forum What’s one of your characters worst injuries/painful experiences?
Started by @QUABSTIX group

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The Betrayed Veteran has any number of injuries sustained during her military career (I said volumes right there); the most obvious are a broken nose and getting the right side of her face ripped open by horrifying sand creatures (she came within a hair's breadth of losing an eye). Afterwards, she lost a leg to horrifying deep-sea creatures (and now uses a prosthesis).

The Sorrowing Medic is also former military. He spent most of his career patching up the Veteran and her compatriots, and Saw Some Shit as a result.

The Frustrated Mechanic got her hand deliberately slammed in a car door.

The Naïve Powerhouse has recently taken up a particularly arduous sport. While he hasn't done worse than strain himself and rip calluses so far: it's only a matter of time if he keeps it up. And then, there's the time when a demon (for want of a better word) smacked him across the room and carved up his love handle for him.

Side note, I've been seeing your characters around a lot, and I really like them :)

I only just saw this response. Thank you!

Deleted user

Wisp was running from an explosion and got hit in the face with a piece of metal. She lost her eye, and it sliced her face. She had just barely recovered from that when she fell and hit her head. Now she has a limp and can't control one of her arms.


The Betrayed Veteran has any number of injuries sustained during her military career (I said volumes right there); the most obvious are a broken nose and getting the right side of her face ripped open by horrifying sand creatures (she came within a hair's breadth of losing an eye). Afterwards, she lost a leg to horrifying deep-sea creatures (and now uses a prosthesis).

The Sorrowing Medic is also former military. He spent most of his career patching up the Veteran and her compatriots, and Saw Some Shit as a result.

The Frustrated Mechanic got her hand deliberately slammed in a car door.

The Naïve Powerhouse has recently taken up a particularly arduous sport. While he hasn't done worse than strain himself and rip calluses so far: it's only a matter of time if he keeps it up. And then, there's the time when a demon (for want of a better word) smacked him across the room and carved up his love handle for him.

Side note, I've been seeing your characters around a lot, and I really like them :)

I only just saw this response. Thank you!

No prob! :D

Deleted user

TW: ABUSE My protag, Juliet, was abused for being autistic. Her parents' favorite punishment was to use a BDSM flogger on her if she did anything like stimming, or refusing to come in contact with aversive stimuli. (Keep in mind that an autistic person's pain centers light up under a brain scan when they are exposed to their sensory triggers.)

Deleted user

I can see how it could seem excessive, but her parents really thought that's how to raise an autistic child. Things like it happen to disabled kids every day.

@HighPockets group

Due to the sheer amount of time spent trekking through sentient (and malicious) woods, most of the members of the Expedition Force have had their noses broken by the branches, among other injuries.
Miette fell out of her group's boat while crossing a frigid river in winter, she was pulled out in time but still fell very ill. She ended up permanently deaf in one ear.

@HighPockets group

I can see how it could seem excessive, but her parents really thought that's how to raise an autistic child. Things like it happen to disabled kids every day.

I meant more of the whole "BDSM flogger" bit. I know how disabled kids can be mistreated, and I am autistic myself :)
It just rings as exploitative to me.


((which is correct but….they used a bdsm flogger? instead of like a belt or something, which is a lot more commonly used when it comes to abuse? idk it just seems wack that that's what they use, of all the things))

Deleted user

Fair. Her parents already had it and figured "hey, double duty" so yeah. I can get carried away sometimes.

@HighPockets group

Also I'm sorry, but these parents are using the flogger that they beat their disabled daughter with….during sex? I understand that you're young, but do you have any idea how disgusting that implication is?

Deleted user

Cezary thought he had something with Daemeth, but well, he didn’t.

Daemeth bit his throat out then took his tongue as a trophy. She also snapped his right arm. He survived, but not for long.
For Daemeth, money is worth more than love. If she even felt any sense of love to begin with.

Piotr, while trying to track down Daemeth was also confronted by Dignai later on, who slowly broke Piotr’s fingers. This doesn’t compare to how Piotr effectively ensured Dignai would never ever bother anyone ever again, with a shotgun blast to the body.


Also I'm sorry, but these parents are using the flogger that they beat their disabled daughter with….during sex? I understand that you're young, but do you have any idea how disgusting that implication is?

Also neurodivergent; not that young. On the one hand: I agree with you on this. On the other hand: I'm aware of similar things having happened in real life to neurodivergent kids (reality, as they say, is unrealistic). I say: if you go with that idea (personally, I'd make it a belt, just to reduce the likelihood of it in any way reading as exploitative; but that's just me): hammer it in that this is horrible on every possible level.

@HighPockets group

Also I'm sorry, but these parents are using the flogger that they beat their disabled daughter with….during sex? I understand that you're young, but do you have any idea how disgusting that implication is?

Also neurodivergent; not that young. On the one hand: I agree with you on this. On the other hand: I'm aware of similar things having happened in real life to neurodivergent kids (reality, as they say, is unrealistic). I say: if you go with that idea (personally, I'd make it a belt, just so no one takes it the wrong way; but that's just me): hammer it in that this is horrible on every possible level.

There are very pedophilic undertones present with the flogger; if you don't address them, it's best to use the belt, if it must be included at all.


Also I'm sorry, but these parents are using the flogger that they beat their disabled daughter with….during sex? I understand that you're young, but do you have any idea how disgusting that implication is?

Also neurodivergent; not that young. On the one hand: I agree with you on this. On the other hand: I'm aware of similar things having happened in real life to neurodivergent kids (reality, as they say, is unrealistic). I say: if you go with that idea (personally, I'd make it a belt, just so no one takes it the wrong way; but that's just me): hammer it in that this is horrible on every possible level.

There are very pedophilic undertones present with the flogger; if you don't address them, it's best to use the belt, if it must be included at all.

I actually edited my post a little. Yes, I've heard of abusers casually beating their kids with their sex toys in real life; I would still have it be the belt, just in order to reduce the chance that it'd be even accidentally read as exploitative. The only possible take I can see working for the flogger idea is…well, yeah; to pretty much treat it as CSA.

@HighPockets group

Miette fell out of her group's boat while crossing a frigid river in winter, she was pulled out in time but still fell very ill. She ended up permanently deaf in one ear.

Harry Bailey intensifies


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Prequel Crew
All of them were very hurt by Karák’s betrayal; Gaudári especially had to help Zol from breaking down.
Zol: One of his worst moment she was realizing his diplomacy wasn’t going to stop a war.
Karák: He was blamed from birth for the death of his mother and emotionally abused.
Gáius: His younger brother died when Gáius was about fifteen. Also he might have autism based struggles but I don’t know.
Vetáki: Mild issues related to being in combat at a young age, as well as homesickness.
Haidráqo: Kind of neglectful father but not much more than that.
Gaudári: Homesickness from leaving her family that she may meet again later but I don’t know.
‘Kaion: Severe emotional and some physical abuse that lead to her becoming mute for a few years and caused her hair to go white.
Ankro: He lived with all that happened to ‘Kaion, even though he was never the direct object of their parents wrath.

@HighPockets group

Karák: He was blamed from birth for the death of his mother and emotionally abused.

Oh hey, that's what happened to Huxley. Not to mention that he also watched his father's hanging as a kid.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Big yikes. Karák hated his dad and never looked back after saying goodbye. He was a good kid for a while and then started murdering people because he was really fed up with the whole pacifism thing Zol insisted everyone do.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Azami: Her mother died after childbirth, which she was blamed for, and two years later, she was locked away until she was four. Fast forward 5 years, one of her sworn older brothers dies(He didn't really die, but she didn't find out for another 12 years). 10 years later, her other older brother dies(for real this time), plus she gets badly burned.

Jax: Her parents died when she was 4, then she had to watch her sister die 2 years later, and had to live on her own on a war-torn island, narrowly escaping a genocide.

I have more, but they're not very fleshed out yet

@HighPockets group

Addie had to take on some slightly illegal jobs to earn money, and one of them was running documents between members of what was essentially her planet's city council. One of them, unbeknownst to her, contained highly confidential information, but the wax seal had been poorly applied and came undone while she was smuggling it. The official who received the note was outraged, assuming that Addie read it, and cut out one of her eyes.