info Overview
Name - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s full name?

Wesley Edward Porter

Role - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s role in your story?

Playboy/petty drug-dealer

Other names - What other aliases does Wesley Edward Porter go by?


Gender - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s gender?


Age - How old is Wesley Edward Porter?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Wesley Edward Porter?

5’8” in actuality but no one can remember

Hair Color - What color is Wesley Edward Porter’s hair?

No one can remember

Hair Style - How does Wesley Edward Porter style their hair?

No one can remember

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Wesley Edward Porter have?

No one can remember

Eye Color - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s eye color?

No one can remember

Race - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s race?

Human-passing eldritch monstrosity, assumed Anglo-Saxon-ish

Skin Tone

No one can remember but assumed white

Body Type

No one can remember but lean, long-limbed, athletic maybe

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Wesley Edward Porter have? know it’s him because you can’t remember anything about how he looks or sounds when you look away/he stops speaking. His image can’t be properly captured or remembered when it is, and same goes for his voice & the waveform his voice creates when recorded. He is an incompressible string.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Wesley Edward Porter have?

Taps his foot when sat down

Does the Gene Simmons tongue better than Gene Simmons

Motivations - What motivates Wesley Edward Porter most?

Wes was primarily motivated by a determination to enjoy his life outside his family’s rigid and dysfunctional constraints.

Now, while that is still his central ethos, he is also motivated by his feelings for Charlotte "Charlie" Eversley-Smith & profound regret for eroding her sanity, his genuine affection for his boyfriend (and other lovers and platonic friends), and the growing realisation that he needs to step up and be a more positive father-figure for his siblings, especially Katherine Porter.

On a more mundane level, Wes loves his current lifestyle but isn’t naturally posh. He comes from the same family background that produced Richard Edwin Porter and talks like a local boy. He’s Hugo’s bit of rough and doesn’t get taken out to the same high-end restaurants that Hugo takes Charlie to, because he still sometimes gets the cutlery wrong. Wes pretends this doesn’t bother him, but in practice he overcompensates.

Flaws - What flaws does Wesley Edward Porter have?

Wes is vain, selfish and thinks with his cock.

He has trouble expressing and working through his own feelings and is often insensitive where it comes to other people’s, but this is a family trait compounded by his natural tendencies.

He is both impatient and risk-prone, which means he can sail a bit too close to the wind in occasion and get into various kinds of trouble.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Wesley Edward Porter have?

Wes is classist and a bit of a snob, masking his own insecurities at punching above his weight where Hugo & Charlie are concerned.

He looks down on his cousin Richard Edwin Porter whose introversion and introspection he just doesn’t understand. Although not usually judgemental, and at one time during their childhood was the closest thing Ricky has to a friend/ally, Wes has grown more aloof and more dismissive of Ricky as an adult.

He also struggles with Ricky’s asexuality/Demi-sexuality, Ricky’s failure to read a room (somewhat hypocritically given Wes’s own insensitivities at times) and his antisocial behaviour.

The bottom line, however, is that if Ricky were better dressed and more hygienic, Wes would be more forgiving and understanding. People who fit Wes’s view of “people worth knowing” find him a genuine, warm, perceptive and practical man who listens to them and makes them feel interesting. Ricky misses out on this side of Wes largely because of his lifestyle and (lack of) aesthetic.

Talents - What talents does Wesley Edward Porter have?

Wes (can be) amazing in bed. He takes time to learn about his long term partners for a mutually beneficial experience, but tends to be more selfish with his one-night stands unless he wants to see them again. His failures are few but they do happen and when they do he reacts with humour and doesn’t let it dent his confidence too much.

Wes is also very persuasive and smooth when he wants or needs to be.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Wesley Edward Porter have?

Pub Quizzes

Personality type - What personality type is Wesley Edward Porter?


95% Extraverted
66% Sensing
57% Thinking
65% Perceiving/Prospecting

69% Assertive

Leo: fire sign


A living, breathing incompressible string who, if he applied himself to Physics, could fill the cosmos with forgettable images of himself and totally fuck up reality.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Wesley Edward Porter practice?

Supposed to be part of Mr Wend’s cult but has better things to do than drive acolytes mad and trigger the rise of the Elder Gods.

Politics - What politics does Wesley Edward Porter have?

Centre-Right Conservative with Green agenda

Occupation - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s occupation?

Petty drug-dealer living the upper middle-class playboy lifestyle. When he wants cash he gives his cousin Richard Edwin Porter something he can sell in return for stock-market tips/the winning racehorse/lottery numbers. Not the jackpot numbers - he’s too clever to get greedy and draw attention to himself by winning big too often. Big wins go into the family pot anyway.

Favorite color - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s favorite color?

Royal purple / burnt orange, depends on his mood & the context

Favorite food - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s favorite food?

Saag curry

Favorite possession - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s favorite possession?

His silk shirts especially his ‘lucky’ royal purple shirt. Charlie bought it for him and it’s the shirt he pulled their boyfriend Hugo in.

His black silk mask for parties is also a big favourite that he’d be gutted to lose.

Favorite weapon - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s favorite weapon?

His own forgettability / his smooth-talking charm

Favorite animal - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Wesley Edward Porter’s birthday?



Education - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s level of education?

Passed his A-Levels in Art & Design, French and Chemistry chosen arbitrarily and entirely on the basis of how many girls and gay/bi/bicurious boys there were in the class.

He is the only student in the history of Pagham College to have totally failed General Studies, and this was largely on purpose.

Background - What is Wesley Edward Porter’s background?

Wes is the oldest of 13 children, and was sent to school as part of the infiltration measures the clan employed to see if the teachers are trying to protect students by teaching them how to avoid being lunch or swept up in the Wend/Shaw/Foreman cult.

Wes really enjoyed school and taught all his new friends to avoid his family like the plague, so this backfired. He managed to play both ends against the middle for a long time and persuaded his parents to send his other siblings to school too. He moved out at 16, lied about his age for purposes of a tenancy agreement and moved into a house-share with an older cousin, but stayed in touch with his younger siblings. He became a father-figure to the youngest, Katy, with whom he is the closest despite the age gap. While he didn't want to go to University, he supports her desire to go.

He went through the Changes at 19, with the result that his image and how he sounds is an uncompressible string. He cannot be remembered, even if his voice is recorded. The waveform it creates cannot be remembered either. His face is instantly forgettable even in photographic form or video.

When he was 20 he met Charlotte "Charlie" Eversley-Smith at a BDSM club, and they have been together for 8 years.

They are devoted to each other and are in an open and polyamorous relationship. While their other lovers and partners have come and gone over the years, sometimes leaving one or both of them in various states of distress, they remain a solid, supportive couple. They currently share a boyfriend, Hugo, but Charlie is also actively dating (mainly women), while Wes is happy with the circle of casual lovers in their phone book. He has his eye on Caroline Rose Rickard who is a bit too vanilla to be interested (and also has a complicated relationship with his cousin Richard Edwin Porter ) and both he and Charlie are helping old friend Eglantine Harris get over her recent break-up via no-strings-attached friends-with-benefits fun and games.

Charlie, a professional photographer, became addicted to him [or rather, trying to remember his image & voice] without realising and when Wes realised that he had inadvertently undermined her sanity, he stuck with her and tried to undo some of the damage that comes from having a blindspot across one's entire emotional universe. This was Wes's moral coming-of-age, where he learned to be more responsible about his Change. He now wears masks in public when not with his family.

Charlie and Wes live a very upper middle-class life together, with her family money and income from her photography business, and his income as a casual family "employee" in his Uncle David's side business, selling drugs to succubi and other beings. He also visits Cousin Ricky [Porter] to use his farsight for mundane but lucrative things like the lottery numbers, racing tips and stocks & shares information. He pays Ricky in drugs that Ricky can sell on, or in edible treats for Ricky's parents.

Charlie doesn't really know much about this side of his life, as he protects her from as much of the Weirdness as he can. At her insistence, he threw his human patella collection (most of which he inherited from his grandfather) into the sea and doesn't add to it anymore.

Part of Wes's development as a person has been his reluctant conversion to veganism, even though Charlie eats meat. Wes knows that the Sunday roast at his [great-x-]gran's Beverley Wend is probably a human course, and since Charlie is human and so are most of his/their lovers, he can't bring himself to eat them anymore. Beverley disapproves, but has bought a vegan cookbook and become very adept at cooking alternatives for him.

Wes wants to eat meat, but can't stand the worried look on Charlie's face if she catches him with a burger. He's now fully bought into the vegan lifestyle ethos, but is not overly evangelical about it.

shopping_basket Inventory
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