info Overview
Name - What is Richmond’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Richmond?


Description - Describe Richmond.

The capital city of Virginia.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Richmond?


Population - What is Richmond’s population?

Around 227,032 people

Currency - What currencies are used in Richmond?

USD (US Dollars)

Motto - What is Richmond’s motto?

Sic itur ad astra.

Laws - What are the laws in Richmond?

Typical American/Virginia/Richmond Laws (whatever those are)

Sports - What sports are played in Richmond?

NASCAR, Baseball, American Football, water sports.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Richmond in?

It is in the Piedmont region of Virginia.

Crops - What crops does Richmond produce?

Tobacco, corn, wheat, and apples.

Located at - Where is Richmond located?

Virginia, U.S.A

Climate - What is the climate like in Richmond?

It has all four seasons. Seasons are relatively noticeable in their differences. Some seasons have more drastic temperature changes than others.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Richmond founded?

Richmond was founded in 1737 by Colonel William Byrd II. He inherited the former Stegg lands on both sides of the James River from his father and became known himself as the "Father of Richmond.

Established Year - When was Richmond established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Richmond been involved in?

The American Civil War(Confederate capital city, the Battle of Richmond took place here).

edit Notes
Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked Richmond

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