forum RP with brave_soldier
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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Haze chuckled “ I'm nowhere near as dumb as you think I am. “ he said and got up, ignoring the demon's hand and walking outside.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac blinks in surprise for a few seconds and then puts the seeds back in the vial. He places it back on the shelf he got it. He follows Haze outside, "Where are you wandering off to? The sun is dipping below the horizon; It will not be safe out here." He stretches his wings out and takes to the sky. He hovers a few feet above Haze, scanning the forest. He sighs and snaps his head to the right as he hears a noise.

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“you're fine unless you'd like to watch me strip. I'm going for a wash”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac’s face flushes. “I don’t want to see that.” He climbs higher in the sky with one giant flap. The air from the wings disturbs everything that’s not bolted down. Isaac participates in bird hunting, but not from the ground. His boredom catches up with him, and he starts to do tricks, hoping no one will pay attention to a man-like creature in the sky.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"Do I now?," he shouts from the sky. Isaac has caught dinner. He smiles, enjoying his time up in the air. Another creature with wings slams into him, and he tumbles. Isaac catches himself by spreading out his wings as friction. He growls and pulls out a sword. Where did he get it from? Magic. Isaac is now engaged in a fight with this creature at the break of twilight. He slashes its side with his sword but gets knocked in the face. He flies up higher to get an advantage over the creature. He knocks it out of the sky as it uses telekinesis to throw him off balance. He catches himself from crashing into the ground, but his landing is less than graceful. He stumbles over his steps but catches his balance. Any traces of being hit in the face are being healed regeneratively. His left-wing has displaced feathers and appears injured, but when he moves it, it's perfectly fine.

"Tehk! Didn't expect to be fighting another demon in the air." he spins the sword and digs the tip into the ground. He shakes out his ruffled hair, and his jaw is tight. He sighs and wipes blood from the corner of his mouth, "I hate twilight."

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Haze rushed to issacs side, growling as magic covered his arms. “ come any closer and I’ll fuck you up” he growled to the attacker

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

“Don’t bother,” Isaac’s eyes are turning from red back to gold. He leaned on the sword in the ground. “Slashed it in the side. A soldier never misses.” He said with a twisted smile and pulled a few feathers out of his clothes.

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Haze sighed and let his magic fade “ so this is what being hunted is?” ( dude I wanna do a sene where haze gets attacked and Isaac has to save him)

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

(Go for it!)

Isaac glares at him. His manor is stoic, and he's stone face. "Unfortunately, this is just the very beginning. Lucky for me, I have regenerative healing. Most wounds go and don't scar. Unlucky for you, you're mortal. Any wound could be fatal." his with flutter slightly to complement his dead stare. "It was just a lower demon, thankfully. I don't wish to see the day when it is a noble." his voice is rough and has grit behind it. He yanks on the sword, and it releases from the ground. "Be careful around this sword's blade. It will burn your skin."

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haze nodded, kissing issacs neck softly before grabbing his things. (when do you wanna do it)

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

(Haze can be attacked anytime. I just got out of school, so I’ll be able to reply faster)

Isaac blushes and then pushes Haze away. He swings his sword and growls. He's staring in the direction the demon fell. One of his ears twitches at a noise, although it’s all around. Isaac is trying to figure out the concentrated location of the noise. He turns all around like a lost puppy, his eyes darting back and forth. He’s once again on edge, his body tensing. “Naz,” he spits the name out. His voice has a sharpness to it.

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Haze looked around before a second attack was made “ issa- “ hazes words cut short as he was thrown back a bit, his arm dripping blood. “ fuck..” he whimpered

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac growls, his eyes turning blood red. He turns his attention to the attacker, the deadly sin of pride. He rolls his eyes. Naz stands in front of Haze with a knife. Isaac puts one of his wings in front of himself to deflect Naz’s knife throw. The tip embeds itself in his wing, and he winces. He pulls the knife out of his wing.

He rushes Naz with his injured wing dragging on the ground. His sword clashed with Pride’s ax. Isaac’s hands shook as he was trying to bring the blade of his sword close to Pride’s neck. Pride withdrew his weapon, making Isaac fumble.

“Pathetic,” Pride laughs, kicking Isaac in the jaw. Isaac picked up his sword and drove it into Pride’s thigh. Pride cursed Isaac, swinging his ax into Isaac’s side. The cut was minor, but the attack was concentrated on his injured wing. He turned his attention back to Haze with Naz distracted.

“Are you alright?!” Isaac panted, pulling Haze to a safe-ish place. He tried to regulate his breathing to no avail.

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“ fuck it burns!” he whimpered, now that he was closer it was clear that his cheek had been cut through and his arm had only been a flesh wound. “ what do we do!?” he asked, spitting blood out after he finished speaking

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac looks at Haze's wounds. "Your cheek needs… what do you humans call it? Sutures! The burning won't last long. Applying water will soothe the agitated skin." Isaac tried to move his wing; it doesn't budge. "My regenerative healing will take a while, he winces. "I think Pride broke my jaw somewhere, and my wing is worse for wear. I drove him off. I'm pretty sure about that." His panting slows but is still there.

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“ There are medical supplies in the cove.” he huffed, getting a bit light headed

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac runs off to get the supplies and comes back, setting all the supplies down. Isaac takes a water bottle and washes out the cheek slash and flesh wound. He picks up a needle and tries to thread the needle into the skin. "I've never done this before. I apologize in advance." His speech is weird and hard to hear because of his jaw. He slides the needle into the skin and pokes it through the top of the slash. Isaac weaves the thread throughout the wound. He picks up some small scissors and cuts off the excess. "Eh, I don't think it's that bad.." Isaac did his best, and hopefully, it holds so the wound heals. He puts gauze on the flesh wound the wraps it in bandages. "I think I did okay for someone with no training." He sits down and checks out his damaged wing. He winces and then feels his jaw. There's a small break on the right of his mandible.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"I knew I was forgetting something," he looks at Haze. "Are you okay, Chéri? You took quite a beating." Small wounds on Isaac's face start healing at last. His energy depletion is stopping his healing process. He closes his eyes and curses the sin of Pride in Latin for all this trouble.

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“ fine,” he said softly and stood, going back to get the herb “ come here,” he said softly and sat back on Issac's lap. He rubbed the herbs places and others he sprinkled. Then he spoke the enchants and hoped they helped the other

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Many of the wounds on Isaac heal up nicely. His wing will still be out of commission for a little, but he can now tuck it in. He kisses Haze and grasps him in a hug. "Merci, chéri. I'm terribly sorry for getting you dragged into this hunt the demons are playing. Didn't mean for you to get injured." he closes his eyes and rests his head on Haze's shoulder.

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Haze sighed “ it was bound to happen love,” he said softly, giving a kiss to Issac's neck.