info Overview
Name - What is Mercy Hillsworth’s full name?

Mercy Hillsworth

Role - What is Mercy Hillsworth’s role in your story?

Supermarket Supervisor

Other names - What other aliases does Mercy Hillsworth go by?


Gender - What is Mercy Hillsworth’s gender?


Age - How old is Mercy Hillsworth?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Mercy Hillsworth?


Hair Color - What color is Mercy Hillsworth’s hair?

Platinum blonde with rainbow dye

Hair Style - How does Mercy Hillsworth style their hair?

Bob cut

Eye Color - What is Mercy Hillsworth’s eye color?

Baby blue

Race - What is Mercy Hillsworth’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Petite Inverted Triangle

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Mercy Hillsworth?


85% Extraverted
64% iNtuitive
88% Feeling
68% Perceiving/Prospecting

63% Assertive


Can't die until she's lived all the years of her birthmark-number - but there are things she also can't heal properly from. She can come back from most things and heal broken bones and internal bleeding in minutes, but werewolf bites, being put through a woodchipper, etc, all are much trickier and very painful.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Mercy Hillsworth practice?

Christian: Presbyterian

Politics - What politics does Mercy Hillsworth have?

Left wing/Centre
Usually votes Green

Occupation - What is Mercy Hillsworth’s occupation?

Supermarket Supervisor at SupaPrice

Favorite color - What is Mercy Hillsworth’s favorite color?

Bubblegum pink

Favorite animal - What is Mercy Hillsworth’s favorite animal?


date_range History
device_hub Family
Spouses/Partners/Love Interests

Pets - What pets does Mercy Hillsworth have?

Golden Retriever, Branston

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Mercy Hillsworth

Character chevron_right Spouses/Partners/Love Interests link linked Mercy Hillsworth

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