info Overview
Name - What is Star Samantha Gales’s full name?

Star Samantha Gales

Role - What is Star Samantha Gales’s role in your story?

Dark dragon knight

Other names - What other aliases does Star Samantha Gales go by?


Age - How old is Star Samantha Gales?


Gender - What is Star Samantha Gales’s gender?



Asexual Aromantic

Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert?


account_box Name

Star: Defined by "a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun."

Samantha: Has different origins, but meanings boil down to "God has heard." "Flower" and "Blossom"

Gales: Can be defined by "a strong gust of wind."


I didn't consider the meaning of her name while picking it out, so there is no intentional significance given. I thought the flow of her names was good.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Star Samantha Gales weigh?

130lbs (approx)

Height - How tall is Star Samantha Gales?


Hair Color - What color is Star Samantha Gales’s hair?

Purple-Red (originally black)

Hair Style - How does Star Samantha Gales style their hair?

Short, fluffy bob

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Star Samantha Gales have?


Eye Color - What is Star Samantha Gales’s eye color?


Race - What is Star Samantha Gales’s race?

Dark Guardian

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Preferred clothing style or aesthetic

Tries wears some form of fun colour pop, so she'll wear a unique piece or jewellery or lipstick shade. Speaking of makeup, Sam likes to experiment with all different types of designs and colours in her free time.

She likes the look of t-shirt button downs with fun patterns as well as overalls or any kind of denim. Whenever appropriate, she also likes to slide around on rollaskates. Very kidcore aesthetic!

Right handed, left handed or ambidextrous?

Right Handed

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Star Samantha Gales have?

Scars on hands and feet from training
Scraps on her knees and legs from crashing while skating.
Freckles and moles all over her skin.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Star Samantha Gales have?

Normal-Cracks knuckles, talks fast, laughs when talking too, tilts head

Excited- Jumps up and down, claps hands rapidly, wild gestures

Angry-Tenses up, makes that grabbing motion with fingers, usually storms off.

Sad/Upset- Openly cries, trembles, usually seeks some form of physical comfort or something to hold onto, wraps her arms around her torso.

Lying- Shoulders are tense, hands behind back or picking skins round nails, drags on sentence or topic, she's not a good liar at all.

Flustered- Whole face turns red, laughs it off and disintegrates. This woman can't handle being flustered so she just ✨passes away✨

Bored-Hums any random tune, half-closes eyes, half ways pays attention to whatever is going on

Motivations - What motivates Star Samantha Gales most?

Protect the kingdom
Make Xavier and her Father proud of her

Flaws - What flaws does Star Samantha Gales have?

Lets her emotions get in the way of her actions
Often has a more childish outlook in life
Can be dependant on others.
Says "Groovy" unironically

Talents - What talents does Star Samantha Gales have?

Hand-to-hand combat
Rollarskating, especially dancing with them!

Hobbies - What hobbies does Star Samantha Gales have?

Street art (spray painting)


Disappointing everyone
Losing her family and friends


Sam comes across as very childlike innature. She can be really emotional, curious and sometimes display a lack of impulse control when someone else isn't around her. On the other hand, Sam is very humble and intelligent as well as being incredibly caring towards people she loves. She had to grow up very fast and suddenly so she is a weird mix between being a knight with huge responsibilities and being well....20 years old. Often she allows her feelings to take the rien and feels them very strongly, she loves to have a good time and sometimes puts off her duties in favor of having fun. Doesn't need to be constantly supervised, but having someone around her keeps her in check.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Star Samantha Gales’s birthday?

June 22nd


Socilia, Dark Guardian Territory

Early life

Sam was orginally the child of a very young couple, and was raised by her biological grandparents for the first two years of her life. Unfortunatly, Sam was too much for her bio parents or granparents to take care of finacially and decided to put her up for adoption as a toddler.

Sam spent about a year in an orphanage, devloping

separation anxiety in the process, as the only people in her life had left her along with the few friends she had enjoyed spending time with. In reality, poor little Sam just didn't understand that her friends were getting just adopted. This caused her a lot of emotional distress with her caregivers leaving her and becoming clingy, especially at nighttime. She would worry to the point of sickness sometimes, getting headaches and being very tense.

When Sam had turned three years old, she had met Dusk Gales, a man who was looking to adopt a child. He immediatly was drawn to Sam, especially when was told that other parents as deemed her as "higher maintenance" due to her anxeity. It didn't take long for him to build trust with the young girl, and was happy to adopt his new daughter at the first given opportunity.

Sam was always attached at Dusk's hip, quickly establishing him as her comfort person. Dusk loved his daughter more than anything and did everything he could to support her and make sure she knows that he would always come back for her. With Dusk as a freelance artist, Sam's childhood was filled with travel and color, quickly falling in love with her father's work and wanted to create art with him. A couple of times, Dusk and the person who comissioned him would allow Sam to add her own sparkle to the work (with help), usually making colors brighter and bolder.

When Sam was eight, Dusk would be comissioned to paint murals in their city right near the areas where most of the humans had lived. Bringing in more of their own culture and fun into the guardian world, humans had a roller rink nearby that Sam was drawn to. Not one to refuse his daughter, Dusk had brought her there one he was done work for the day where Sam would quickly discover her love for thr bright enviroment as well as roller skating! That same night her father bought her a pair of her own skates, allowing her to practice (with supervison) as much as she desired. Dusk always brought her to the rink while they were in the area or on her birthday from the on out.

As loving and supportive Dusk was, he unfortunatly keep her seperation anxeity going as they were always together travelling on the road and rarely apart for long. Sam would worry often for her father when he was gone and tried to stick by his side for as much as she could.

Key Moments

When Sam was 11, her magical abilties had begun to devlop at a much faster rate then normal, and on top of that one of the other two Dragon Knights, Selene had passed aways due to the curse. This lead Dusk to believe that Sam was the next Dark Dragon Knight, meaning that Sam would have to go live in the castle for the rest of her life to train. So despite the fact that he knew he had to report to the castle the moment he even suspected that Sam was a Dragon Knight...Dusk decided to keep it a secret from his daughter to try and prepare her better for when she'd have to leave.

Dusk started with having a long talk with Sam, telling her about how much he loves her but also expressing his worry for her anxeity and proposing to work on it. Sam was willing to try a few practice session to make it more bearable for her to be left without her father. It started slow, with quick trips he would take alone and leaving Sam and Star together alone. Star would comfort and guide Sam through any oncoming panic attacks, as well as Dusk offering plenty of reassurance when he leaves and comes back home to her. They had their own mini therapy sessions where Dusk would help Sam work through her feelings and help her to rationalise her anxeity. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best that Dusk could think of in the time and moment. They did make good progress, but there was still underlaying anxeity about being left alone.

A bit after Sam turned 12, Dusk was unable to keep Sam's unstable abilities under control and he had to break the news to his daughter about being Dragon Knight. A lot of tears were shed that night, both knowing that they would likely be seperated for a long, long time. Sam never held it against her father that he kept his suspisions about her abilties to himself, as she found herself very stressed out about having to leave for real and wouldn't have been able to handle the thought of it a year ago. Although Sam wasn't ready to leave her father for a vastly new life, it was the law, and she felt at least a bit more prepared along with Star to venture out.

Within the next month, Sam was brought to King Augustus and Queen Umber who was able to comfirm Sam's status as the new dark dragon knight. Sam and her father had to part ways, as he promised to visit as much, and as often as possible.

Sam was now under the care of Moon Xavier Andres who was her new trainer and fellow dragon knight. Sam was miserable without her father around her, which did prompt Xavier to be softer on her as he somewhat understood the struggles she would face. He was very paitent with her training and was surprisingly gentle with her, as Sam was under the impression that Xavier would be much harsher on her. His surpsing softness and how open he was to allowing her to make room for her own activities was welcome. She did try to get him to rollar skate within her, but Xavier never did try much to her disapointment.

Sam isn't the strongest knight, not one to pick up on fighting easily and usually relied on Xavier's strength in 2v2 trainings. Sam did try her very best and gave it her all no matter what.

Just a year into the dragon knight training when Sam was 13, there was an assassination attempt on the king and queen at the annual festival gala. Xavier was able to quickly disarm the assassins while Sam helped to restrain them, but Xavier was left with a nasty scar and relapst into his own dark trauma while he healed. Sam was left with a different version of Xavier, someone much more quiet and submissive then before...she did her best to support him but to no real success. Sam continues to stay postive for him, but somedays its hard to match his lack of energy.

What are they up to before the story begins?

Before the story begins Sam, along with the rest of the dragon knights have been corrupted by Persona's magic and dragged into a pointless battle for the past five years. Now a young adult, her and Xavier's task is to hunt down Ember, the newest fire dragon knight and kill her before the Fire Territory can secure her.

thumbs_up_down Conditions

Dragon Knight Curse- As the knights are chosen from the deities and infused with more of their own divine magic, the mortal body cannot handle it for long before there are mental and physical repercussion. To combat this, the Deities shortened the lifespan of the knights to half. Rarely they live past 30 years old, some even dying at the age their powers awakened.

Separation Anxiety- Carried over from her childhood, could be described as an intense fear that something will happen to loved ones. It's not as intense nowadays but still causes her distress.

Symptoms/Side effects

Separation Anxiety:

-Anxiety Attacks, sometimes escalating to panic attacks if the situation is overwhelming enough.
-Nausea, or general uneasiness
-Distress about being separated from a loved one for long periods of time (especially when not a lot of information is given about where they are going, who they are meeting)
-Uncomfortable being alone
-Biting nails

Coping Mechanisms

Its very difficult for Sam to cope with separation anxiety, especially when she first became a dragon knight, there were many occasions of her being in distress for long periods of time.

Now she has to rely on others a bit more to make sure she is at ease with what they are doing. This usually involves being clear and keeping promises of when and where people are going. Letting Sam say goodbye and watch them leave helps on shorter trips.

Extra Notes

She used to be very self conscious of her condition when she was a teenager, as its something that typically someone would develop out of by her age. Now as a young adult she has come to terms with her anxiety and is much more open about it.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Star Samantha Gales practice?


Languages spoken


Favorite possession - What is Star Samantha Gales’s favorite possession?

Her first pair of rollarskates, although she's grown up and needed new pairs over the years Sam has kept her very first pair.

Job - What job does Star Samantha Gales have?

Dark Dragon Knight

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Star Samantha Gales have?


favorite Relationships
Family Relationship

Dusk Gales (Father): She adores her father so much, loves how much of the world she's been able to explore and people she's been able to meet because of him. Sam goes to him for comfort and feels absolutly at her safest around him, its been hard to be away from him but seeing him come back and visit her makes it even better for her. They still go to the rollar rink on her birthday whenever they can.

Friend relationships







Enemy relationship

Toby: She's terrified of Toby, especially learning about how he did murder other dragon knights and how she could have been an victim. She always felt a little uneasy around him and his super nice behavior, but based on how he treated Jaiden, Sam had bad vibes all around.

Dragon Knight Relationship

She thinks of her fellow knights more as friends the colleagues and is always there to be a positive energy to lighten the mood.

Romantic relationship

Sam is aroace so romance isn't in her cards. Her finding out that she was aroace was actually pretty easy as far as figuring out orientation goes, one of her father's colleagues was aroace and when she had described it to Sam it just felt right. So she ran with it and hasn't looked back!

shopping_basket Inventory
wc Race/Species

Dark guardian

General abilities

Can control and create shadows/darkness at will
Can travel in between shadows
Can raise her own shadow up to fight

bubble_chart Magic
What kind of magic is used?

Dark Guardian Magic (Dragon Knight)

How does it work?

Concentration and imagining what you want the shadows to do then do it, its quite simple but takes a years to control the amount of power a dragon knight has

What is their strengths?

She's amazing at offering back up and support. Sam is fast and able to still pack a punch despite her size. Although not as speedy as other knights, Sam has good stamina and can fight for longer periods of time.


Sam isn't one of the strongest knights in skill, she's still pretty new compared to other people so she could easily be overpowered if not giving it her all.

Fighting Style

Sam and her shadow fight together, they bounce off each other and uses her teleportation ability to avoid attacks and jump out for sneak attacks. Sam tries to take the attention of the opponant while her shadow backs her up.

emoji_emotions Trivia
Favorite song

I made a playlist of songs I think she's like and what she'd like to skate to!

Favorite Color - What is Star Samantha Gales’s favorite color?

She loves all colors but yellow is her absolutly favourite.

Favorite food - What is Star Samantha Gales’s favorite food?

Sour gummy worms

Favorite animal - What is Star Samantha Gales’s favorite animal?

Rats, they're just chonky and sweet

Theme Songs/Songs that make me think of them

[See playlist above]

Love Language

Words of Affirmation
Physical Touch


Cassandra Lee Morris (Sothis- Fire Emblem Three houses )

chat_bubble_outline Stories
volume_up Quotes
edit Notes
Things about them I want to share but have no idea where to put

-Sam never really felt the need to seek out her biological family. She feels content with her father and believes that its better if she allows her birth family to not have to live in the past.

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Star Samantha Gales

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Star Samantha Gales

This character was created by Jolyn on

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