forum The Amazing Digital Circus
Started by @CinnamonTheHouseplant

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@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Pomni woke up, excited to be free of the 'Digital circus'. blinking awake, they looked around, before groaning. They were still here. in the bed they fell asleep in, in the circus tent. But this still HAD to be a dream, right?


Ragatha had already been awake for a couple of hours, and she was currently cleaning her room. She dusted the shelf above her bed- she hated digital dust, it always spawned back in after a few hours. Sometimes she wondered why she even bothered with it.

@Serenity88 group

(isn't Pomni a she)

"Oh look, the noob's up." Zooble's voice was as dry as ever. "Enjoy your digital dreams?"
she was leaning against an orange cube.
(its the digital circus, we know how it looks, don't question the cube.)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(isn't Pomni a she)

"Oh look, the noob's up." Zooble's voice was as dry as ever. "Enjoy your digital dreams?"
she was leaning against an orange cube.
(its the digital circus, we know how it looks, don't question the cube.)

(it never really confirms-)

@Serenity88 group

(…..Jaaaaax we need u to chaos over here…)

Zooble snorted. "Yeah, cause you aren't dreaming. You're stuck here, doomed to lose your mind just like Kaufmo."


Eventually, Ragatha decided to go check on Pomni, the new one. She suspected she was still just as frazzled as she had been the day before, and wanted to do anything she could to help.


Ragatha frowned. "I know you think that, and I'm not trying to hurt your feelings… but this isn't a dream. You aren't going to be waking up." She tried to explain in the kindest way possible.