info Overview
Name - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s full name?

Ember Jane Calida

Role - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s role in your story?

Future Fire Dragon Knight

Other names - What other aliases does Ember Jane Calida go by?

Ember Jane

Age - How old is Ember Jane Calida ?


Gender - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s gender?




Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert?


account_box Name

Ember- Guardian name, is defined by “ a small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire.”

Jane- English origin, means “God is Gracious”

Calida- Spanish/Greek origin, means “heated by warmth” or “most beautiful”


I hadn't looked at the meanings when I had named her so unfortunatly there is no intentional significance.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Ember Jane Calida weigh?

70lbs (appox)

Height - How tall is Ember Jane Calida ?


Hair Color - What color is Ember Jane Calida ’s hair?

Long-medium straight, platinum blond hair that goes to her upper waist, but 1/3 of it is and orange-red

Hair Style - How does Ember Jane Calida style their hair?

High Pony Tail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ember Jane Calida have?


Eye Color - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s eye color?

Green with hints of blue

Race - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s race?

Fire Guardian

Skin Tone

Fair, warm undertones

Body Type


Preferred clothing style or aesthetic

Colourful and random, doesn't have a set style just yet but she really like to mix and match with colours and experiment with what works and what doesn't

Right handed, left handed or ambidextrous?

Right handed

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ember Jane Calida have?

Hair colouring

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ember Jane Calida have?

Normal: Fidgets with hair, spaces out sometimes

Excited: Talks over people, jumps up and down

Angry: Huffs, raises voice but doesn't yell, tears up, silent treatment

Sad/Upset: Cries quietly, seeks comfort from other, if not possible then she curls up on the ground tightly

Lying: Eyes move around, voice shakes, not very good liar

Embarrassed/Flustered: Blushes, laughs, doesn't get embarrassed often

Ember likes to observe and copy what other people do around her. When she joins the gang™ she would start to learn about witchcraft from Pike, human culture/history from Jax, animals and music from Otis along with painting from Zara.

Motivations - What motivates Ember Jane Calida most?

To collect all the Universal Gems/ Stones and stop the war thats going on.
Help all her friends
Find her family
Not be captured by any of the territories
Staying positive within the group

Flaws - What flaws does Ember Jane Calida have?

She does have a tenancy to interrupt others or talk over them.

Gets distracted easily
Too Naive and Oblivious, hence why she doesn't understand other's trauma or bad experiences.

Talents - What talents does Ember Jane Calida have?

She's really flexible, like to a scary degree
Public Speaking
Baking (basic level but hey, she's pretty good still)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ember Jane Calida have?

Collecting random things that range from rocks, buttons, beads, pens, bark;etc (Goblin child!!!)

Finger knitting (Her father started to get into it so she did as well)


Losing everyone who she is close with
Ghosts (Specifically poltergeists and Spectres, she overheard her sister talking about ghost horror stories with her friends when she was much younger and it just never went away)


Ember is a curious and adventurous child, always wanting to explore and absorb knowledge from the people and places around her. She's still naive and oblivious to the harsh nature of reality which can lead her to bad decisions but she tried s her best regardless.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Ember Jane Calida ’s birthday?

May 5


Drage, Fire Territory

Early life

(Not much to say about her early life since most of her story happens during the story)

Born as the second child to Smelt and Ashton Calida and of course had an older sister, Charcoal that loved her to pieces. Ember was a very adventurous child and constantly needed someone to keep and eye on her to make sure she didn't wander off too far away.

Key Moments

Her life was quite average and was surrounded by a lot of love and support. If you were to ask Ember what her favorite memory was it would be on her 9th birthday when her sister dyed her hair fire orange. Charcoal had her hair dyed purple before that and Ember was asking over and over to dye her hair too and on her birthday that wish was granted! Although not directly matching with her sister, she felt a lot more mature and much cooler then her peers.

Right near the beginning of the story, her little hometown of Drahge had been attacked by the Toxic Guardians army which lead her to run away thinking her family got out too. That was not the case and her family was poisoned and dead...but she has no idea and continued to search and wait for her family or other survivors.

What are they up to before the story begins?

She would be on her own for about a day or so, before meeting main protagonist Pike and start their journey to save the world, along the way discovering her newly developed and hight unstable, Dragon Knight abilities.

thumbs_up_down Conditions

Synesthesia, more specifically Chromesthesia (sounds to color)

Dragon Knight Curse- As the knights are chosen from the deities and infused with more of their own divine magic, the mortal body cannot handle it for long before there are mental and physical repercussion. To combat this, the Deities shortened the lifespan of the knights to half. Rarely they live past 30 years old, some even dying at the age their powers awakened.

(Likely develops a form of PSTD during the events of the story as well)

Symptoms/Side effects

-She has colors for different sounds, that could either be a positive association or negative association
-This is based on how chaotic the colors end up being or how loud the noise is, so a sudden, loud and metallic noise results in flashes of white and black which isn't very nice for Ember.
-Soft music is more positive, which is represented by mesmerising blends of red, orange, purple and yellow.

Coping Mechanisms

Synestheisia doesn't make her life harder, but it does make her more sensitive to music and noise as it can be very unpleasant for her very quickly.

Ember is very vocal about what noises are pleasant and unpleasant to her as well

Extra Notes


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Ember Jane Calida practice?

Guardian religion

Languages spoken

English, Quetzil

Favorite possession - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s favorite possession?

She has a lot of cool looking rocks that she really likes

Job - What job does Ember Jane Calida have?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ember Jane Calida have?

She wants a pet bird but is a little too aware of the responsibility that comes with it, promises herself she will get one when she is an adult

favorite Relationships
Family Relationship

Smelt Arabella/Ashton Grey Calidia (Mother/Father): She looks up to them a lot, thinking that they are the coolest people ever and the best parents in the world! Although they don't always appreciate her wandering off and getting lost, they love her regardless.

Charcoal Odette Calidia (Older sister): Charcoal is basically Ember's hero! She thinks her sister is so brave and strong and amazing and can't ever get enough of her. Ember wants to be just like her although that has caused a few bumps here and there with Charcoal getting irritated. Despite this, their parents always taught them to talk about what their feeling and never to bottle it up so after a needed discussion of boundaries, Ember grew to understand her sister much more and how she can be her own person rather then Charcoal's shadow. She slips here and there, but is always making sure Charcoal is happy and wants to spend time with her.

Friend relationships

Otis: Very much a sweet sibling-like relationship between the two! Otis sees Ember like the younger sister he never had and Ember looks up to him just like an older brother, the need after her town is gassed and is alone for the first time in a while so she would very much lean on him for sibling-like support. Ember isn't afraid of Otis for being half-demon half-human either, despite both species having negative views and understands his good intentions.

Pike: Sees Pike has one of the kindest and coolest people she's met regardless of Pike's very different perspective on herself. She doesn't replace Ember's mother, but she fills the void thats left when she comes to terms that she may never see them again. Ember doesn't understand Pike's past and why she is so negative towards herself when she seems like a such a good person and unknowing helps Pike realise how much she has healed and moved on from her past.

Zara: She love her energy! Zara plays with her and is able to easily keep up and match Ember's excitement about the world and wandering. Zara is more willing to treat her like she's more mature, telling her things that otherwise other adults would say she's "too young to know/understand" which Ember very much appreciates, she doesn't like being left out of the loop.

Jax: Her and Jax are a trouble making duo. Like Ember, Jax likes to wander and go off on his own so there are certainly times when they would just want to get lost and have fun but the group wants to stay on task. Jax also is an older brother so he's no stranger to having a younger sister and how the dynamic plays out. Although he finds that Ember is much more mature in some ways, either way she thinks Jax is really fascinating and wants to learn so much more about humans because of him. A simple and wholesome duo.

Enemy relationship

Persona: Absolutely is terrified of Persona. Because of the way she was raised, she wasn't taught to see that and a deity of chaos she brings balance to a orderly world. Instead she views her as an evil being that harms others for personal enjoyment and spite. Would easily be manipulated by her due to Ember's naive nature.

Deity relationships

She worships the Elements and has high respect for them, general respect for Life, Death and Magick.

Demon Relationships

She used to think all demons were bad and evil, but after meeting Otis she doesn't think all demons are bad and sees the struggles of not being able to fee; much emotions. Despite not all demons caring about that factor, Ember is given a newer perspective to think about.

Royalty relationships

She's kinda young to care much about royalty and politics, to be honest she probably doesn't even remember the names of the King and Queen. Very neutral opinion.

Dragon Knight Relationship

As any kid would, she thinks the dragon knights are heroes to her, but as the plot progresses and she is being hunted down by nearly all of them, she becomes much more afraid of their power.

Romantic relationship

She 👏 is 👏 a 👏 child 👏 so 👏 no 👏

Over all she doesn't care too much about relationships and is more into the idea of strong platonic or familial relationships. Later on as a teenager or adult she would be interested in romance, but as of now thats not in her cards.

shopping_basket Inventory

Messenger bag that she keeps with her at all times, it was a gift from her parents. Ember keeps really random items in it ranging from rocks, to scrap metal, food, ribbon, pens, almost anything that she finds or thinks she will use in the future.

Also think "you just got your first purse when you were a kid and don't really know what to put in it but yeah some paperclips are important to keep on hand" type of thing.

wc Race/Species

Fire guardian

General abilities

She can control and create fire at will, she also resistent to higher temperatures and doesn't get burned

Extra/important notes

If she uses too much magic at once or fights for too long, she will pass out and be very exhausted for a while. Because she is a dragon knight too, her powers are quite unstable

bubble_chart Magic
What kind of magic is used?

Fire guardian magic (dragon knight)

How does it work?

Can control and create fire at will, they can still be killed by fire but they are pretty much immune to it

Being born a dragon knight meaning that her abilities are enhanced greatly so it is harder to control but much more powerful then an average Guardian

What is their strengths?

Sheer power, because she is a child people assume nothing of her first, good in a team.


Lack of experience, very hesitant, makes beginner mistakes and is physically not that strong. Also lack of control over her abilities.

Fighting Style

Ember is brave but she isn't a fighter, she is aware of her lack of control and experiences and prefers to let the others do the heavy lifting while she hangs back.

When she does become more experienced, Ember would be fast and powerful and try to stay on the offensive side.

emoji_emotions Trivia
Favorite song

Doesn't have strong preferences for songs, usually anything upbeat and as she would describe it , colourful!

Favorite Color - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s favorite color?

Red, Orange, Yellow and Purple

Favorite food - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s favorite food?

She is a bit of a picky eater and is hesitant to try new food but hey! Strawberry banana milkshakes taste pretty damn good

Favorite animal - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s favorite animal?

Birds, specifically hummingbirds and canaries

Favorite Weapon - What is Ember Jane Calida ’s favorite weapon?


Love Language

Gifts Giving
Physical Touch
Words of Affirmation

chat_bubble_outline Stories
volume_up Quotes
edit Notes
Character chevron_right What are they up to before the story begins? link mentioned Ember Jane Calida

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Ember Jane Calida

This character was created by Jolyn on

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