forum ask my characters things!
Started by @trainwreck404 group

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@tomat brightness_7

to Frog: what body of potato is your favorite?
to Dick: what would you do if your childhood bully turned to be a philanthropist?
to Juniper: has my carrier parrot reached out to you?
to Shiloh: what is your life philosophy?
to Vanessa: what is your darkest childhood memory?
to Alex: what is the worst way to die?

@trainwreck404 group

to Frog: what body of potato is your favorite?
to Dick: what would you do if your childhood bully turned to be a philanthropist?
to Juniper: has my carrier parrot reached out to you?
to Shiloh: what is your life philosophy?
to Vanessa: what is your darkest childhood memory?
to Alex: what is the worst way to die?

Frog: The small boyos.
Dick: I might kill him, because if he's giving people money, he's 100% doing it for personal gain and he is in fact a supervillain.
Juniper: Ah, that was your parrot! Yes, they have, and I have sent them back with a shiny rock that I think you might enjoy.
Shiloh: Be gay, do crimes. This is all.
Vanessa: Oh honey, I've repressed all the bad shit.
Alex: Depends on if the person wants to die. If they do, probably anything that is long and stretched out, as death is hanging over their head but they can't achieve it. If they don't, probably something more painful, like drowning or burning alive. Overall, death by grain silo is probably the worst.

@trainwreck404 group

What are all of your greatest ambitions or dreams?

Frog: Bro, I have anxiety and ADHD. I can't make plans for the future! I just want to get out of college without dying! But uhh…I'd like to be a decent sorcerer, I guess.
Dick: Definitely to be Sorcerer Supreme. I could kick ass.
Juniper: Maybe be a famous voice actor, or even animate my own series. I have some interesting ideas.
Shiloh: You assume I have ambitions. If I had any, probably just to live long enough to see Jeff B*zos die.
Vanessa, pre-canon: Isn't it obvious? I've got a damn prophecy to fulfill, and I'm going to take over the world. Good luck to you in the demon apocalypse.
Vanessa, post-canon: I…don't really know anymore. My old ambitions were shattered and now I have no clue what the hell I'm doing with my life.
Alex: Hmm…King of Hell sounds nice.

@trainwreck404 group

What are all of your favourite foods?

Frog: Matcha-flavored candy! Some people say it tastes like grass, but I like the taste of grass.
Dick: Caviar.
Juniper: First of all, Dick's lying, it's mac n' cheese. He's just a bitch. I'm really indecisive and I don't have a favorite food, but I do like steak and mashed potatoes.
Shiloh: Sugar cookies, especially the rainbow kind!
Vanessa: Probably strawberries.
Alex: Hot Cheetos or any other spicy snack.

@trainwreck404 group

Hmmm if you all had to pick between saving a large litter of puppies kittens or one small child from danger what would you pick and why

Frog: Oh god, that's awful, uhh…small child, cuz I don't want their parents to go through the intense grief of losing a child that young! I hate these kinds of questions.
Dick: Large litter of puppies, because I could adopt them. I can do puppies, can't do a kid.
Juniper: Probably small child. Logistically, that child has a longer life span and could do great things.
Shiloh: I feel really awful about this, but I feel like if I was in that situation right now, I'd immediately save the litter of kittens. Sorry kid.
Vanessa: Small child, hands down. They deserve to live a long life.
Alex: Neither! I wanna see what happens.