group Characters by person Lee

Acantha Venatici

Acantha Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Achilleas Venatici

Achilleas Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Adam Genetta

Adam Genetta close

Angel of Protection

last updated about 3 years ago

Adrastos Venatici

Adrastos Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Adrienne Sah

Adrienne Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Aesara Venatici

Aesara Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Aglaia Venatici

Aglaia Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Ajahn Venatici

Ajahn Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Aquarius Nanahoc

Aquarius Nanahoc close

King of Sea

last updated over 1 year ago

Arachne Venatici

Arachne Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Archimedes Venatici

Archimedes Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Aristotle Venatici (Sirius)

Aristotle Venatici (Sirius) close

last updated over 1 year ago

Artemis Venatici

Artemis Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Ashley Heath

Ashley Heath close

last updated about 2 years ago

Atalanta Venatici

Atalanta Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago


Azael close

Angel of Punishments

last updated about 3 years ago

Camus Venatici

Camus Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Cantila Venatici

Cantila Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Cedar Olsen

Cedar Olsen close

Lightwood Bouquet

last updated over 3 years ago

Chester Thunder

Chester Thunder close

last updated about 3 years ago

Chimera Venatici

Chimera Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Clémenceau Venatici

Clémenceau Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Columba Gladieux

Columba Gladieux close

Knight and healer

last updated over 1 year ago

Confucius Venatici

Confucius Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Cúchulainn Venatici

Cúchulainn Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Cyrene Sah

Cyrene Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Daedalus Venatici

Daedalus Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Damaris Venatici

Damaris Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Darius Lowe

Darius Lowe close

last updated over 4 years ago

Demaphan Venatici

Demaphan Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Democritus Venatici

Democritus Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Diogenes Venatici

Diogenes Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Ehecatl Venatici

Ehecatl Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Émilie Venatici

Émilie Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Enrico Venatici

Enrico Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Epicurus Venatici

Epicurus Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Flora Sah

Flora Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Foucault Venatici

Foucault Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Fredrick Nichols

Fredrick Nichols close

Side character (deceased)

last updated about 3 years ago

Gottfried Venatici

Gottfried Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Heliad Venatici

Heliad Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Henric Sah

Henric Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Heraclitus Venatici

Heraclitus Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Herne Venatici (Sah)

Herne Venatici (Sah) close

last updated over 1 year ago

Huanglong Venatici

Huanglong Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Hyacinth Granger

Hyacinth Granger close

Lightwood Bouquet

last updated about 4 years ago

Idalia Venatici

Idalia Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Ileana Venatici

Ileana Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Ivory Sah

Ivory Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Kalen Riviera

Kalen Riviera close

last updated about 4 years ago

Karma Asesino

Karma Asesino close

last updated about 2 years ago

Laozi Venatici

Laozi Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago


Lee close


last updated about 2 years ago

Lily Thyme

Lily Thyme close

The Chosen One (of sorts)

last updated about 3 years ago

Lupus Vollaro

Lupus Vollaro close

Lord of the Earth

last updated about 3 years ago

Madison Sah

Madison Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Makya Sah

Makya Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Maximilian Venatici

Maximilian Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Medusa Venatici

Medusa Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Memphis Sah

Memphis Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Mendieta Venatici

Mendieta Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Moss Chandler

Moss Chandler close

Lightwood Bouquet

last updated about 4 years ago

Napoleon Venatici

Napoleon Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Neith Sah

Neith Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Nostradamus Venatici

Nostradamus Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Olympia Venatici

Olympia Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Onora Venatici

Onora Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Orion Sah

Orion Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Pandora Venatici

Pandora Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Parmenides Venatici

Parmenides Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Pierre Venatici

Pierre Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Plato Venatici

Plato Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Pridi Venatici

Pridi Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Pythagoras Venatici

Pythagoras Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Quentin Genetta-Thyme

Quentin Genetta-Thyme close

last updated about 3 years ago

Raphael Venatici

Raphael Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Rose Matthews

Rose Matthews close

Lightwood Bouquet

last updated about 4 years ago

Sagitta Kiyoshi

Sagitta Kiyoshi close

Lord of the Air

last updated over 3 years ago

Sagittari Kiyoshi

Sagittari Kiyoshi close

Lady of the Air

last updated over 3 years ago

Samphire Sah

Samphire Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Sedna Sah

Sedna Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Sidon Sah

Sidon Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Skäde Venatici (Sah)

Skäde Venatici (Sah) close

last updated over 1 year ago

Socrates Venatici

Socrates Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Taurus Birkhofer

Taurus Birkhofer close


last updated about 3 years ago

Tempest Venatici

Tempest Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Thales Venatici

Thales Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Thalia Jiang

Thalia Jiang close

Best Friend

last updated over 3 years ago

Theano Venatici

Theano Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Thylane Venatici

Thylane Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

Vanessa Sah

Vanessa Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago

Voltaire Venatici

Voltaire Venatici close

last updated over 1 year ago

William Sah

William Sah close

last updated over 1 year ago