Adrian Aki

Adrian Aki close

Sweet boy

last updated 3 months ago

Alaska Rhodes

Alaska Rhodes close

  • Bane's second lieutenant

last updated 5 months ago

Amity Sagewillow

Amity Sagewillow close

  • She is the deputy

  • A field agent

last updated 5 months ago

Andrea Runeshade

Andrea Runeshade close

Gives us some insight into the villains' operation

last updated about 2 months ago

Arlo Fowler

Arlo Fowler close

  • Security's assistant tech guy along Mason (He honestly only helps Mason because he has no idea what going on)

last updated 7 months ago

Autumn Rivers

Autumn Rivers close

  • Mainly helps Lazarus, so she's doing what he's doing

last updated 7 months ago

Bane Malice

Bane Malice close

  • Head of security

  • A reminder not all deemed evil is actually evil

last updated about 1 month ago

Colette Dupont

Colette Dupont close

last updated 3 months ago

Dominic Ashvale

Dominic Ashvale close


last updated about 2 months ago


Ender close

Nathaniel’s lieutenant, second to the king, Ender is the demon in charge of the first legion. He is a war general and plans most of the wars and sieges. Ender encourages lust and war among humans. He feeds off of both the energy of lust and war

Demon of war and lust

He is also Nikolas’ lover

Temporary ruler of Hell after Ezra's death

Other than soldiers, the other demons under his supervision are succu...

last updated 9 months ago

Eris Rowan

Eris Rowan close

  • The snarky second lieutenant

last updated 7 months ago


Haiti close

  • Creator of demons and Hell

  • First king

  • Gets the entire ball rolling by killing Ira

last updated 7 months ago

Haven LaBelle

Haven LaBelle close

last updated 9 months ago

Holly Blueripple

Holly Blueripple close

She is a therapist

last updated 7 months ago

Ian Redleaf

Ian Redleaf close

  • The past deputy

last updated 9 months ago


Ira close

  • Creator of angels and Heaven

  • To get murdered by his brother

last updated 7 months ago

Isen Novack

Isen Novack close

Nurse/ Julian’s apprentice

last updated 7 months ago

James Blackwood

James Blackwood close

Founder of the bureau and one of the first to call himself a Clairvoyant

last updated 7 months ago

Jaxon Ashvale

Jaxon Ashvale close

Jax is the main character, as we see the story from his point of view. He has a damning arc and the realization of things that hold him back. He also supports Gwen (the tritagonist) but opposes some of her decisions. Jax is also her mentor and love interest (potentially).

last updated 9 days ago

Julian Rowland

Julian Rowland close

  • Head medical professional at the bureau

last updated 5 months ago

Lazarus Rivers

Lazarus Rivers close

  • Husband to Autumn

  • Mission mapper (Knows the area well)

  • Take care of the weapons

(Doesn't go on missions; his wife stays with him)

last updated about 2 months ago

Luci Nightseeker

Luci Nightseeker close

  • Sister of Nathaniel

  • Keeper of Nathaniel's secrets

last updated 7 months ago


Malak close

  • He gives visions and warnings to Julian about Nathaniel

  • Angel of knowledge

  • Co-supervisor of heaven

last updated over 1 year ago

Mason Byron

Mason Byron close

  • Security's tech guy. He manages security systems, electronics, and wires

last updated 7 months ago

Nathaniel Nightseeker

Nathaniel Nightseeker close

He's the main villain of the story; traitor to the Bureau and Heaven

  • King of Hell

  • Demon of wrath

last updated 2 months ago


Nikolas close

He is the demon of Torture and commander of the third legion of hell. He is also Ender’s lover

last updated about 2 months ago

Saint LaBelle

Saint LaBelle close

  • To be killed by Nathaniel to show how dangerous he is

last updated 7 months ago

Seth Blacklace

Seth Blacklace close

last updated about 1 year ago

Sonia Awbrey

Sonia Awbrey close


last updated 7 months ago

Valerian Havenfrost

Valerian Havenfrost close

  • Val is Jaxon's best friend and a close friend of Gwen

  • Senior field operative and specialist

last updated 4 months ago