info Overview
Name - What is Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive named?

Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive

Description - How would you describe Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive ?

A super school, formed in 2013 after merging two high schools into one.

Type of school - What kind of school is Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive ?

Secondary School/High School

security Identity
color_lens Classes
supervisor_account Staff
Teachers - Who are the teachers at Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive ?

Dev Syal - History

assignment_ind Students
Acceptance criteria - How hard is it for students to be accepted into Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive ? What do they need to do?

None but must live in catchment area

Grade levels - What grade levels does Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive teach?

Up to GCSE.

Current students - Who currently attends Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive ?

Timeline: The Crows
Katherine Porter
Rachel Medhurst

Past students - Who has attended Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive in the past?
Famous students - Who are Pagham-on-Sea Comprehensive 's famous alumni?
rowing Extracurriculars
history History
history Changelog
edit Notes

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