Jackson brightened up as the cake came out, near drooling already at the sight of it. "You really didn't hold back on this one, did you?" He chuckled softly.
Jackson brightened up as the cake came out, near drooling already at the sight of it. "You really didn't hold back on this one, did you?" He chuckled softly.
Logan shook his head once he got over the awe of the cake. "It was more the chef if anything. They're the ones who out did themselves." He breathed, barely even registering the tugg at his arm as Raz tugged the couple to their seats. "Let everyone settle before we start serving cake."
"But caaaake." Jackson whined, making Jay push him towards his seat. "Don't be a baby, you'll get your cake. It's your damn wedding, the cake is yours to have." He snorted, following Raz's lead.
Raz settled to Logan's left, a proud smile on his face as he just watched his family argue over cake. "We'll have to get those photos printed and displayed asap." He said to Logan with a knowing grin. Logan shook his head with a laugh. "Only if we like the. There's no need to display the embarrassing photos."
Raz shrugged "then we'll have to display them in our home." Raz poked Logan in the side, making him giggle. "Has the down payment already put down?" He asked, bouncing in his seat excitedly, both for cake and to finally beocing into someplace they could call their own.
Raz nodded, equally as excited. "Yep! I'm just waiting for the realtor lady to call me back."
Jackson was plonked down into the seat next to his new husband unceremoniously. "Stay." Jay ordered before going and sitting next to Raz. Jackson sighed dramatically and laid his head on Logan's shoulder. "Baaaabe he's being meeeeean." He whined with a pout, making Jay roll his eyes.
Logan couldn't help but laugh at the two before gentoy adjusting the circle of flowers in Jackson's hair. "Patience my love, of I can wait months for a surprise honeymoon, you can wait a few moments for the cake." He reasoned, kissing Jackaon's pout and smiling softly. He glanced up as his cousin, Jeremy, stepped up and started speaking, soon introducing the newly wed couple.
Jackson once again blushed in embarrassment, hiding his face as they were introduced but he couldn't help his smile. "They're watching us." He whispered, a slight giggle in his voice.
"of course sweetheart, why wouldn't they? You look stunning." Lohan murmured in his ear, looking up when Jeremy handed him the knife. "Truce not attach each other with cake?" Logan pleaded, handing Jackaon the plate so he could serve him then vice versa
"For the simple reason of I would hate to see your heartbroken face when you realize your latest creations have been ruined with frosting, yes. Truce." Jackson chuckled, taking his plate. "Though I can't promise that you won't end up with frosting on your face."
Logan sighed softly in relief and set Jackson's slice of cake on his plye before taking another plate and giving him the cake knife. "Thank you sweetheart. You have my appreciation." He laughed softly, already smelling the heavenly combination of coffee and chocolate.
"Mm, don't thank me quite yet." Jackson hummed, cutting Logan a slice and placing it on his plate. He set the cake knife down, quickly swiping a glob of frosting from the cake board and plopping it right on Logan's nose. "Boop!"
Logan gasped softoy and took a step back in case Jaclson was going to get more frosting on him. "Baby, we had a truce!" He laughed out, carefully wiping the the frosting off his nose. He glared playfully at his husband and shook his head. "I wouldn't be so smug, hon. Now I have all the reason to get back at you."
"Incorrect! Our truce said no attacking each other with cake. And I specifically said I made no promises about the face. Just be glad it wasn't the suit." Jackson laughed with an innocent smile.
"I had assumed not attacking encompassed all aspects of smushing any amount of cake at anyone's face." Logan whined, managing to lick a bit of frosting that had fallen to his upper lip. "You're who should be glad otherwise this would have been an all out war." Logan teased, pressing a kiss to h8s husband's cheek with a shake of his head.
"Ooo, don't threaten me with a good time, bean." Jackson purred, elbowing Logan with a chuckle before diving into his slice to actually taste it.
(I see the Brendon Urie callbacks still haven't left XD)
"But what fun is a wedding if we don't, my angel?" Logan asked innocently, smiling adoringly as he watched his husband enjoy the cake. He gentpy tugged Jackson back to their table, seeing that Raz and Jay had already been served their slices of cake.
(Unintentional but I still love Panic! XD)
Jackson had practically finished the slice before they even returned to the table, much to Jay's amusement. "Couldn't even wait for the rest of your guests to be served? How selfish." He teased with a laugh, making Jackson roll his eyes.
"to be fair, it is a good cake." Raz said, covering his mouth his hand as he finished a bite if his own slice. Logan laughed "there's always more if you want."
Jackson swallowed his bite and glared at his best friend. "My wedding, my rules." Jay raised his hands in defense with a smile. "Hey, I never said it was bad thing. Just that you're impatient."
Raz snorted a small laugh, earning him a nudge from Logan who was already trying to conceal a giggle. "As long as everyone's enjoying themselves, that's all that matters." Logan decided once he recovered.
"That's true, that's very true." Jackson hummed as Jay chuckled. "Yeah, enjoying ourselves is definitely a term for it."
Logan smiled softly as he finished off his own piece of cake. He was more than happy to watch their gusts happily mingle and enjoy their time. Soon more food was served and the speeches started for the happy couple
Jackson tried to keep himself together through the speeches, burying himself in Logan's shoulder whenever he felt like he was about to cry.
Logan wrapped his arm around Jackson and pressed a kiss to his hair and brow, gently blotted away his husband's tears with a napkin. He had tears in his own eyes at hearing the encouraging words and congratulations from their friends. He glanced up when Raz stood, tugging jay up with him and heading to the center of the room.
Jay nearly tripped when Raz pulled him forward, settling next to his husband's side and squeezing his hand gently. Jackson looked a bit confused, he thought they were each doing one separately, but just went with it.
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