forum School rp (5/8) (OPEN)
Started by @ReskaAkuma group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Rodya laughs softly, watching the conversation, he moves to the last empty bed, claiming it and sitting down. He leaned back, quiet for a moment, “Plenty stray dogs. Just like any other place.” He tilts his head thinking.

He then turned towards River slightly, acknowledging his presence, “Privet.” He then turns away, looking to Cosmos, then goes quiet, retreating into his own head, watching those around him.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Lavender laid down on her bed, alone. Their roommates weren't coming for weeks, months even. Some people might use the time to relax and enjoy being alone and having quiet. Lav hated quiet. They wanted someone to talk to. People to annoy.