hair Color - What color is Richard Edwin Porter’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Richard Edwin Porter style their hair?

Shaved off

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Richard Edwin Porter have?

Light stubble

Eye Color - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s eye color?

Chestnut brown

Race - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s race?

Human-passing Eldritch Monstrosity

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Richard Edwin Porter have?

A second mouth at the back of his skull with wide, puckered lips. Tendrils of varying lengths and thicknesses emerge, each with their own suckers and sharp-toothed leech-like mouths, dripping silvery anaesthetic mucus.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Richard Edwin Porter have?

Struts/swaggers with his chest up when he walks

Hands in his pockets most of the time

Wears his hood up all the time. Before his Change he wore a baseball cap (same brand as his tracksuit).

Motivations - What motivates Richard Edwin Porter most?

Ricky's farsight sets him apart and means that being an only child (the only one in the whole clan) is worth it. It comes and goes in natural cycles and when on the wane can be restored via cannibalistic blood rites and asceticism. Ricky would (and does) do whatever he needs to do in order to keep his farsight for as long as he can.

Ricky has never made a friend before, so when he does end up with one he isn't sure what to do except that he knows he doesn't want to lose them. Figuring out this relationship becomes a motivation in and of itself.

Flaws - What flaws does Richard Edwin Porter have?

No sense of personal space
Warped view of boundaries
Prone to threatening, violent and antisocial behaviour
Refuses to pay for anything including bus fare
Lies to himself and doesn't realise that's what he's doing
Actively scornful of those who lie to themselves

Prejudices - What prejudices does Richard Edwin Porter have?

Ricky can't stand people who live in the present or the past (he's jealous of them more than anything), and also those who lie to themselves about who and what they really are. He does this all the time.

Talents - What talents does Richard Edwin Porter have?

Fluent in Old English [Anglo-Saxon], can get by in Old Welsh but wouldn't want to

Whistles and mimics birdsong, improvises around bird calls when feeling musical.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Richard Edwin Porter have?

Bone casting
Counting magpies/reading omens
Stalking and killing people
Summoning eldritch horrors
Reading (both fiction and nonfiction)
Walking in nature
Learning new things (mainly facts)

Personality type - What personality type is Richard Edwin Porter?


86% Introverted
58% iNtuitive
61% Thinking
71% Judging

71% Turbulent

Ricky is a very typical INTJ.

With a quick, imaginative and strategic mind, the fact that he already knows which events are fixed means that he is able to manoeuvre and manipulate with complete frankness and honesty. He has a reputation as a 'slippery bastard', but this is because he tells the truth in selective ways when it suits him.

He comes across as cocky and arrogant, with a great deal of self-confidence that seems unwarranted. He struts about the town like a bantamweight boxer, confident in his own physical strength, his family's reputation, and his own intelligence, even if he is 4 inches shorter than the average UK White male and has no social skills, no sense of appropriate personal space, and very poor personal hygiene.

Ricky is always honest and direct and cannot lie to save his life. When he tries to lie, it's painfully obvious. The only person Ricky successfully lies to is himself, and if he had any friends or close associates to point this out to him, he would have figured this out by now.

Independent and decisive, Ricky has largely brought himself up from the age of 12, and deeply resents interference in his autonomy. Naturally detached from emotionally-charged debates, he will put forward the most rational options and stick to them, regardless of the person challenging him.

Where it comes to his soothsaying, Ricky is diligent, determined and self-sacrificial. He is a committed ascetic with a paleo diet, eats most things raw and everything unprocessed, and is a strict teetotal. Living in the present his detrimental to his farsight, so he has learned to detach himself and tries not to be distracted by self-indulgence. He is also celibate, but since he's demisexual pan/ace anyway and doesn't form emotional attachments to others, this isn't a problem.

This means he is not very self-aware and represses a lot of emotions. When he has enough, he rebels, and it gets messy and explosive.

Ricky can be very judgemental of others, especially those who lie to themselves or spend too much time in the present refusing to see or acknowledge the Big Picture. The combination of detachment, projected arrogance and judgemental tendencies means he is clueless about friendships of any kind.

If/when his self-lies and armour are exposed and he has to face them, Ricky will face an existential crisis.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Richard Edwin Porter practice?

Participates in the Wend cult. The Soothsayer of the clan also comes with direct communication with the being known as "Mr Wend/Shaw/Foreman", so he is an active member of the cult, killing the right people at the right time for the right rituals and eating the right bits of them.

Politics - What politics does Richard Edwin Porter have?

Ricky doesn't care about politics on a local or national level. He tries to maintain his neutrality in the family but manages to upset everyone.


Demisexual, celibate, somewhere on the asexual spectrum as he doesn't need sex and very really feels sexual attraction, but probably would discover that he's pan and could find anybody attractive if he got to know them.

His single sexual encounter was a drunken one [pre-Changes] aged 17 with his cousin Wesley Edward Porter

Occupation - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s occupation?

Soothsayer for the Pendle clan

Favorite color - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s favorite food?

Raw meat

Favorite possession - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s favorite possession?

Gerald, his taxidermy Frankentoy.

Ricky made Gerald when he was 10, out of a donkey skin (he killed and skinned the donkey himself, it was his first attempt at a bigger animal), and other animals and human parts.

Gerald was RIcky's only friend and ally, always available and now hugged bald and smooth in places. Ricky desperately wanted him to move or speak, but Gerald never did.

One thing he would prize even above Gerald is access to The Pendle Stone but that is in Fairwood House and he needs to break the protection spell to get in.

Due to his complicated relationship with Beverley Wend, he does have access to The Wend Shrine but this doesn't belong to him and he has learned to go without it when she withholds access from him.

Favorite weapon - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s favorite weapon?

His own tendrils which suck out bodily fluids and can also constrict people to death

Favorite animal - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s favorite animal?

Ricky sees all animals and humans as equal food/ritual ingredient opportunities.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Richard Edwin Porter’s birthday?
Education - What is Richard Edwin Porter’s level of education?

No formal education.

Mrs Peggy Antram taught him to read when he was 8 years old. After his father George Porter killed her and made Ricky eat her brain, he carried on reading in secret and so has developed an eclectic knowledge pool.

His eldritch knowledge was passed on to him by his [great-x-]grandmother Beverley Wend.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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