info Overview
Name - What is Oswald van Arbor’s full name?

Oswald van Arbor

Role - What is Oswald van Arbor’s role in your story?

The Left Behind

Age - How old is Oswald van Arbor?


Gender - What is Oswald van Arbor’s gender?


Full Name

Oswald Henri van Arbor

Other names - What other aliases does Oswald van Arbor go by?

Ozzie, Oz


Of Virtues and Verities

folder_open Name
First Name

Oswald (Ozzie)

First Name Meaning

Divine Power

First Name Pronunciation

Oz-wald (Ozzie)

Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

Estate Ruler

Middle Name Pronunciation



Van Arbor

Surname Meaning

From the Tree

Surname Pronunciation

Van Ar-ber

face Looks
Race - What is Oswald van Arbor’s race?


Body Type

Not too tall, broad shoulders, sturdy/chubby build. He's got a bit of insecurity about his weight, which he carries mostly in his thighs and stomach.

Weight - How much does Oswald van Arbor weigh?

A bit above average

Skin Tone

Light, some freckles.

Height - How tall is Oswald van Arbor?


Hair Color - What color is Oswald van Arbor’s hair?

Strawberry blonde, a bit more reddish than blonde, however.

Eye Color - What is Oswald van Arbor’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Oswald van Arbor style their hair?

You can tell that he styles his hair neatly in the morning, but it gets very displaced by night.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Oswald van Arbor have?



Two of his fingers (ring and pinkie) on his right hand are badly broken during the story.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Oswald van Arbor have?

Round glasses

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Oswald van Arbor?

Ozzie is neurotic and a worrier, but with a good heart. He's incredibly loyal to his loved ones, and fears losing more than he already has. He deals with a lot of internalized homophobia and lives somewhere where queerness is not accepted, which--combined with his general fears of growing close with others (in case he loses them)--gives him a lot of anxiety. He's very sweet and goes out of his way to make sure that other people are comfortable, and is always ready to volunteer to help out. He doesn't like to talk about his past besides a handwave of "I grew up on Yeley", mainly because it brings up memories of Owen van Arbor (his older brother who he idolized) and Will Donahue (his best friend and the man he loved), who both were killed in the Choran War. Although he generally tries to abide by the laws, he also works as the financier for a speakeasy. He won't jaywalk, but he doesn't mind taking that job, mainly since it's the only one that will take him. He deals with a lot of insecurity as well, whether it's over his difficulty controlling his emotions (he hates the fact that he can't always keep himself from crying in public, as he feels that it plays into the stereotypes his father taught him about queer men), his weight, or the fact that he's still here and his seemingly perfect older brother isn't.

Skills and Hobbies

Playwriting, piano, makes friends easily.

Motivations - What motivates Oswald van Arbor most?

To carry on the spirits of Will Donahue and Owen van Arbor.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Oswald van Arbor have?

Playing the piano, working on his plays, editing his late brother's book.

Flaws - What flaws does Oswald van Arbor have?

Naive, gullible. Very self-critical and tends to spiral into catastrophizing even the slightest inconvenience. He's got a bit of a complex when it comes to abandonment; he's lost almost everyone he loves and is scared of losing what few loved ones he has left.


Nearsighted, anxiety.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Oswald van Arbor’s favorite possession?

Owen's manuscripts

Lovers (Current and Past)


  • Owen van Arbor (older brother, deceased)

  • Henri van Arbor, Sr. (father, estranged)

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Oswald van Arbor’s favorite weapon?

He doesn't fight.

Occupation - What is Oswald van Arbor’s occupation?

Aspiring playwright, currently is the finance keeper at a speakeasy

Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Oswald van Arbor’s favorite food?



Vera Noven: Ozzie is the first person that Vera encounters after her Fall, and the two become quick friends. They both have a slight bit of naivety to them, and very open hearts. Given her utter lack of awareness of the social norms of Wols and Yeley, Ozzie feels like he can be himself around Vera in a way that he can't around others.
Frederico Friedman: Ozzie's occasional investigative partner (on the few occasions that his boss had him stake out some liquor drop spots) and a close friend, Freddy and Ozzie get along fairly well. Freddy's older brother Levi fought in (and lost an arm in) the war and another of his brothers died while Freddy remained at home, and so they have that in common. Ozzie is initially quite awkward around Freddy and his family, as he sees the Friedmans as the ideal family (loving, supportive, yet still with familial banter) that he can't have, and is also scared that Freddy will stop spending time with him if he learns that he's gay. As it turns out, Freddy is bisexual and the two eventually start a relationship.
Sybil Constantine: Ozzie's closest surviving friend (sans possibly Freddy) and the self-proclaimed platonic love of his life and occasional roommate. Sybil is a glamorous jack-of-all-trades travelling cabaret performer with a mysterious past and the voice of a siren. She and Ozzie become fast friends after she books a gig at the speakeasy he works at. Sybil will frequently just pop in to Ozzie's hotel room and the two will talk for hours. He finds spending time with Sybil refreshing since she doesn't ask him about his past, only his present and his future, and he does the same for her.


  • Ozzie has a hotel room as opposed to an apartment; the manager of the hotel lets him live there year-round as long as he pays rent, does his own cleaning, and plays the viola for the guests on occasion.

  • His play is one that he first started with Will, back when they were idealistic teenagers on Yeley. It centered a relationship between two men (who definitely weren't avatars for the two of them) and he knows that that will more or less keep it from being performed. He struggles with trying to decide if it's more important to let the play be performed as what it was meant to be, or even be known at all.

  • He blames himself for Will's death, since Will enlisted in his place, and has never forgiven himself for it.

  • On a related note, after Will dies Ozzie tries to repress the feelings that he had for him (and for men in general), since he views Will's death as a punishment to the two of them.

  • Ozzie grew up religious, mostly to He Who Saves or Ulses, the god who's mostly worshiped on Yeley. His internalized homophobia doesn't stem from his religious beliefs (in fact, he finds solace in them since Ulsens believe in an afterlife), but from his very conservative father.

  • He loves plants and flowers, and always has some sort of houseplant or bouquet in his home.

  • He prides himself on having neat penmanship, and tries to journal out his feelings and ideas.

info History
Background - What is Oswald van Arbor’s background?

Ozzie van Arbor lost the two most important people in his life within a year, but you couldn't tell it by talking with him. His older brother Owen was killed in the Choran War, and Ozzie was recruited soon after. Knowing that Ozzie was unlikely to survive combat and refusing to let the van Arbors lose their only other child, his closest friend (and secret lover) Will Donahue took his place. Will was killed in combat, and Ozzie blamed himself. Soon after Owen's death, Ozzie's father grew suspicious of Ozzie and Will's relationship. He viewed Ozzie as the lesser of his sons, and told him on several occasions that he wished that Ozzie had died instead of Owen. Ozzie and his father parted ways shortly after he received news of William's death, and he left for a different planet. He tried to balance his own playwriting (a career his father disproved of) and editing/attempting to publish Owen's writing with a job at a speakeasy, where he would meet Vera Noven, Sybil Constantine, and Frederico Friedman .

Education - What is Oswald van Arbor’s level of education?

Fairly high, given his family's wealth.

Birthday - When is Oswald van Arbor’s birthday?

September 15th

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history Changelog
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Art credit to the Adrisona maker picrew by Adriabun

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