forum School rp (5/8) (OPEN)
Started by @ReskaAkuma group

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He stands and forces himself to stop fidgeting, sticking his arms to his sides and furrowing his eyebrows slightly. He grabs the plate of breakfast he used before and places it next to Rodya. "Here's your breakfast" He slings his backpack across one shoulder and grabs his HeLlO kItTy BaT hE gOt FrOm WaLmArT and waits by the door.


River walked around outside for a little while. He was about to just go hide in a tree when he paused and back-tracked a little bit, his gaze growing thoughtful. He had walked right past a thin door with a sign labeled 'Janitorial Closet'. He cautiously opened it and was pleasantly surprised at the dark room filled with supplies for him to hide in without anyone noticing. It was a bit small, but he was used to hiding and staying in small places, even for hours on end. River made sure no one else was around before walking in and closing the door behind him, finding the perfect place to hide in the dark closet.