forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 149 followers

@Pickles group

muzzwes gun in youw face UWU

puww da twiggew uwu


o-owo? i'm ascwending to heawen uwu

Oh you're going somewhere alright but it is not heaven

@HighPockets group

muzzwes gun in youw face UWU

puww da twiggew uwu


o-owo? i'm ascwending to heawen uwu

Oh you're going somewhere alright but it is not heaven

I mean….fair lmao

@Pickles group

No one:
My brain at 9 ish pm: let's read for 24 hours starting now
My brain: lmao what if we only read the babysitter's club books so we could read more books for the reading program we're doing? Haha jk jk… Unless?

@HighPockets group

No one:
My brain at 9 ish pm: let's read for 24 hours starting now
My brain: lmao what if we only read the babysitter's club books so we could read more books for the reading program we're doing? Haha jk jk… Unless?

I'm so sorry for forgetting about the readathon-

@HighPockets group

muzzwes gun in youw face UWU

puww da twiggew uwu


o-owo? i'm ascwending to heawen uwu

owo wewcome to heawen uwu
dis hewe is etewnaw pawadise

…………send me down to Hell, please-

@Pickles group

No one:
My brain at 9 ish pm: let's read for 24 hours starting now
My brain: lmao what if we only read the babysitter's club books so we could read more books for the reading program we're doing? Haha jk jk… Unless?

I'm so sorry for forgetting about the readathon-

It's fine, my brain just does this a lot and I always end up falling asleep

@HighPockets group

No one:
My brain at 9 ish pm: let's read for 24 hours starting now
My brain: lmao what if we only read the babysitter's club books so we could read more books for the reading program we're doing? Haha jk jk… Unless?

I'm so sorry for forgetting about the readathon-

It's fine, my brain just does this a lot and I always end up falling asleep

I was so excited for it but now I have to do algebra lessons so I can't lol

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

muzzwes gun in youw face UWU

puww da twiggew uwu


o-owo? i'm ascwending to heawen uwu

owo wewcome to heawen uwu
dis hewe is etewnaw pawadise

…………send me down to Hell, please-

wewcome to heww
pwepawe fow etewnaw towtuwe
uwu you wiww nwot be abwe to escape owo
youwu wiww be in twemendous pain fow the west of tiwme

@saor_illust school

Kon'nichiwa (part of my very limited Japanese knowledge)!

こんいちわ! 元気ですか?

I'm doing great, actually! Spending time with my siblings. Just beat my bro at Yardzhee.

(sorry for late reply)