info Overview
Name - What is Oona Tamsin’s full name?

Oona Tamsin

Role - What is Oona Tamsin’s role in your story?

The Witness

Age - How old is Oona Tamsin?


Gender - What is Oona Tamsin’s gender?


Full Name

Oona Elise Tamsin

Other names - What other aliases does Oona Tamsin go by?

Miss Tamsin


What Happened On Wols

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning


First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

Pledged to God

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning


Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Oona Tamsin’s race?


Body Type

Small and slender

Weight - How much does Oona Tamsin weigh?

A bit below average

Skin Tone

Light brown with cool undertones, freckles

Height - How tall is Oona Tamsin?


Hair Color - What color is Oona Tamsin’s hair?

Dark brown

Eye Color - What is Oona Tamsin’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Oona Tamsin style their hair?

Long and wavy, past shoulder length

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Oona Tamsin have?

Wire-rimmed glasses

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Oona Tamsin?

Oona is determined to a fault, though she often weighs the risks before jumping into danger. She can come off as naive since she's new to city life, although the destruction she observed during the War disqualifies her from being fully naive to the harshness of the world. She's a journalist through and through but doesn't lack pathos. Despite her occasionally cynical tendencies, she has a big heart and is always willing to listen. She knows that the world is far from pleasant and offers to lend an ear, though it often goes ignored. Like Dorothy Dixon, she tends to be overlooked by the group, although her story--a gutwrenching exploration of the War's impact on Chiri--would go on to be the most well-known. She's impulsive and lives each day like it could be her last, since so many of her friends and family members died during Chiri's occupation and she knows how fragile life can be.
Since the story is told through Hank Schriver's perspective, he often romanticizes Oona and ignores her flaws, painting her as a naive martyr who's seen too much, while in reality she's much more.

Skills and Hobbies

Journalism, writing, poetry.

Motivations - What motivates Oona Tamsin most?

To tell the true story of the war as opposed to a glamorized one

Hobbies - What hobbies does Oona Tamsin have?

Writing, reading, needlework.

Flaws - What flaws does Oona Tamsin have?

Nosy, a bit cynical, stubborn, can come off as naive.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Oona Tamsin’s favorite possession?

Her glasses

Favorite or Associated Animal

Ground squirrels

Favorite weapon - What is Oona Tamsin’s favorite weapon?

Her words

Occupation - What is Oona Tamsin’s occupation?


Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Oona Tamsin’s favorite food?


info History
Background - What is Oona Tamsin’s background?

Oona was born and raised on Chiri, a small planet that was a territory of Chora. She grew up in its sole city and worked for a newspaper there, documenting stories from all across the small planet. When the war between Chora and Wols broke out, Chiri seceded from Chora and declared itself neutral. Chora disagreed and invaded the planet, wrecking havoc upon its nature and its people. Oona documented all that she could, risking life and limb to compile notebooks of information on the atrocities, as her photos were confiscated and burned. She published half of the raw information anonymously after the Truce, but it was traced back to her and she was ordered to leave Chiri for good and never return to it or to Chora. She complied and fled to Wols, abandoning what remained of her family and friends.

Education - What is Oona Tamsin’s level of education?

Fairly good

Birthday - When is Oona Tamsin’s birthday?

October 6th


Emil and Cressida Tamsin

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to djarn's character maker Picrew by djarn

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