forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 178 followers

Deleted user

Uhh sure why not lmao I monch and cronch

I home make every meal irl and on here

Deleted user

Nice! I also like cooking and baking! I like food too much that’s why I’m fat lol

Deleted user

Nice! I also like cooking and baking! I like food too much that’s why I’m fat lol

I'm not fat but I'm a foodie and I think even when I was a guy Girls worried too much that they shouldn't care about body shape and form I see skinnier girls wish to be chubby so I think people are perfect the way they are

Deleted user

Also unrelated but I NEED to show off my Service Dog Prospect lmao.

Here she is, my baby gorl:


yo my homophobic mom cares more about what gender i date than the fact that i cuut…….. :] fun times we live in

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

yes plz 😔 she make me sad

OH great idea. the moment she goes to bed, i'll turn on all her lights, and the moment she settles back in, i turn them on again, and when she finally gives up, i turn on every appliance other then the lights! >:)


yes plz 😔 she make me sad

OH great idea. the moment she goes to bed, i'll turn on all her lights, and the moment she settles back in, i turn them on again, and when she finally gives up, i turn on every appliance other then the lights! >:)

perfect >:]

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

i don't really know if she noticed, we were talking about how our friend group is kinda slay XD 💅 and i said something like; 'yeah, like, im ace and non-binary. and i know some of the others are queer too.'

@Mojack group

I remember coming out to my family and I think pretty much all of them said something along the lines of “I had a feeling”. like huh was I that obvious….
(asexual biromantic, nonbinary. I first came out with my orientations and then a while later my gender since the latter took me a lot more time; even then im still unsure)
It was a positive reaction though! I knew it would probably be good since id had conversations with my parents about LGBTQ+ rights and situations in the world, and therefore had a reference for this as well to work with.


i wish mine were that accepting, but honestly i would assume so too just based off of the topics of conversations you have with them XD

@larcenistarsonist group

yeah of course!! everyone's able to get in here

(also holy shit its been like a year since I've posted here hey guys! it's like a whole new generation omg)