Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

people_alt 81 followers

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

sips tea
Go cry emo boy

…….what's sad is ur right

I mean looks at the outfit I wore yesterday I’m not exempt from it either

XD there's a difference between emo and alt

I have no idea the difference between any of the dark aesthetics all I know is Black Yes 🤷

@Eli-the-transboi group

sips tea
Go cry emo boy

…….what's sad is ur right

I mean looks at the outfit I wore yesterday I’m not exempt from it either

XD there's a difference between emo and alt

I have no idea the difference between any of the dark aesthetics all I know is Black Yes 🤷

Emo is emotional. Alt is fashion.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

sips tea
Go cry emo boy

…….what's sad is ur right

I mean looks at the outfit I wore yesterday I’m not exempt from it either

XD there's a difference between emo and alt

I have no idea the difference between any of the dark aesthetics all I know is Black Yes 🤷

Emo is emotional. Alt is fashion.

squints oh

@Eli-the-transboi group

sips tea
Go cry emo boy

…….what's sad is ur right

I mean looks at the outfit I wore yesterday I’m not exempt from it either

XD there's a difference between emo and alt

I have no idea the difference between any of the dark aesthetics all I know is Black Yes 🤷

Emo is emotional. Alt is fashion.

squints oh


Deleted user

Letting y’all know now I want to be here so… don’t hold me hostage

Deleted user

hides in a corner in very-much-neutral/disposable-person

Deleted user

hides in a corner in very-much-neutral/disposable-person


muffled screeches of protest

Deleted user

still screeching

now we're kidnapped together :D


Deleted user

listening to the Death Note OST while reading this is making it 40% better lol.