info Overview
Name - What is Frederico Friedman’s full name?

Frederico Friedman

Role - What is Frederico Friedman’s role in your story?

The Private Eye

Age - How old is Frederico Friedman?


Gender - What is Frederico Friedman’s gender?


Full Name

Frederico Elias Friedman

Other names - What other aliases does Frederico Friedman go by?

Freddy, Friedman


Of Virtues and Verities

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Peaceful Ruler

First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

The Lord Is My God

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning

Man of Peace

Surname Pronunciation


In-Universe Relevance

Goes solely by Freddy

face Looks
Race - What is Frederico Friedman’s race?


Body Type

Tall-ish, lean build.

Weight - How much does Frederico Friedman weigh?


Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Frederico Friedman?


Hair Color - What color is Frederico Friedman’s hair?

Dark brown

Eye Color - What is Frederico Friedman’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Frederico Friedman style their hair?

Thick, wavy, not usually in any particular "style". At one point, his sister Livia Friedman comments that he looks like he just rolled out of bed, to which Freddy responds that he didn't sleep.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Frederico Friedman have?




General Description

Freddy is of an average height with a lean build. He has some muscle, mostly on his arms, and while he's not out of shape, he's also not someone who goes out of his way to work out. He has thick, dark hair with a slight curl to it and thick eyebrows that are often knit into a contemplative look. His skin is an olive-tan shade and has some scarring: a faint diagonal line on his upper lip from tripping while running after his older siblings and two on his bicep from being shot, one being a graze and one being a deeper wound. His mouth is often pressed into a firm line. His eyes are brown and often narrowed in concentration; he's nearsighted, especially in his right eye, and so wears glasses. His nose is crooked and has been broken twice: once in the same fall that cut his lip, and once as a child running away from bullies. There's about a 50-50 chance of him having a pencil tucked behind his ear and completely forgetting that it's there.


Freddy's voice is of a moderate pitch and sharp, a quality made more noticeable by his habit of asking blunt questions.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Frederico Friedman?

Freddy is very stubborn, and plans to complete whatever he sets his mind to. He isn't a quitter, even when he reasonably should quit, and has a tendency to be quite blunt when he's explaining things. Clever and a bit self-centered, he's determined to solve the case of the century. As an amateur detective, Freddy puts his keen eye and near-perfect memory to good use. He's not the greatest with social cues and tends to hyper-focus on things that grab his interest.

Skills and Hobbies

Observation, chess, very good at thinking on his feet. Excellent memory.

Motivations - What motivates Frederico Friedman most?

To solve the case of the century

Hobbies - What hobbies does Frederico Friedman have?

Crossword puzzles, word searches, chess, perfecting his skills.

Flaws - What flaws does Frederico Friedman have?

Stubborn, self-centered, blunt, tends to throw himself very heavily into his work. Perfectionist.


Nearsighted, Asperger Syndrome

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Frederico Friedman’s favorite possession?

A small, well-worn notebook that he uses in his detective work.

Closest Friend

Lovers (Current and Past)

  • Adam Friedman (father)

  • Aletta Friedman (mother)

  • Levi Friedman (brother)

  • Livia Friedman (sister)

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Frederico Friedman’s favorite weapon?

Incriminating evidence

Occupation - What is Frederico Friedman’s occupation?

Waiter, amateur detective

Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Frederico Friedman’s favorite food?



  • Freddy reads a lot, mostly crime-related nonfiction and mysteries.

  • He wears two watches, one set to a 12 hour cycle and one set to a 24 hour cycle.

  • When he was 10, he tripped while running after his older siblings and split his lip open. He still has the scar.

  • He enjoys urban exploration, not that he'd ever call it that. He thinks that "urban exploration" sounds immature.

  • He's very sensitive to specific spices and flavors, and tends to be a bit of a picky eater.

  • He's also very particular about his clothing, and dislikes rougher fabrics.

  • He owns an extensive calligraphy set, and it's one of his most prized possessions, second only to his detective's notebook.

  • He's quite bad at math, something that irritates him to no end. He needs to write the entire equation out.

  • Not a multitasker; he tends to hyper-focus on one specific task or part. It doesn't help him out in the kitchen.

info History
Background - What is Frederico Friedman’s background?

When Freddy was seventeen years old, there was a devastating fire at a local underground bar. It burned to the ground in minutes with few survivors, and the tales told never quite added up. It was clearly arson, but no suspect could be pinned down. Freddy followed the aftermath closely, and after seeing the incompetence of the people involved, decided that he would solve it. The son of a restaurant owner, Freddy waits tables in between trips down to the wreckage, and finds what he believes is the ultimate clue in Sybil Constantine, a singer whose alibi (and persona) isn't all that it seems.

Education - What is Frederico Friedman’s level of education?

Fairly high, due in part to his memory.

Birthday - When is Frederico Friedman’s birthday?

January 4th


Adam and Aletta Friedman

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to the makowka character maker II Picrew by makowka

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Character chevron_right Personality type link mentioned Frederico Friedman

This character was created by Eva on

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