info Overview
Name - What is Miyuuki Strafford’s full name?

Miyuuki Strafford

Role - What is Miyuuki Strafford’s role in your story?

V7Ds Famine

Gender - What is Miyuuki Strafford’s gender?


Age - How old is Miyuuki Strafford?

19 (By Under Pressure)
23 (By Under Siege)
25 (By Under World)
35 (By the epilogue of Under World)

face Looks
Height - How tall is Miyuuki Strafford?


Hair Color - What color is Miyuuki Strafford’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Miyuuki Strafford style their hair?

Short, straight

Eye Color - What is Miyuuki Strafford’s eye color?

Icy blue

Race - What is Miyuuki Strafford’s race?

Dragon/Vampire Hybrid

Skin Tone

Pale white

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Miyuuki Strafford?

Miyuuki is a rough and hot-blooded youth who demonstrates great loyalty to her comrades.

Her overall behavior could be summed up as being quite childish and carefree. She is a happy teenager but easily gets angry. However, by no means does this imply stupidity, as Miyuuki is capable of countering her opponent's moves under pressure in a life-or-death battle. She is prone to perform a violently straightforward action, regularly catching sneakier enemies by surprise.

Miyuuki is almost as quick-tempered as her father, being quite loud, foul-mouthed, and violent in her outbursts.
Ordinarily, Miyuuki remains the least mature of the team's members, displaying typically child-like actions by expressing random thoughts out loud and occasionally playing around. She is usually the one who slacks off the most during missions.

groups Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Miyuuki Strafford’s birthday?

July 7

Background - What is Miyuuki Strafford’s background?

Miyuuki ''Yuuki'' Strafford is a founding member of the V7D, a vampire that serves as the main hand-to-hand combatant (along with Quincey). She was assigned the codename Famine.

Miyuuki is a vampire that, as the V7Ds Pestilence, usually plays a supportive role in missions, protecting Nicoletta da Firenze, her leader while more active members like Death (Medea Norrington) and War (Quincey) attack the opponent. But it also can take the main floor of the board as a substitute for either of the two, mirroring Miyuuki's capacities for both gathering information like Medea and operative jobs usually done by Quincey.

She later develops romantic feelings for Medea while simultaneously falling in love with Nicoletta. They eventually decide to live together, settle into a healthy romantic relationship, and begin raising a son shortly before the Atlantic War.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

She was born on Chocolate Day.

flash_on Powers/Abilities
Main Powers/Abilities

As a vampire, Miyuuki has the following abilities:

Miyuuki has the capability of shape-shifting into a she-wolf, bat, or mist, providing her with access to certain areas. Additionally, during the transformation process, she becomes invulnerable for a brief period. While Miyuuki's mist form enables her to move around akin to Medea's Umbrakinesis, it is significantly less potent.

Due to her vampire lineage, Miyuuki displays a range of inhuman abilities, including exceptional strength, speed, reflexes, flexibility, agility, mobility, jumping, leaping, durability, endurance, and senses. Miyuuki also exhibits numerous traditional traits associated with vampirism, including fangs, claws, pale skin, and a diet consisting solely of blood.

Miyuuki, being a pure-blooded vampire, experiences an incredibly sluggish ageing process and could conceivably become younger if needed, given that she consistently maintains an adequate blood supply.

sports_kabaddi Family
Main Family

Valentino Strafford [Father]
Ayuuki [Mother]

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This character was created by Robin Blade on

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