info Overview
Name - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s full name?

Simon Fitzsimmons

Role - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s role in your story?

The Painter

Age - How old is Simon Fitzsimmons ?


Gender - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s gender?

Cisgender man (he/him)

Full Name

Simon James Fitzsimmons

Other names - What other aliases does Simon Fitzsimmons go by?

Fitz, Fitzy, Private Fitzsimmons




What Happened on Wols

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

He Has Heard

First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning


Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning

Son of Sigmund

Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s race?


Body Type

Tall, narrow shoulders, slim

Weight - How much does Simon Fitzsimmons weigh?

A bit below average

Skin Tone

Light, some faint freckles

Height - How tall is Simon Fitzsimmons ?


Hair Color - What color is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s hair?

Somewhere between blonde and brown

Eye Color - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Simon Fitzsimmons style their hair?

Neatly styled; he's very particular about it.


Nearsighted; wears wire-rimmed glasses

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Simon Fitzsimmons have?

Although to a much lesser extent than Niklos Holloron, Simon also has his share of scars. Most are thin and faint, and across his torso, back, upper arms, and thighs, and the lasting impact of being jumped and beaten on Chora.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Simon Fitzsimmons ?

Simon mostly keeps to himself. Although he's part of the Golden Iris crew, he's the one who tends to slip through the cracks, just as he likes it. He's very critical of himself, and holds deep self-loathing and regret due to an accident he caused during the War. He's skilled at what he does and seems humble about it, although he secretly adores the praise he receives. When among friends, he's generally quiet and soft-spoken, although he does occasionally make jokes or snide comments. He's very jumpy and slightly paranoid, mostly due to his time in the War, and seems to be perpetually nervous and on-edge. At his core, he's a very kindhearted man, but he's convinced himself that he isn't deserving of kindness.
While Hank Schriver sees Simon as some sort of tortured genius and romanticizes him, it's clear to everyone else that Simon is a deeply unhealthy person whose paranoia and lasting trauma have already cost a life, albeit accidentally, and needs intervention before his self-loathing eats away at him completely.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Simon Fitzsimmons have?

Often fidgeting his hands, whether it's by tapping his fingers or by popping them, bending them, etc.

Skills and Hobbies

Painting, playing the flute, writing.

Motivations - What motivates Simon Fitzsimmons most?

To do good in the world and make up for what he did

Hobbies - What hobbies does Simon Fitzsimmons have?

Painting, writing, playing the flute, honestly anything that keeps his hands and mind busy.

Flaws - What flaws does Simon Fitzsimmons have?

Very introverted, self-loathing, self-conscious, paranoid, jumpy.


PTSD, anxiety

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s favorite possession?

His paints and canvases

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s favorite weapon?

His rifle

Occupation - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s occupation?

Former soldier; current painter

Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s favorite food?

Fresh bread

info History
Background - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s background?

Simon was born on Chora, not that he'd ever let that information get out. His family fled the planet when he was around 3 and moved to Wols, getting new documents that said they were born on Wols from the start. He struggled with the change, but soon grew to love his new home. Unfortunately, the Choran War broke out and he was drafted at age 18 to fight. After a year of training he was sent into the fields as a mechanic, and then as a soldier. When he was stationed in the thick of it on Chora, he was jumped and attacked by enemy soldiers. He evaded capture (or so he thought; the soldiers were less looking for a Wols soldier to take captive as opposed to someone to beat senseless to prove a point) but was still badly injured, and the experience left him deeply traumatized, paranoid, and jumpy. One night while he was on a mission, he heard a noise from behind him. He assumed that it was another Choran soldier and--as he was injured--didn't think he could fight them off again. He fired at the figure, only to learn to his horror that the person he shot was an unarmed Choran child, not a soldier. He served for another four months before the Truce, and then returned to Wols, wracked by regret and self-loathing after what he'd done.

Education - What is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s level of education?

Fairly high

Birthday - When is Simon Fitzsimmons ’s birthday?

November 9th


Marianne and Michael Fitzsimmons

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to the makowka character maker II Picrew by makowka

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