forum RP with brave_soldier
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac's shoulder shrugs up as he's sensitive to touch on his neck. He tightly grips Haze's arm. "This will not be the last. There will be many more trials to come. Are you ready?" he pulls away from the hug to look around the area. He sees his sword lying on the ground and notices the blood-stained grass. He takes a deep breath, taking in the crisp outside air into his lungs.

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“Yes, yes I am. But I need to learn how to fight like you,” he said and nestled into Issac”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"You don't know how to fight? I thought it was a basic skill everyone knew. I've been versed in fighting for millions of years; I even put my skills to use in the first holy war. I've never taught someone how to fight. It comes naturally to me, like how magic might to you," he laughs. "Do you even know to use weapons? Which one feels the best in your hands? The one that will save you from becoming crow-food." He grabs Haze's arm and examines his hand. Isaac traces a finger across the pattern of his palm. He looked Haze up and down, deciding what weapon would fit him best.

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“knives have always felt best,” he said and watched Isaac “ and barely, always relied on magic to save my ass”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"Knives," Isaac whispers. "A dagger would be better for you. It's like a bigger knife. I need to teach you how to avoid direct attacks." He grasps Haze's hand and closes his eyes. He's sharing a mind link with Haze. "You can't rely on your magic all the time. It will kill you. I'm linking my mind with yours. You'll know my thoughts, feelings, fears, and how I do things. It'll be helpful in the long run. If you scream in your mind, I'd know you're in danger and come to your aid." he smiles. "Don't abuse it."

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Haze smiles, kissing the other softly “ which means you feel mine,” he said softly

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac narrows his eyes. "Maybe this was a bad idea. You did tell me you had power over me because I didn't understand human emotions." He smiles at the kisses. No person has been so affectionate towards him. They all shy away in fear. He blushes in embarrassment over his odd, all over the place thinking. He shakes his head. "I need to find the perfect dagger for you." His eyes sparkle.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac waves his hand at such a statement. "Not any old dagger. You need a silver one. Silver is demon repellent. It burns our skin when it comes in contact. It leaves us with unimaginable scars." he gasps from talking so fast. "That's what you need, Chéri." Isaac holds a beaming smile as if just cyphered an old code.

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Haze giggled and kissed his lover's neck again. “Eres guapo cuando sonries”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Confusion clouds Isaac's eyes. He tilts his head and his brow furrows. "What does that mean? I never heard of a language like that," he speaks little sentences in Latin and French to compare. The language doesn't sound like any romantic language, and he becomes extra confused. He thought every language came from Latin.

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“ Spanish mi amore “ he said “ I said, ‘god you look handsome when you smile,”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

A feeling of having to one-up Haze blazes through his body. He smiles deviously. "Tu es beau dans tout ce que tu fais. Toi belle bête (You are handsome in everything you do. You beautiful beast)," Isaac puts his hand on Haze's jaw. He tilts his head up to look Isaac in the eyes. "Je gagne (I win)." He gives a wild smile.

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“ tratar de superarme solo me llevará debajo de ti más rápido “

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"I like your funny words, magic man," Isaac stands up, his injured wing unfolding and weighing him down. He groans in annoyance. He manages to tuck it back in. "Anyway, let's get you that dagger… unless you can summon objects. Then there is no need to forge one," he tilts his head with a kind smile. He says through his teeth, "It would save me from getting burned."

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“ sadly my talent is bending elements, simply stuck to four, but my mother can. But.. If she found out about you..

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac picks his sword up from where it lies. "What would she do? The thing you refuse to do since day one?" He knows any human would be glad to kill him. The deadly sins were better off dead. Something that corrupts the world as much as they do is better off gone. He smiles crookedly, spinning his sword. "I'd like to see her try." He blinks, and his eyes shift from gold to red.

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“ you are not hurting my mother.” he said in a tone that should have scared issac

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac stares deep into Haze's eyes, trying to get a read on his thoughts. He scoffs, "Oh please, you didn't actually think I would hurt your parent." he lets out a deep laugh. "You really think that of me? After all we've been through. How peculiar." He breaks eye contact and walks deeper into the forest, annoyed at that "accusation".

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“ you gave the intention” he huffed and retreated into his hideout

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac ventures off into the forest to gather some herbs. He also cuts a chunk of a fallen tree trunk, working on it to shape a dagger hilt. He wraps it in thin leather from his satchel. The night sky clouds over, and the air becomes sweet. This gives the indication it's going to rain. He picks up tiny things that spark his interest before the rain starts to pour. The leave crunching under his boots startles nearby animals. His mind clears from the jumble of a mess it was. He looks up, and a raindrop plops on his nose. It starts to pour, and he heads back to Haze's place. He returns soaked and his eyes red-rimmed.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"I-I don't know what that is.." he places his satchel on the ground and sits criss-cross. He takes out the hilt he made. He takes out little pinecones to plan out a pattern. Isaac gets up to get some super glue and lays down on his stomach. He kicks his legs back and forth, gluing on the tiny pine cones. He gets out little feathers and glues them to the pine cones. Isaac's awfully quiet, doing an activity he wouldn't normally do.

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Haze cleaned his bedded area, slipping out of his shirt. The boys chest if covered in scars and fresh cuts from a couple of weeks ago. And even a larger bruise on his side. As large as his shoulder down to his hip

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac is still kicking his legs, gluing the little things he found on the hilt. He looks at Haze, the red and puffiness from his eyes going down a bit. "What happened to you?" Isaac inquires. "You're covered in horrible scars. I-It's horrifying." His voice is hoarse. "Is that bruise from today's fight?" A tiny frog jumps out of Isaac's satchel, and he tries to catch it. He doesn't succeed.