forum You are…my strange addiction~
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Teddy tilts his head, then lays down next to him, being sure not to touch him. He looked worried for Roa, but tried not to get into his face.

A little humming bird buzzed over to the bird feeder, sipping the nectar. Teddy looked at the bird and wagged his tail, but didn’t chase it. Instead, he simply watched the bird buzz around.

Emil smiled and watched silently, then walked back inside to check to see how his supper was going.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa just sits there, staring at the water. He doesn’t move, nor make a sound. He was lost in his own thoughts. He found it slightly funny that he didn’t really understand his own thoughts at the moment. But then, he didn’t understand anything at the moment.

Why this man wanted him. Why he’d taken Roa when he didn’t want it. But then, his whole life had been filled with things that he didn’t want.

He lifts his gaze from the water to gaze at the horizon. The beauty of the backyard didn’t strike him as anything. It only stood for a prison. Padded shackles, but shackles nonetheless.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Once darkness takes over the garden, lights start to flick on. The lights looked like they held dancing fireflies, making the garden look almost magical. Emil walks outside and plops down next to Roa. “Come inside…I can’t leave you out here to freeze.” He smiles at him.

Teddy had stayed outside with Roa, keeping him company as he sits there. Once he sees his owner, his tail wags and his ears perk up. Emil smiles at Teddy, then looks back to Roa. “Suppers still warm…you should eat something.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa blinks and moves away from Emil. “I’m fine. I don’t want to go inside.” He sighs softly, closing his eyes again.

He wanted to be left alone. He wanted this man to go away and never bother him again. Roa felt the sudden urge to punch this man in the face and run. Though that was far from Roa’s usual behavior. He just decided to ignore Emil.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Emil sighs softly and looks at him. “Well…it’s 10. And you should really get inside. You can come back out in the morning if you wish…but for tonight you should go to bed.” He stands. “Come on now…I can at least give you another hour to eat supper if you’d like. I’ll also run a nice warm bath.” He smiles. “I also got some clothes in your closet for you.”

He offers his ring and bracelet adorned hand with blue painted nails.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa doesn’t look at him, his jaw tightening. He opens his eyes, staring at the water. He watches the moon light reflect of the darkened water. He finds the image peaceful and relaxing. But Emil standing right behind him was not helping at all.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Emil sighs and walks back inside, then, comes back out with a plate of the pot roast, and a can of soda. He sets the plate and can down beside Roa, then shoves his hands in his pockets and walks back inside to let him eat.

After an hour later, he comes back. “Come inside now.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa hadn’t touched the food or soda, still staring at the water. He tenses back up at the sound of Emil’s footsteps and flinches at the sound of his voice. He had been so close to loosing himself in the water. So close to forgetting where he was. His hands first in the grass, pulling at it.

Why didn’t he understand? Roazin didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to see the man who had ruined his life. Roa hated him.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Emil stands behind him, hands still in pockets. “I know you’re terribly upset now…but you’ll soon learn that I’m doing this for you. Think of it like…the beauty and the beast. You may be here against your will…but you have everything…and I’m not restricting you to a cell or anything. I’m not that cruel.”

He tried to reason with this boy…tried to show him his point of view. He tried to be kind. Roa hadn’t done anything to piss him off anyways…so why would he be mean?

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa keeps his gaze on the water for a long moment. His gaze snaps up to Emil. “Beauty and the Beast? Are you crazy? I didn’t sacrifice myself to save anyone. You bought me off of my parents, who don’t even own me! I’m a full grown adult.”

He glares at him, “You can’t buy everything you want.”

@Eli-the-transboi group

Emil laughs softly. “That’s true. I can’t. But I saved you from those crazy people. That wretched smell was terrible in there. Smelled of cheep alcohol. And the way that woman acted…” He tisks. “Terrible. I helped you. I got you out of there. It was me who saved you from that place. You should be grateful.” He stares down at Roa.

“Forgive me for saying this…but you’re not looking at the big picture. I bought your freedom.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa glares up at Emil, “I didn’t need or want your help.” He looks away again, back to the water. He sighs softly, running his fingers through his hair.

“I am not grateful for what you did. I loath you for it.” He shakes his head slightly.

He looks back up at Emil, “You didn’t buy my freedom. You paid to have me, and keep me locked up here just so you could be happy.”

@Eli-the-transboi group

He laughs softly. “I’m only keeping you safe. Someday you’ll understand…” He leans against a pillar. “Some day…you’ll thank me for what I’ve done for you. And on that day…I’ll tell you ‘I told you so.’ I’m right. You’re just being stubborn right now…and I understand. This is new and pretty hard to understand.” He taps the column behind him, sighing.

“You’ll understand soon enough, my dear.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa shakes his head, his hands tearing at the grass. His eyes burned with unshed tears of frustration. “I will never thank you. For anything.” He stands, walking farther away from Emil.

At the term of endearment, he turns and glares at the man, “Do not call me that. I am not your anything.”

@Eli-the-transboi group

Emil grins at him. “Not now you are~ but soon you will be.” He smiles, a manipulative look in his eyes. He then sighs and stands. “Well…come on inside. No argument.” He clears his throat and pets Teddy who was now at his owners feet.

Teddy woofs at Emil, batting his paw at him as if warning him about something.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa crosses his arms, “No. I will never be your anything.” He snaps. His golden eyes glittered with ire and anger. A hatred simmering there, unrestful. Roa was growing to hate this man, the more he instead his own will on Roa.

“I’m not doing anything you tell me to do.” He shakes his head, glaring at Emil. “I don’t have too. You don;’t own me. I’m not a possession. I have my own free will.”

He kicks at the food still on the ground, scattering it into the grass.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Emil sighs, watching the boy. He then walks inside, coughing slightly and followed by Teddy. After some time, Emil comes back with a soft, heated blanket and pillows. He then drags a bench with a soft blue padding over to the pond and sets up a bed. Every now and then, he’d pause, place his hand on his chest, and take some deep breath’s before continuing his work until the was done.

“It’s not gonna be any harsh weather…just chilly.” He sighs and looks up at the clear, star-filled night. “You’re getting a very nice view.” He coughs and starts walking inside. “I’ll check on you to…make sure you’re not freezing.” He coughs again.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa watches, scowling slightly. He turns away from Emil, shaking his head, “Just leave me alone. Why can’t you see that’s what I want?” He storms past Emil, going inside the ‘house’.

He wanders around, walking from room to room, trying to find somewhere secluded. Or maybe even a way out. He was not going to stay locked up here. He would find a way out.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Emil sighs and plops down onto the bench, clutching his chest. He lets out a shaky breath as Teddy hops up onto his owners lap and leans on him. “Hah…” he coughs and pets the dog, trying to wait for his heart to slow its unnecessary rapid beating.

No matter which exit Roa found, they all either entered the huge garden, the pool, or were locked. But eventually, Roa would find a room all the way at the other end of the mansion. A small, comfy room with warm, simple decor. There was only one window that had a view of the street outside.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa moves forward, pressing his hand to the window and closing his eyes. He leans forward, letting his forehead rest against the glass for a long moment. He wanted to be out there. Not in the garden. Not in this house. He wanted out. He would get what he wanted.

At least, he hoped. He sighs and sits down, pulling his knees to his chest. His whole life, he’d spent having everything he wanted taken away. He wouldn’t let this Emil take away his freedom.

@Eli-the-transboi group

After about an hour, Emil walks back inside, going to his own room. Surprisingly, his footsteps could be heard from the vent. In fact…almost everything could be heard. From Emil’s coughs, to him speaking to Teddy. “Good boy…” he sighs as he gets changed.

Teddy whines slightly and lays down. Emil sighs. “I know, bud…” there was a moment of silence, then he flops onto the bed. “I feel bad…” he said softly. “I mean…what am I even doing? I was in the same situation he was! Why do I have to be like him!” He growls. Teddy jumps onto the bed and curls up with Emil.

Emil pets him. “But…I also helped him get out of that situation…I’m just- torn.” He whispers, “I wish Mutter was still here…” he sighs.

In the morning, Emil was bustling and seemed to be packing stuff up. He then calls out to Roa. “Breakfast is ready! I apologize but I have to go show my designs! I’ll be back by 5.” He gets Teddy on his leash and soon, the door slams shut behind him.

The mansion then falls silent except for a small meow coming from Luna who had poked her head into the room. She tilts her head at Roa, then slips into the room and curls up by the window, taking in the sunlight. She purred loudly as she started kneading at the rug.

@Eli-the-transboi group

(I’ll think for some ideas- you may just need to get roa to soften up. Even if its just a little- like- giving the asshole a chance- or showing some compassion- we can also do a ts)