info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Steel Seraph

Description - How would you describe The Steel Seraph?

A fantasy story about a crew of adventures traveling together. This is also my main universe.

Genre - What genre best describes The Steel Seraph?

High fantasy

group Characters
Main Characters

The Zeta Crew (Major Protagonists)

(The primary group the story will follow)

Lumi Vürilde

  • A Glacio Fairy and main character

  • The story mostly focuses on her and her journey

  • Lumi starts off being at odds with Leone, then becomes one of his closest friends

  • Lumi has a rivalry with Bediako but they become friends (still rivals in a way)

  • Lumi immediately forms a friendship with Janaia

Leone Muharib

  • A Human, with a Lumen crossbow who was raised in a family of hunters, businessmen and soldiers

  • His journey is that of self-discovery

  • He makes friends with Bediako and Josef easily

  • Leone has a minor conflict with Janaia at first but they eventually become much closer after she saves his life

Janaia Chu'Vesia

  • An Elf who uses Nero magic

  • Janaia is a graduate mage that worked hard and is very skilled but she still has doubts in herself

  • She is a close friend of Lumi and friends with Symon and Bediako

  • Her friendship with Leone has a rough start, but they get much closer in the long run

Bediako Antwe

  • A Fotia Fairy and the only son of the Seraph's captain.

  • He starts off as not liking Lumi but eventually warms up to her

  • His relationship with his father (the captain) is complicated but they still care for each other

Josef Vogel

  • A Human alchemist that uses Botanos and forms an agreement with a Demon.

  • Josef had a rough childhood as he was the son of Martin Vogel, a doctor infamous for his less than ethical methods

  • Josef wants to escape his past but it keeps coming back to get him

The Zeta Crew (Minor Protagonists)

Osei Antwe

  • A Fotia Fairy who is the captain of The Zeta

  • He is also Bediako's father

  • Just like Bediako, he didn't trust Lumi at first, but he also didn't trust Leone either

  • Osei has some unresolved prejudice against humans

Mizume Hada

  • An Aero Fairy that is onboard The Zeta

  • She is the youngest member of the crew having only recently turned 18 before joining

  • Mizume wants people to stop treating her like a dumb kid especially her brother, Riyoru Hada

  • Mizume doesn’t have a weapon but an instrument that looks like a chamisen

Symon Kov

  • Symon is a Medicus Elf and the main healer of the protagonist group

  • He's a no nonsense cleric that will let you drop to 1 hp just to show you who's boss

  • But he is normally kind just has a short temper (which he will develop out of)


Major Antagonists

Aeliena Ilihos

  • A Lumen Fairy and the queen of Luximia

  • She protects her country but through immoral methods

  • Aeliena is simply a tyrant hiding in plain sight

Minor Antagonists

Kalikhae Mo'rae

  • A human that wields a Lumen scythe.

  • She is a mercenary and an executioner

Martin Vogel

  • A Botanos Human and the leader of a small group of botanos mages

  • He starts off as a fairly harmless scientist and develops into a plant controlling antagonist

Side Characters

Love Interests

Ires Ilihos

  • Ires is a Lumen Fairy who is the minor antagonist, and the secret younger sister to Aeliena Ilihos, who goes through a redemption arc

  • She is also the chosen lumen Nymph

  • While redeeming herself, she and Lumi fall in love

  • Your classic enemies to friends to lovers but with two pretty fairy women or something

Family Characters

(Family members to some of the main characters)


Natasha Vürilde

  • Lumi's mother, who is dead

Fynn Vürilde

  • Lumi's father, who is dead


Alexander Muharib

  • Leone's brother, who is an important side character and is reoccurring.

Regina Muharib (Formerly Saldarotto)

  • Leone's mother who he has a complicated relationship with

Sayyid Muharib

  • Leone’s father who died when he was only 2 years old



Riyoru Hada

  • An Aero Fairy who showed up seemingly out of nowhere but made friends because of his charming personality

  • Riyuro's just friends with everyone

  • He really is that guy

Extra Characters


  • A Terra Fairy who shows up a few times for important plot stuff

  • She's married and happy :)

import_contacts Plot

It is early 1918 in the world of Ethera. Magical creatures, powerful dragons and innovative humans occupy the planet trying to keep the peace during a new age of engineering.

The story follows the young 21-year-old Lumi as she runs into The Zeta Crew: A group of adventures that get paid to hunt rogue magical creatures and sometimes capture people.

"The Steel Seraph" is about comradery, betrayal, trust and most importantly, connections! Connections with friends, family, romantic interests and connections with people you never thought to connect with.

All this combined with cool fantasy stuff!

Key Moments
date_range History
Origin - How did The Steel Seraph originate?

Some say Ethera was created by 7 angels, other say it was created by one god, most are not sure. All we know is that Ethera exists and is a planet full of magic, many races and dragons that roam the lands.

History - What is The Steel Seraph’s history?

The planet's history is all in Ethera

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for The Steel Seraph?

The Last Airbender, RWBY, Arcane/LoL, Genshin Impact, anything leather, Steampunk, Clock punk and Art nouveau.

Culture and Aesthetics

  • The regions and continents reflect real world culture.

  • The fashion has a lot of cultural influence depending on the regions.

  • The current time period of Ethera is inspired by 1910s aesthetics and technology.

  • Ethera has a lot of Latin and Greek inspired words.


  • The continent of Cascata has references to Polynesian and Brazilian culture.

  • The continent of Uttakaze has references to Japanese, Filipino, Malaysian and Indian culture.

  • The continent of Solis Ortus has references to Greek, Italian, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Lebanese, Iranian and Egyptian culture.

  • The continent of Talvinia has references to Finnish, Norwegian, Swiss, Swedish and Ukrainian culture.

  • The continent of Vestensart has references to German, Spanish and French culture.



This universe contains...
24 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Ailä Myr'Sä Side Character and adoptive mother of Lumianne
group Ires Ilihos Luximian Princess & Minor Antagonist (Redeemed to be anti-hero)
group Aeliena Ilihos Major Antagonist
group Martin Vogel Secondary Antagonist
group Regina Muharib (Formerly Saldarotto) Mother of Alex and Leone
group Riyoru Hada Side Character
group Yiro Kuzama The Geirunese King
group Bediako Antwe Protagonist
group Osei Antwe The Paladin
group Janaia Chu'Vesia Protagonist
group Josef Vogel Protagonist
group Sayyid Muharib
group Leone Muharib Main Protagonist 2
group Mizume Hada Apprentice on [[Vehicle-2412]]
group Mairao Be'Nao Eccentric Mentor
group Adela
group Kalikhae Mo'rae Minor Antagonist and Rival
group N/A Placeholder
group Lumi Vürilde Main Protagonist
group Symon Kov Supporting Protagonist
group Alexander Muharib Side Character and Leone's older brother
group Chideola Nwalawal The Emberi Queen
group Fynn Vürilde Lumi's father
group Natasha Vürilde Lumi's mother

7 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Rihla Desert A very hot desert area
terrain Zeta Captain Osei's skyship and the main location of the story.
terrain The Great Talvinia Forest The largest forest in Ethera located in the north of Talvinia.
terrain The Vürilde Noble House This is a large manor with 30 acres of forest surrounding it. The Hiltunen Noble House is in the North of [[Town-18035]] and is very well know amongst the town people.
terrain Vasila's Temple The location of the great primordial lumen dragon Vasila. His home is a marble temple with tall pillars surrounded by grassland
terrain Morrigan's Cave The location of the great primordial glacio dragon Morrigan. Her cave is covered in ice and she is extremely aggressive and territorial.
terrain Saldarotto Mansion The generational home of the Saldarotto family.

9 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Ilihos Heirloom A crown worn by the matriarch of the [[Country-17191]]n kingdom
emoji_events Chlorokinetic Sickle A sharp weapon that spawns various plants and flowers whenever it strikes an organic target.
emoji_events Healer's Baton A staff used mostly by Clerics to heal people
emoji_events The Ocean's Conducter A trident wand/staff with the property of nero
emoji_events Glacio Axes A pair of tomahawks with glacio.
emoji_events Flare Prism Bow A magic bow enchanted with [[Magic-28310]] magic.
emoji_events Aero Shamisen An artifact claimed by the Followers of the Seven
emoji_events Hoarfrost Noble Sword A sword passed down from generation to generation in the Vürilde family.
emoji_events Ahumogyan Fotia Spear A tall fotia spear that draws power from the user's soul.

1 building reorder
business Buildings close
business Luximian Palace A glistening palace with crystals built into the outside walls

2 conditions reorder
bubble_chart Conditions close
bubble_chart Anima Overload When a caster has too much anima. Too much for their biological body to handle, causing them to drop dead.
bubble_chart Anima Burnout This is when too much anima is used for magic that it causes the victim to fall into a state of being both dead and alive. This can permanent depending on how much anima was lost.

5 continents reorder
explore Continents close
explore Talvinia A snowy, mountanous tundra located in the North west of Ethera.
explore Solis Ortus Solis Ortus is right at the center and just on top of the Etheran equator.
explore Vestensart A land fool of many rich jungles and teeming with plant and animal life.
explore Uttakaze Mountanous in the north, flat land every where else
explore Cascata A land with many bodies of water.

15 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Bescherleide Island in Talvinia and the location to the new kingdom ruled by a young faerie Prince.
flag Han-Alma The third main island in Cascata and home to the Medicus College
flag Laya Hilaya
flag Vaay
flag Khuzvhur A rich city in a sandy desert area
flag Ahumogya A militaristic fotia region
flag Joyema A small country south of Stark that is known for it's crystals and mining.
flag Eklisse A smaller region on the outskirts of Luximia.
flag Blumera A country with a lot of forests, grasslands and nice lakes.
flag Geiru One of the countries in [[Continent-2407]] Geiru is a windy country with a lot of canyons and hilly land.
flag Festark A country with a lot of forests but a lot of flat land with good soil.
flag Ilhagua Ilhagua is one of the 3 main islands in [[Continent-2408]].
flag Ebensire Hot desert and rainforesty area
flag Luximia A rich and beautiful country with one of the most powerful kingdoms on [[Planet-6160]].
flag Isfjord A freezing cold foresty place.

4 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Dragon A scaly winged creature.
pets Demon Creatures that form magical partnerships with people.
pets Chiroptera
pets Sonaren Aquatic creatures that use the power of song to paralyze sailors.

2 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit The Dyad The Dyad are a single being shared by two consciousnesses - Efy - Ema
ac_unit The Seven angels Ethera's Angels each represent one of the 7 natural elements

1 flora reorder
eco Floras close
eco Hoarfrost flower A white flower covered in frost that has magical attributes

3 governments reorder
account_balance Governments close
account_balance Emberien Monarchy A monarchy
account_balance Isfjordan Meritocracy
account_balance The Luximian Monarchy Ruled by royal fairies that come from or are related to the royal Luximian bloodline.

6 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc The Zeta Crew
wc The Naturalis Magicae Association An association created to protect natural magic users and guilds like: - Mage's Guild - Alchemist's Guild - Cleric's guild
wc Alchemist's Guild A guild of alchemists that study alchemy as a discipline which combines natural science and magic. Alchemists typically use potions and runes.
wc Alchemists of Terra A subgroup of the Alchemist's Guild that focus on Terra based alchemy: - Herb alchemy - Crystal alchemy
wc Alchemists of Nero A subgroup of the Alchemist's Guild that focus on Nero based alchemy: - Potions - Elixirs
wc Mage's Guild A guild of mages and magicborne people that channel the power of the natural elements through wands and staffs.

3 jobs reorder
work Jobs close
work Alchemist
work Cleric
work Mage Mages use elemental magic to help there party members.

1 landmark reorder
location_on Landmarks close
location_on Mouth of Fotia A volcano and the location of Harik, the primordial dragon of Fotia.

8 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Medicus Simplified, it could be described as healing but truly it is the magic of sacrifice. Sacrificing part of your anima for another vessel to use.
flash_on Botanos Plant and nature based magic. This is a rare man made type of magic used by spiritually connecting one's Anima with the plant life around it.
flash_on Lumen Being able to manipulate light
flash_on Aero The wind element
flash_on Fotia Fotia is the fire element of Ethera.
flash_on Glacio Being able to create and use ice
flash_on Terra Earth/Nature elemental magic
flash_on Nero Elemental magic

1 planet reorder
public Planets close
public Ethera Ethera is a planet divided by years of war and conflict. But now, they're in a new age of peace.

7 races reorder
face Races close
face Nymph Individuals (usually women) that were chosen by angels to wield immense amounts of power.
face Sentinel An ancient race of giants made out of metal and flesh.
face Angel Powerful and tall creatures of light that serve The Seed.
face Human Humans are an intelligent race, yet significantly weaker than the other races in magic potency. Of course, there are exceptions.
face Syndyas Humanoids with various animalistic traits
face Elf Elf adapt to any environment they're in, as well as the natural elements associated with that environment. It is why they are so efficient in magic. No one knows exactly why this is so, but some ...
face Fairy The Fairies are humanoid winged creatures. They are said to be the descendents of angels.

3 religions reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Followers of the Seven A religion dedicated to worshiping one or more of the 7 angels.
brightness_7 Agnostic "Someone who does not know, or believes that it is impossible to know, if a god exists" -
brightness_7 Children of the Dyad Monotheistic

1 scene reorder
local_movies Scenes close
local_movies Isfjordan Executions A lot of noble families get executed and killed. Specifically, the noble families that were involved in the previous war. Lumianne's parents were one of them.

5 towns reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Niakos The hometown of the Saldarotto family.
location_city New Town
location_city Hullestad The capital city of Festark, located right at the center of the country
location_city Umbero Town with only faerie
location_city Taïga A small quiet town trying to rebuild from the ruins of war.

2 traditions reorder
4 vehicles reorder
drive_eta Vehicles close
drive_eta Carriage Ethera's main vehicle
drive_eta Gyro A motorcycle powered by magic.
drive_eta Skyship A transformative vehicle that can go on sky, water and sometimes, land.
drive_eta The Zeta Captain Osei's skyship and the main location of the story.

The Steel Seraph is included in the following collections
The Multiverse by @andrew

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