forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

is it weird that two of my frens are dating and idk
i just kinda feel awkward whenever they show public affection to each other
and by public,
i mean online public bc quarantineeee
and none of us know each other irl either


So as some of you may or may not know, I have been debating between switching schools for the past year or two. It has come to a point where I have to make a decision there is no wishy washy beating around the bush. It's either yes or no, why is that, My younger siblings are switching over. I was given the choice.
I have made a Pros and cons list and I kid you not it is even on both sides, like I went into the list thinking it would solve the problem for me and, nope. I present to you my list.
Staying where I'm at.

  • Pros, I'm familiar with the space, I know 4 people whom I love, less work, I know exactly what my classes would be.
  • Cons, I hate it, It would be an inconvenience for my parents.
    Moving over,
    -Pros, Good Music program, Concurrent enrollment, My two favorite people go there.
  • Cons, It's Unfamiliar, and I hate change.
    So no solution is to be found.


It is such a small insignificant thing to be worrying about really.
I'm loved, I have Parent's who care about me, and are disgustingly in love with each other. I have sisters who support me. I am in such a good place. I have food when I need it and I can be picky about what I eat. I can afford to go to a hospital when I need to and see a doctor, I am provided with medication when I need it. I live in a house with Air Conditioning that works so I don't have to be out in the triple degree weather. I have the internet at my finger tips. My artistic interests are supported by my parents, I'm permitted to write and read and I am given the tools with which to do so.
So why can't I just be happy with where I am at. Why can I not look at the family around me and say, this is enough.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I feel that, dude. We really have a good deal in life. And same on the parents. My parents have issues. But they have the being in love thing down pat. It's one of the the best things they've given us.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If you hate the other one that you could stay at, I'd say abandon ship. It's important to take a leap from things you don't like to make life better for yourself. And it seems you can do this at minimal risk.


I am leaning towards switching. I'm just hesitant because I'm leaving behind many loose threads.
Mainly the band program, but with Madam Covid de nineteen of the house of Corona, Band might not be a thing. Saliva drenches the floor in there all the time, I see no way of having band that even remotely resembles Band, Pun intended.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I get it. Leaving anything can be rough. But hey. Maybe you can do one of those Brand New Start things people supposedly get so excited about. Make new friends, conquer new classes, find someone that amazes you by being super smart with something or other. Y'know. That whole deal.


See it's the "Suppsedly." that ah kinda kills that for me, I couldn't sleep for many day's when we moved the furniture around at my house because that much change made me uncomfortable.

Don't keep doing things just because it's familiar kids, that's how toxic relationships happen, don't do it.


It was the stress of the change.
I wasn't allowed to have any electronics upstairs at the time so I did all of my homework in one room, in one specific chair, downstairs. The furniture in that room and the other room got switched, and my back up homework chair got moved upstairs. We moved the dinner table to a different location, we moved the Piano into a different room to make room for the dinner table, it was a whole mess.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@Relsey I'm not even going to pretend that I know how you feel. I only switched school districts twice in my life, but I had friends that "followed" me. We humans hate change, even though we know that it can be for the better at times. Change is always hard, no matter what people say. Hopefully everything works out for the best.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It was the stress of the change.
I wasn't allowed to have any electronics upstairs at the time so I did all of my homework in one room, in one specific chair, downstairs. The furniture in that room and the other room got switched, and my back up homework chair got moved upstairs. We moved the dinner table to a different location, we moved the Piano into a different room to make room for the dinner table, it was a whole mess.

Yeah, that sounds stressful.


I was the only one stressing out over it actually. The event only took an hour or two (I have many siblings and I think there were 12 people at home to help) every one else was like "This is wack but nothing we wont get used to" and I was not sleeping and crying and begging to move it back. I offered to do it by myself if I had to, it would have taken me an hour to move the Piano and another to move the table but I would have done it.

@Pickles group

So the drum majors made a section leader snapchat group despite them both knowing I don't have snapchat so and both of them having my phone number so why snapchat thanks guys :/


I'm not too good at advice but I know how you feel. I'm actually switching schools too and I only know 3 people there. If your leaning toward switching but your scared change, think of it this way. Its only gonna be so long till the unfamiliar is familiar and like Dom said, you can do the whole start fresh thing.

@HighPockets group

As someone who's been to 4 different schools in the past 3 years (I'm not a problem child, I just got super stressed halfway doing freshman year and went to online), I think that changing schools is the better choice overall, even if the change is difficult at first.