info Overview
Name - What is Bubbles and Flames’s full name?

Bubbles and Flames

Type - What type of location is Bubbles and Flames?


Description - Describe Bubbles and Flames.

It is a small shop run by Malakai, it is in the nicer part of town and is doing very well. The outside is white with blue detailing and the shop name.

face Culture
Motto - What is Bubbles and Flames’s motto?

Pamper yourself!

Sports - What sports are played in Bubbles and Flames?

No running in the shop!

Laws - What are the laws in Bubbles and Flames?

Be politics to the workers.
Don't disrespect other customers, every one is welcome.
Do not destroy products you have to pay for new ones.
No running in the shop.

Currency - What currencies are used in Bubbles and Flames?


Population - What is Bubbles and Flames’s population?

No one lives there.

Language - What languages are spoken in Bubbles and Flames?

mostly Ivissian but other languages are welcome as long as you are polite and try and make an effort when it comes to communicating.

business Cities
map Geography
book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Bubbles and Flames been involved in?

No Fighting!

Established Year - When was Bubbles and Flames established?

508th year of the Cala period.

Founding Story - How was Bubbles and Flames founded?

Malakai wanted to own a shop. So he dose.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Liz Livewire on

See more from Liz Livewire
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