info Overview
Name - What is Yiro Kuzama’s full name?

Yiro Kuzama

Other names - What other aliases does Yiro Kuzama go by?

King Kuzama

Age - How old is Yiro Kuzama?


Gender - What is Yiro Kuzama’s gender?


Race - What is Yiro Kuzama’s race?

Role - What is Yiro Kuzama’s role in your story?

The Geirunese King

face Looks
Weight - How much does Yiro Kuzama weigh?


Height - How tall is Yiro Kuzama?

1.80 m

Hair Color - What color is Yiro Kuzama’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Yiro Kuzama style their hair?

Long hair, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Yiro Kuzama have?


Eye Color - What is Yiro Kuzama’s eye color?

Cloudy grey


Aero born and Geiru

Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Yiro Kuzama have?

Ink tattoo on his back the surround the source of his wings

fingerprint Nature
Magical abilities

keyboard_voice Voice
assignment_ind Personality
device_hub Family
groups Social
favorite Relationships
Relationship notes

Mostly mutual pining and playful flirting

local_offer Clothing
shopping_basket Inventory
whatshot Abilities
date_range History
edit Notes
audiotrack Playlist
Universe chevron_right Authority Figures link linked Yiro Kuzama

Race chevron_right Famous figures link linked Yiro Kuzama

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