forum RP with brave_soldier
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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“ but it's so amazing being so close” he said and nuzzled into Isaac.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"Amazing? As in, you thought this would never happen?" Isaac's eyes widen as Haze nuzzles into him. He's unsure what this means, as this close of touch is never applied in the demon world. Heat spanned across Isaac's face, furthering his wide-eyed surprise. He's never felt such emotion before; it made him sick with stomach pains. He winces as butterflies creep up his throat from his stomach. His gold eyes glow with a mix of confusion, nervousness, and sickness.

He doesn't want to alarm Haze by the fact his face shows these different conflicting emotions. He could tell the boy likes to be close to him. His heart is practically pounding out of his chest. He swallows hard, swallowing the butterflies right back where they came from. He passes a little smile to mask his conflicting thought and unsure feelings.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"I-I," Isaacs's voice comes in a stutter. How do you tell someone you've never experienced emotions as strong as this? Humans wouldn't be able to understand. Demons were not supposed to feel anything, and yet we do. It makes no sense when you put it into perspective. Isaac removes his arm from around Haze and grabs one of Haze's hands. He has a guilty look, but one can't be too sure if that is what it is. It's more of embarrassment, Isaac's cheeks flushed from it all. "I, well—I'm feeling things I have never experienced. Emotions…so alien to me. It's making my stomach hurt, and I don't know how to understand it." His voice is small compared to its usual roughness.

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“ then show me how you feel, make actions the same as your feelings. Like humans show love, kissing and stuff. Love makes your stomach turn and you feel jittery.” he said softly

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac pulls one of his shoulders back in hesitation. His jaw is quivering, and his eyes are wide. What a strange demon he’s become over the months he’s spent with Haze in a dorm. His body shivered as his mind split in conflict about what was human and what was demonic. He stared at Haze in the eyes. The only action he could complete wasn’t huge but still an action. “Mon chère (My dear)” Isaac picks up Haze’s hand and kisses it as a gentleman would do. Isaac wasn’t sure if this was what Haze meant, but it was a step.

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Haze flushed, his cheeks a brighter red. “ I'm going to hell for this” he muttered leaning in and kissing Issac

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac's mouth twitches, and he stares at Haze for a few seconds. He pulls Haze in by the collar of his jacket and kisses him on the lips. Isaac was surprised by his own actions and how soft Haze's lips were. Red envelops his face. Haze had the sweet scent of caramel tacked on him. It nearly made Isaac sick. He pulls away, releasing his grasp on Haze's collar, and looks away from Haze, questioning what he just did. His eyes once again cloud with confusion about his actions, his feelings, and human affection. His hands are shaking and a small smile crosses his face. He can barely get out any words, only stutters.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac's body twitched. He's covering his mouth with his arm. In a muffle, he growls, "What is that supposed to mean?!" Isaac grits his teeth, almost bitting his sleeve. His feet are planted firmly on the ground, his shoulders tensed together. His eyes are squeezed shut and nose is scrunched. "That is not possible." He's struggling to sort himself out and is fighting with his mind.

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“ issac, don’t fight it, “ he moved the boys arm and brought his lips to the others, kissing him slowly as he left his free hand resting on the others jaw “ your falling in love with me.. It's natural and okay,”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

He moves away slightly but doesn't fight Haze's attempts. He shakes his head and stares into the open forest. This is all so sudden for him. He fidgets his fingers, rolling one over the other. His heart is pounding against his chest again, and it might leap out. His cheeks are flush to the nth degree. He looks unwell while he's trying to grapple with reality. His head is spinning, and it's shown with his head bobbing up and down. "I-It's not natural for us—us," he stumbles over his words quietly.

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“ a..are you alright? Do you want me to back up?”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"I-I," Isaac's regaining control. "No, you don't need to. I'll be fine." Isaac slumps over into Haze's arms. One side of his mind won, and it was the one that preferred human emotions. Isaac looks a bit sickly but stares into Haze's eyes. He pants, "That was a new experience for me, mon chère. I've never felt anything like it. How do you humans deal with it?" Isaac closes his eyes for a brief moment, then he blinks them open pondering the mystical ways of human life.

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“ if you think that's rough try heartbreak, it fucking sucks” he sighed. Haze runs his fingers through the others hair.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac gives Haze a warm smile. "I don't plan on trying that." His breathing slows. He seems tired, which is weird for a demon. His wings demanifests, and he struggles to pull his satchel off of him. He reaches his hand towards Haze's face but draws it back and lays his head on Haze's shoulder. "Can we just stay like this and not continue on the mission?"

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“ I thought this is what you wanted? “ he held Isaac, wrapping his arms around the other in a hug

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"I do want this. Just not to continue on the mission to fetch the crown. I'd rather live in the woods," Isaac lets out a breathy laugh, "But my boss would probably come after me." He shifts his body to get comfortable, putting his satchel on the ground near his feet. "Sorry I roped you into this. I don't know what I was thinking, but yet, I hadn't learned human emotion," he pauses. "You really taught me something. But now we might have a bigger problem," Isaac stares into the distance, looking at the horizon with weary eyes as he always does. Something seems off.

(Sorry I'm kind of shifting the story we agreed upon. I think it would be interesting if they did go on their intended mission 😅)

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Haze kissed his temple “ I'm linked with you now, I'm going to follow you no matter what, it's called love”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"Huh," Isaac huffed. "It's strange. A human following me without me commanding them to. Such a powerful force," he has a mischievous grin. He leans further into Haze's chest. "It's going to be one hell of a ride." The sun dips below the horizon, casting the forest in shadow. A pair of eyes glow in the shadows, watching. Well, if it isn't the consequences of Isaac's actions.

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Haze shivered a bit more, tucking into issac” everything feels weird “

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac glances around the dark wilderness, and he suddenly shoots straight up. His expression is blank for a few seconds until it's filled with a stone face stare. "Goddamn it," he mutters. He stands up, placing both of his firm on the ground. He picks up his satchel and pulls out his hunting knife. "Remember that I dragged you out on a mission to retrieve a crown? I have broken my promise to retrieve it, and now I'm the one being hunted. This is now life or death. We're now starting on a new adventure of trying not to be murdered," he glanced at haze. "Know any safe place around here? You said you wander around the woods a lot." Isaac's body is stiff, and his voice has an edge to it.

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“ yea, follow!” he said. The man moved like the animals in it, swift and completely unheard. He left little to know tracts and knew exactly were he was heading

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac treks behind him, choosing his steps very carefully. He keeps looking around, shifting his eyes from the side in paranoia. His footsteps are not completely muffled, startling any animal that was nearby. He held his hunting knife close to his side, his entire body tense. Anxiety and paranoia cloud his eyes.