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forum Pet Zombie???? Closed //stalkers welcome//
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(well turns out they aren't joining. Sorry)

Cass lets out a soft chuckle, glad he was more coherent and talking to him a bit more. Offering small nods every now and again while he spoke "ya know if animals could be zombies i feel like Ophelia would have found a way to keep one im sure" he says with a small laugh.
"Oh im Cassius. You can call me Cass though if you would like, he says with a shrug, heading into the kitchen and getting himself some soup, a small container of dried basil leaves inside.
"oh I've already dried them. Goodness i wouldn't go out there and pick them. Here would you like some?" he offers, holding the container out to Jax. "ill get your bag if you would like still?"
(im sorry this is short i feel like crappp)

Jesse's eyebrows raise a good amount as the bandage was pulled off, her eyes widen in the slightest.
He looks at Onyx, then to Clovis "i wasn't going to until you said that" she glares at him, her hand going down the knife by her side. The rain hitting the metal roof of the rv dying down just a little bit, only to become harsher than it was before, the wind slamming into the RV and shaking it just a little.
In the back of the RV was the "bedroom" but the door was closed and locked. Though from it you here a thud and a scratch at the door. Her eyes dart to the door, then back to Clovis.
was he hurting this kid? whys he being so suspicious about it.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

(That’s alright)

Jax smiled a little, trying not to show Cass any emotion. He wasn't sure if he wanted to open up to this new guy. He fidgeted with the blanket as he felt the warmth of the fire against his skin. He was aware of the food that had been left for him, but he was unsure if he could stomach it. Jax was well aware that he appeared to be a wreck. "I'd like to have a puppy of my own. There was a time when I had a dog. Phoenix was her name." He turned his head slightly, thinking about what had killed Phoenix.

//Bit of gore warning and animal death (I’m trying to save y’all from tears)//
Phoenix has been Jax's companion for a long time. She was around 6 years old when the zombie apocalypse began. She was getting on in years, yet she still played like a puppy. Jax adored Phoenix and kept her by his side at all times. Every night, she cuddled him, sensing his grief and loneliness. However, on a sunny day, zombies invade the camp Jax had built. Phoenix was hell-bent on defending her master, the man who had nourished her while starving himself. He heard whimper and yelps of pain in the yard. Jax stood there, terrified, while zombies tore her apart limb by limb, biting into the dog’s side. There was blood and guts all over the place. The guts of Jax's sole buddy, the dog he had adored. He dismembered all of the zombies by stabbing them in the head and snapping their heads off. He sobbed for many nights after that over the dog's body, which was buried in the sand. There was no arguing the fact that everything he cared about had died.

Jax shook his head, attempting to clear his head of the recollections. He wiped tears from his eyes before Cass could see them. He missed that damn dog. Drawing in a shaky breath, he held out his hand. "Hello, Cass." Jax let out a few more tears before masking himself when the handshake was through and Cass had gone over to fetch basil. "Yes, I'd like my bag." His speech was unsteady and soft, which didn't help him mask. "As well as some basil. It gives the tomato some taste. And, if you don't mind, I'd like to go wash up after I'm done… unless doctor Cass says I still need to rest." Yes, Jax was in bad shape; he was pale and had a fever. His body was still weak, but he was gaining strength. He thought he was in good enough shape to wash up and get into bed. It would be better for his back than lying on the couch.

(I should be getting to bed)

@chickenfrogman group

(Clovis is just not comfortable with you, Jesse :’) that’s all)
Clovis doesn’t respond to Jesse’s quip, as he was focused on the wound and didn’t really care what she thought of him. He goes to carefully apply the cream, but he jumps at the thud from the back, looking to the door, then Jesse. “What else is in here?” He snaps, glaring at her now.
Onyx doesn’t respond to the noises from the back, using the moment Clovis was distracted to put an arm behind his (own) back and run his fingers across the smaller cuts, since Clovis hadn’t washed them yet. It takes a bit of silent stretching and straining to get his fingers high enough to brush across them.
(I apologize my posts are so much shorter than your guys’ all are haha, I swear I’m just trying to go off of what I’m given and leave reaction time D:)
Ryder glances over to Frenchie and David, blinking once before computing what she was talking about. David gags, although he’s farther away, covering his face.
“Oh, heh, sorry.” He apologizes, taking his hair down, unbraiding it. He sits down, just out of reach of Gabriel as he devours the guts, running his fingers through his wavy hair while he gets ready to re-braid it.
David seals his soup back up, putting it away since he didn’t really feel like eating anymore. Not after Ryder had spilled literal guts. He turns back towards Frenchie and Ryder, a hand behind him as he sits, holding him steady. “Where were you before you ended up here, Francesca?” He gets a glimpse of Gabriel chowing down the guts, quickly averting his eyes, focusing back on Frenchie.


"I told you, call me Frenchie. I don't mind Francesca but it sounds so formal." She started, keeping her hand over her mouth but parting her fingers to speak more clearly. "And honestly, I was mostly just in the woods before I found this place. Y'know, sleeping in trees, scavenging for food. The usual. I picked up how to forage and tell edible from inedible plants while in school as a fun hobby so I'm probably a lot better off than most were when we started this nightmare. And I'm probably live a lot longer than most because of it too."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Cass sets the container on the end table and sits down on the chair beside the couch as he spoke, listening to him carefully. He was glad Jax was willing to open up to him yet he didn't know how much was too much and he started to slightly panic when he notices the tears in his eyes when he goes silent. He doesn't necessarily notice the tears in his eyes but he does notice Jax wiping what he could only guess were tears.
Once Jax speaks up about the basil, he stands, getting the container and opening it. He sprinkles some into the tomato soup "Oh of course you can. This house never ran on any city's water supply in the first place so the showers hooked up to its own water supply out back. I hope you don't mind its not the cleanest but it'll get the job done. Just don't drink it" he jokes, closing the lid to the container of basil. "I've got to wake up Fia from her nap so she can eat as well. Will you be okay by yourself for a little while?" Cassius asks, getting ready to leave the room.
Jesse only glares back at Clovis, crossing her arms and backing up a bit and widening "That's just Ghabiun" (pronounced Ha-bean) she says calmly, her eyes going back and forth every now and again from Onyx to Clovis. "tell me what happened or I let him out" she says now looking to the door as it's clawed at.
Growls came from the other side along with heavy panting. She needed to let him out anyway and she knew he wouldn't kill Clovis or the kid if Jesse properly introduced them. But at the same time she needed to know what was going on with this kid and what kind of person this Clovis guy was before she stayed with them. She wanted to have a group and human interaction again, but she didn't want some sicko riding with her.

@chickenfrogman group

Clovis draws his eyebrows together, “What the hell?!” He snaps again, growing more irritated by the second. “He fell, okay? What is your deal?” He shakes his head with the last sentence, his lips parted. The last thing he expected was for a stranger to suspect that he’d hurt his kid or whatever was going through this idiots mind.
Unsatisfied with only feeling the cuts over his back, Onyx convinces himself it’s okay to feel over the cut across the front of his torso. His hands weren’t that dirty, so the chances of Clovis noticing were slim, right? He runs his fingers lightly across it before slipping them harder against it to feel the torn flesh and warm blood.
“We were in a rubble yard. He was a few feet behind me and couldn’t catch me.” Onyx calmly explains, his voice close to a mumble as he focus’ on his wound.
David squints, “You didn’t have a group?” He bluntly asks, although the subject was sensitive for most. If someone had asked about the group he started with, he certainly wouldn’t answer, but of course that didn’t cross his mind when he began to pry.
Ryder listens, but doesn’t participate in the conversation, slowly weaving his hair back into small, tight braids.


Frenchie pinches her mouth into a thin line. "No. Never have, never will. People will only slow me down, I have a mission and I can't let anyone or anything stop me."
Frenchie didn't mind the question, although she found it a bit annoying that people always asked like she was weird for not having one. Not everyone fit well in a group, Frenchie happened to be one of the people that didn't.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Jesse uncrosses her arms, stepping towards the door "see? wasn't that hard to say now was it?" she grumbles her hand reaching towards the handle of the door as whatever was behind it grew more impatient by the second.
She likes Onyx much more than Clovis, not quite understanding this mans thought process. Why hide the fact that the kid fell? It would only make him more suspicious hiding things. And it's not like she could use the fact that he fell against them either. What was she going to do? Make fun of him? She didn't know him after all and simply wanted to make sure the kid was safe.
After Onyx's much better explanation, she decided not to pry anymore.
"He wont hurt you if you're not aggressive. But i do need to let him out" She tells Clovis, picking up a thick chain leash from the floor and putting her hand on the door, ready to slide it open.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Cass sets the container on the end table and sits down on the chair beside the couch as he spoke, listening to him carefully. He was glad Jax was willing to open up to him yet he didn't know how much was too much and he started to slightly panic when he notices the tears in his eyes when he goes silent. He doesn't necessarily notice the tears in his eyes but he does notice Jax wiping what he could only guess were tears.
Once Jax speaks up about the basil, he stands, getting the container and opening it. He sprinkles some into the tomato soup "Oh of course you can. This house never ran on any city's water supply in the first place so the showers hooked up to its own water supply out back. I hope you don't mind its not the cleanest but it'll get the job done. Just don't drink it" he jokes, closing the lid to the container of basil. "I've got to wake up Fia from her nap so she can eat as well. Will you be okay by yourself for a little while?" Cassius asks, getting ready to leave the room.

Jax was startled by Cass being attentive to him. No one has been attentive or even by his side for many years. He wiped the rest of the tears, his face being stained by strain one. That frustrated him. He didn’t like people seeing him be emotional. It didn’t fit his character. “Little Phoenix.” He muttered. He held himself up, noticing Cass’ panic. Jax reached for the soup with his shaky hands to keep Cass’ panic minimal. As he picked up the bowl, the spoon clung against the plastic sides, making a dull, obnoxious sound. He picked up a spoon full and shakily got it to his mouth. Jax’s face lit up with alarm, and he opened his mouth. The soup was still too hot. He didn’t spit it out, but he had to wait until it was cooler to swallow. He put the bowl down on the table, leaning his head on his knee. “Thanks for the basil.” He closed his eyes to rest them from the flicker of fire. Fire scared the hell out of him, but he tried to keep calm. He didn't want to think about the past. Jax sunk back down on the couch, shivering a bit. “I won’t drink it. No one in their right mind would.” He said faintly. He turned onto his side, away from the fire, holding his arms to his chest and knees to his stomach. “Go wake your daughter. I’ll be alright on my own. I won’t suddenly be a zombie when you get back.” He joked, his voice fading in and out.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Cass's eyes widened, both now open. His scarred eye a lighter brown with a layer of thin scar tissue over his eyeball. The scar tissue was lighter and more saturated through his eyebrow, eye, and down his cheek into his lips were a lighter color. His top lip cleft just a little. He steps towards him "oh im so sorry!" he says frantically "its far too hot! I think i forgot to tell you. My apologies" he says, calming down just a little. Though he felt incredibly bad for any injuries he might have caused Jax.
"ill be right back" Cass says, remembering about his daughter upstairs. He quickly heads towards the base of the staircase and walks up them. He takes his hair down out of its messy bun, letting it fall into his face just before he swipes it out of the way.
He entered the bedroom, opening the door slowly. In the middle of the bed was Ophelia curled up with on of his rolls of brown yarn. He was sure she was using in place of a stuffed animal of sorts, since she didn't actually own any stuffed animals. For Cass had yet to figure out to crochet a stuffed animal of any sorts.
Cassius sits on the edge of the bed, swiping a piece curly hair behind her small ear before placing a hand on her shoulder "hey Fia?" he says softly, shaking her shoulder just a little bit.
She rolls around and opens her eyes to look up at her father before turning back around and pulling the thin blanket over her head.
Cass sighs "well i made yummy tomato soup but i guess Jax and i will eat it all by myself" he says, standing up.
Ophelia shoots up, the blanket falling off of her head and her hair now out of her braids and the flowers tangled in her curls. "no i want some!" she says, hopping out of bed with a loud thud.
Cass only chuckles, "okay come down before it's all gone" he says, opening the door to the room. She runs towards him and out the door, turning the corner and running down the stairs. "oh be careful sweetie" Cass calls down the stairs as he watched her race down the stairs.

(im so sorry i haven't replied for so long)

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Jax shook his head, his eyelids heavy with drowsiness. “Don’t worry about it.” His mouth tingled after his taste buds got burnt off. The soup was indeed too hot for his liking, but it would be alright. Especially with the basil to seep its flavor into the acidic soup. He faintly smiled at Cass after putting the bowl down. Cass wasn’t responsible for his stupidity. Who doesn’t anticipate soup to be hot? He waves Cass off as the man leaves his side to wake his sleeping daughter. He didn’t remember him putting her upstairs. Jax must have been passed out, he seemed to fade in between conscious and unconscious frequently. Jax had laid himself back down, feeling unwell and unable to eat anymore. The fever had taken back over its host, and he curled in on himself, legs tucked close to his stomach. He felt utterly defenseless, and he didn’t like that. Not in a zombie apocalypse. Jax tried to overcome the effects of the illness but failed. He’s only met these strangers for a day and was already down. He breathed slowly, closing his eyes while trying to ignore the little pops of fire. Jax could help but be lulled in by sleep once again. Although, the pops of fire and footsteps coming toward him jolted him awake. He had no sense of time anymore.

Jax tried to sit up not to worry the little girl, but his strength was questionable. He rubbed his tired eyes, stifling a yawn. “Good morning, kid.” He said quietly. He hadn't touched the soup since Cass left and somehow looked worse. He didn’t want to worry him, so Jax stood up to stretch, trying to show he was well. He, however, fell backward on the couch. “I’m a bit useless at the moment.” He pulled the light blanket over his shoulders, sitting around like a sack of potatoes. I wish I could do something useful. He shook his head, clearing his head of all thoughts.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Fia plants her feet at the base of the stairs, looking up at her father as he calmly comes down the stairs, thinking about the storm and how many zombies he would after to deal with after it had settled. He was sure some may have wandered nearby or at least near the forest that surrounded them. Maybe they could make a trip to the stream nearby and sea any fish nearby. If the water they lived in wasn't already tainted with rotting flesh as the zombies crossed it quite a bit he assumed.
Once he made it down the stairs Ophelia runs towards the kitchen, though stopping near Jax "its not morning silly! We just took a nap" she giggles, running into the kitchen. She was too focused on the fact that there was food to be sympathetic.
Cassius stops, looking down to Jax from behind the couch "oh its alright. You dont need to do anything anyway" he says, momentarily looking to the kitchen to make sure Fia wasn't touching anything that could hurt her. "ill be back" he says
Cass heads into kitchen "remember what i told you about the food" he says, grabbing a small bowl for her. She turns to him, the spoon in her hand. "Is it all for you?" she asks, frustrated. "no of course not" Cass replies with a small chuckle. "dont touch it when it hot. You might hurt yourself" he explains, softly taking the spoon from her and scooping some soup into the bowl. "oh okay" she says, bouncing on the heels of her feet as she waits for her food.
"we have the basil in the living room. Can you ask Jax for it?" Cass asks her. Fia shakes her head "but i want to eat it now" she crosses her arms
"you cant. itll burn you. Just ask Jax. He did the same thing" he warns "you just have to wait a second. And plus, you like basil dont you?"
Fia looks over to the living room, then to Cass before running off to Jax.
"Careful! the soups hot Jack!" she says, now worried he would burn himself even though Cass had just told her he had already done it.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Jax sat up to the best of his ability, the blanket swaddled round him. He was thinking about the outside world and how decimated it was. He wish it was as it was when he was a kid. Kids could actually play outside without worry unlike little Fia. “I know it’s not morning, but I like saying it when someone wakes up. How was the nap?” He head was swimming. We swayed back and forth eyeing the soup, wrinkling his nose. “Yeah, I feel unwell. I think the fever has spiked again.” He reached for the bowl of cooled soup. He swirled the spoon around the bowl, and got a spoonful. He slurped it from the spoon, the tang hitting the back of his throat. He scrunched his face up and put the bowl down.

Jax grabbed his satchel and looked around for something. He looked down sadly when he couldn’t locate the object. He put the bag down and rest his head on the arm of the couch. He lifted his head up, looking at Fia. “Jack with an X. Jax.” He corrected her with a soft tone. “I know it’s hot. I was very careful. Thank you for the warning.” He laid back down, feeling as sick as a dog. Jax was a little pale.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

She scrunches her brows while he spoke, not understanding why he would want to say goodmorning to someone when it wasn't morning. "my nap was good! My hair is crazy though!" she says with a small laugh, looking Jax over now. She tries her best to remember what he dad says when someone is hurt, but she can't think of anything. So she steps towards him and leans over, kissing his hot forehead. "there Jax. I kissed you better" She says with a smile
Cass turns around at Fia's words
oh no..did she just?
He comes into the living room, grabbing the container of dried basil from the stand "im so sorry" he apologizes quietly

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Jax snuggled under the thin blanket Cass gave him, wishing he had some Tylenol. "At least you had a good nap." He closed his eyes and let the warmth of the room help with his chills. He rubbed his face, trying to massage the stiff muscles. Jax was terribly uncomfortable, and he didn't know what to do. He started to toss and turn, trying to find a comfortable spot, and settled on his back with his arm over his eyes. He smiled at Fia trying to make him feel better with a little kiss. Jax heard Cass' panic and apologies. "Don't worry, Cass. It was cute. Reminds me of my little brother, and how he tried to make me feel better" He removed his arm from over his eyes and blinked them open. He wanted to appease the child's attempts at curing his illness. "I feel much better. Thank you. But I don't suggest you do that again. Don't want you getting sick either, now do we?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Fia's eyes widened "oh you're right! Sorry" she pouts, though forgetting about it rather quickly and lighting up after a few seconds "Its okay though because you feel better now" she smiles, now running to Cass.
Cassius offers him a soft smile before looking down to his daughter, who was reaching for the container. He hands it to her and she runs to the kitchen with it, the pitter patter of her bare feet could be heard as she scampers quickly along the tile from the living room to the kitchen.
She sets the basil on the counter, opening the container and scooping out a little bit of basil, sprinkling it into her bowl of soup. A few flakes falling down onto the counter and floor as she did. Though Fia was careful not to spill the soup, she wasn't as careful not to make a mess. She was too short to really see the bowl over the counter clearly but she didn't care. She was too excited to care. It had cooled down enough to where Cass wasn't worried about her hurting herself on or around it.
Cass steps over to the kitchen still to help her, deciding he could clean up the flakes of basil later. He gives her a spoon and picks the bowl up, carefully handing it to her. She takes it happily, eying the soup before walking carefully to the living room and sitting on the floor next to a small wooden stand Cass had made for her to use as a type of table. It was obvious it was homemade but it wasn't poorly made. The wood was sanded down enough not to cause splinters and it was nailed together well. She sits criss-cross and sets the bowl down onto the small stand in the middle of the living room.
Once Cass sits down, he crossing one of his legs over the other and looks to Jax with a soft expression. "do you mind if we talk for a little bit?" he asks calmly.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Jax smiled and giggled. “It's alright dear. I do feel much better.” He still felt like crap, but he wanted the kid to believe she did help him. It was adorable. He sat himself up and started at the soup. “I’m sorry. I don't think I can eat any more of it.” He pulled the blanket around his shoulders, exhaling heavily. The circles under his eyes told the story of how much sleep he has received. He watched Fia put the basil in her soup, smiling at her innocent. He missed being innocent. He turned his head back over to the fireplace. Jax looked around at all the strange paintings and photographs, wondering who this house used to belong to. He shook his head at his scattered thoughts, trying to line the moment rather than live in the past.

Jax watched as Fia shuffled over to the living room with the bowl of soup in her little hands. “Be careful.” He warned. He flinched when Cass sat next to him, swiftly looking in his direction. “I don't mind at all.” Jax was sure Cass probably had questions, and he could answer them.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Fia smiles at Jax before scooping spoon-fulls of soup into her mouth at a rather concerning pace. It was as if she hadn't eaten in days. Granted, she didn't necessarily have breakfast or a big dinner the night before so she was quite hungry.
Cass looks to Fia "slow down a little hun. You can always have seconds" he says, turning back to Jax. "that's alright. Let me know what kind of foods you do like. I can always try to make something at least similar to it" he offers along with a soft smile.
"So" Cassius starts off "Were you in a group at all after everything happened? Even if it was just for a little bit?" he asks, not wanting to be insensitive but he would like to know the details.