info Overview
Name - What is Gerald’s full name?


Item Type - What type of item is Gerald?


Description - Describe Gerald.

Taxidermy Frankentoy

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Gerald made out of?

Gerald is a taxidermy chimera comprised of the following parts:

~ donkey hide (main body)
~ Back limbs of a Great Dane
~ Donkey hooves for back legs
~ Fox limbs for front legs
~ human hands for front legs
~ a deer skull with antlers for the head
~ fox ears
~human eyeballs (need frequent replacing)
~stuffed with straw and human viscera which also needs replacing

Weight - How much does Gerald weigh?


date_range History
Year it was made - When was Gerald made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Gerald possess?

Gerald has no magical properties whatsoever.

It is ambiguous as to whether Gerald is sentient or not, or whether this is just wishful thinking/child-like imagination.

edit Notes

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