forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

I haven't really been in a bad mood lately but I can't bring myself to be excited about things. I know I should be happy and care about stuff but I'm just not and I don't


Did I buy a waist cinch to feel more feminine? Yes.
Is it working? No, and I want to cry but I’ll ruin my makeup.

Honestly, when boys say that I don't have emotions, I look at them and say "This foundation was worth more than your entire outfit."


I would like to be rude to my brother who decided that he would cut the watermelon into small APPLE SIZED CHUNKS


@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I would like to be rude to my brother who decided that he would cut the watermelon into small APPLE SIZED CHUNKS



@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Why are people in movies idiotic?

  • Pilot light on water heater goes out in dark basement.
  • Adult goes down with flashlight.
  • Turns flashlight off to light pilot light with matches in dark basement despite there being a (expletive) button to light it!
  • Teenage kid does the same thing when it gets turned off for a third time.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

And I'm tired of putting on a happy face, of hiding everything that's wrong because my parents always end up forcing me out to socialize after a big fight. I'm tired of internalizing everything, of having to always have a smile so no one knows what's going on. I'm tired of always being told I do everything for attention, because I'm starting to believe them. Of my mother always commenting on how I have breakdowns in public but am fine at home. It's because I can't fucking deal with it, mom. And by the time we get back home, I'm exhausted and tired and done with everything.

@HighPockets group

Behold, I have a message from Miriam:
(spoiler tagged just to be safe)


Swim, I'm kind of in the same boat, but not as extreme. If your parents are neglecting you like this, you can make a case for emotional neglect to CPS or a DFCS agency. We can PM about it of you're interested in getting help that way. I'm sorry your family doesn't support you. It's ridiculous that the people who are supposed to be there for you won't even take care of you in the most basic way. You deserve better. And you are loved <3
I know it's hard. Trust me, I know. But there are ways to work through this with time, patience, and of course outside help and support. You may have to work to get that, but you deserve it and it's worth it.


Oh, Swim, I'm so sorry. If you need to vent I'm always here to listen, though I'm not very good at advice. But I will always always listen if you need or want someone to vent to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I just… i don't think that'll help anything. I'm just a little over a year from moving out, and I don't want my brother to go through this alone. I also don't want to get seperated from him, or end up somewhere worse. I'll probably just figure something out with my therapist if I'm able to go back.

also, some things I forgot to add but are still fucking horrible:

  • telling me most of my problems are just me not doing exactly what they tell me
  • transgender/non cis people are mentally ill and need to be treated to get them to want to be their birth gender
  • all gay people would definitely do it with people of the opposite sex if they were the gay person's type
  • being told medication works to help me is the same as his friends telling him he just needed to get high when he was young


Thanks Owen and Ice for the offers. It means a lot to know you'll listen <3

Of course <3 like I said, I'm not great at giving advice, but I'll always listen and do my clumsy best to help


It's okay. It's weird for me, usually I'm the one who gives advice XD
it's how I'm good at rping it

lmao oof
im just an INTP, which means I have no emotions and too much logic

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It's okay. It's weird for me, usually I'm the one who gives advice XD
it's how I'm good at rping it

lmao oof
im just an INTP, which means I have no emotions and too much logic

heyyy, I'm INTP too XD Logic is good, yes, and I do hate my emotions and do my best to ignore them.


It's okay. It's weird for me, usually I'm the one who gives advice XD
it's how I'm good at rping it

lmao oof
im just an INTP, which means I have no emotions and too much logic

heyyy, I'm INTP too XD Logic is good, yes, and I do hate my emotions and do my best to ignore them.

no wonder we get along so well then lmao