info Overview
Name - What is Sybil Constantine’s full name?

Sybil Constantine

Role - What is Sybil Constantine’s role in your story?

The One Who Doesn't Add Up

Age - How old is Sybil Constantine?


Gender - What is Sybil Constantine’s gender?

Cisgender woman (she/her)

Full Name

Sybil Victoria Constantine
Her actual surname is Miller, but she found it boring and wanted a more vibrant stage name.

Other names - What other aliases does Sybil Constantine go by?

Syb, Miss Constantine


Of Virtues and Verities

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning


First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning


Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning


Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Sybil Constantine’s race?


Body Type

Tall, slender with some curves.

Weight - How much does Sybil Constantine weigh?


Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Sybil Constantine?


Hair Color - What color is Sybil Constantine’s hair?

Medium brown

Eye Color - What is Sybil Constantine’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Sybil Constantine style their hair?

Usually either in one or two braids. When down, it falls to her waist.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sybil Constantine have?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sybil Constantine have?

A few small beauty marks across her face, tends to wear dark red lipstick.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Sybil Constantine?

Sybil's true personality can be difficult to discern, due to her persona being a bit of a mask. The persona of Sybil Constantine is disaffected, flirty, and flighty, whereas the real Sybil is a bit more grounded. She can be quite ruthless, and isn't above getting her hands dirty. She enjoys the nice things in life, and has an almost impossibly good voice that may or may not have had ties to the deaths of nearly everyone at her first place of employment. Sybil is trying to rebuild a life for herself after the fire, but her desire to be liked and to be seen as more than her (potential) mistake lead to a series of white lies that do not increase people's trust in her.

Skills and Hobbies

Singing, very charismatic, can more than hold her own in a fight.

Motivations - What motivates Sybil Constantine most?

To make a new life for herself

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sybil Constantine have?

Singing, horseback riding.

Flaws - What flaws does Sybil Constantine have?

Self-centered, petty, vain, manipulative, a bit of a compulsive liar, dishonest. Can come off as very grating. Chainsmoker.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Sybil Constantine’s favorite possession?

Her white fur coat.

Lovers (Current and Past)

None of note, she ran away from her aunt and uncle at a young age.

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Sybil Constantine’s favorite weapon?

An almost dagger-like knife

Occupation - What is Sybil Constantine’s occupation?


Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Sybil Constantine’s favorite food?


info History
Background - What is Sybil Constantine’s background?

Sybil's parents died when she was young, and her aunt and uncle took her in. They were very strict, and Sybil rotated between their house and a boarding school until she ran away at fifteen, having finally had enough of their overbearing stifling. She joined a group of performers who traveled from bar to bar, and tried to make do. One night, after being tired of constantly taking the back seat to her more talented co-stars, Sybil spent the entire night praying to whoever would listen for a voice that was better than all of the other women's combined. Her wish was granted. The bar that she and her troupe had been performing at burned to the ground a day later. Sybil, assuming that their deaths had been some sort of cruel "payment" for her new talent, ran away and struck out on her own, only to return a few years later as a much more mature and confident woman, and be confronted on her involvement.

Education - What is Sybil Constantine’s level of education?

Decent. Her parents were very poor, and she lacked a solid education for the first five or six years of her life. She had trouble focusing in school, and found that the strictness of boarding school made learning more difficult for her.

Birthday - When is Sybil Constantine’s birthday?

November 1st

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to the makowka character maker II Picrew by makowka

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