forum The King Welcomes You (Group RP, Closed, DEAD)
Started by @Serpentess health_and_safety language

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(On’nyosh: Looks at Cassiel with a strange excited look. I’ll remember you said that. Just let me know when you want to take up that offer. I’m all yours, whether you like me or not. His voice gets quieter as he speaks, and a huge grin appears on his face. He seems completely unfazed by her spurn)
(Me: Oh shit. Well, this just got even weirder, lmao)
(On’nyosh: And yes, I know I’m a bastard. That’s part of the trade)

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(Me: Oh my god I did not plan for this. Why does Cass always do this to people?)
(Cass: Because I'm hot, and I'm smart without being condescending. And I don't want or need you in particular. However, I have yet to eat, and you're literally right here, so… Smiles, reveals the classic vampire fangs that have suddenly sprouted)
(Me: Oh yeah… remind me again why I made you? And oh my god why?)
(Cass: She says this with some difficulty, due to her fangs Look at where we are, then answer your own question. Also, On'nyosh: my bite does not hurt. However, you will feel drowsy. Don't try to fight it or me.)
(Me: Apparently Cass is kinda just flirty. All the time. Even with On'nyosh, who she hates.)
(Cass: Moves closer to On'nyosh. Suddenly, she bites his neck, and starts feeding.)
(Me: Let's go… Leaves)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me: Lmao! I know, this just spiraled out of control. And On’nyosh, the whore that he is, can’t resist)
(On’nyosh: His grin seems to widen even more. It might be wiser to do this in another room. I don’t know what I’ll do… that’s a lie, actually, but nonetheless… but I might enjoy this too much for public eyes. Wanders away into a nearby room, then willingly submits to Cassiel)
(Me: Speechless)
(Me: Lol, I’m out. Leaves)
(Me: I told you he was a whore, and he even admitted it! Lmao!)

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(I know, but Cass is a bit worse. What do you think of this entire interaction?)

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(Same… it's honestly very funny to just see Cass act like she hates On'nyosh. For some reason, it's impossible to hate him. Also, when do you think they'll come out of the building? And in what state?)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(I know, that’s why I love him so much! He’s such a lovable jackass. And, it’ll probably be a while, and On’nyosh might be a little on the hot and ruffled side, if you know what I mean. If it wasn’t already obvious, he’s a bit of a freak around women, particularly vampires)
(I don’t know if I want to keep laughing or blush right now, lmao!)

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(Me: Why are On'nyosh and Cass in a room alone? And what is Cass… nvm. I just realized, I know exactly what happened. How did that happen is my next question.)
(Cayde and Noctem: Shaking their heads in unison and sighing. They look at each other then laugh.)

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(Wait… if this happened here, and they are both acting like they normally act, wouldn't everything just repeat itself in the rp? With more… descriptions?)
(And yes, I did notice that. He must like it when he's being hurt.)
(Cass might just end up looking flustered and confused. Idk, it's impossible to know.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lmao! I don’t know, possibly, even likely. Either way, that would hysterical!)
(Glancing around, trying to hold back more laughs. He’s not necessarily a masochist in the usual sense, but around vampires, yeah)
(Shrug, snickering. We’ll just have to see if it happens again, and how they’ll both turn out then. Lol)

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(Me: Anyways… I think Cass is leaving On'nyosh in the room by himself.)
(Cass: Hastily straightening her clothes and hair, looking very flushed and confused Anyways, that's done now.)
(Me: Slightly raised eyebrows You, uh, have some blood on the corner of your mouth. Gestures to indicate the left side of her mouth)
(Cass: Blushes, wipes it away)

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(Me: No comment, lol.)
(Cayde and Noctem: Still grinning, they start laughing again when they see Cass.)
(Me: This seems to be turning into a ship of On'nyosh and Cass, the most unlikely pair ever to exist.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me: Lmao still!)
(On’nyosh: Grinning wide, unfazed by his ruffled appearance, or the blood smeared on his neck and clothes. Now, now, what’s the rush?)
(Me: Mentally screaming for On’nyosh to shut up. I can’t stop laughing!)
(Me: I know, right? Lol)

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(Me: I was not planning on this happening. I never expected to have this happen on my first rp here. Should I expect more of this in the future? I don't mean this in a bad way, by the way. I'm just confused as to how I've managed to do this again.)
(Cass: Blushes more Shut up, On'nyosh.)
(Me: Does this change anything?)
(Cass: NO!)
(Me: Snickering Okay.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me: I wasn’t expecting this either. That’s why I love chaos. The beauty of the madness all chaotic minds make, evil laugh. And, for other rps, I don’t know, from On’nyosh, yes, he’s just that persistent. And don’t worry, we’re all confused, lol)
(On’nyosh: Snickers. I only shut up for one thing, and one thing only, and that’s just because I’m enjoying it too much to think of more stuff to talk shit about)
(Me: Speechless and still laughing)

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(Me: Well, if you're talking about what I think you're talking about, it isn't quiet unless nobody's enjoying it.)
(Cass: Looks like she's dying inside Oh my god…)
(Me: Lol.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(On’nyosh: Looks at lizardwithwingsandfire and shrugs. I’m meaning my shit talking, not necessarily anything else. Sly grin)
(Me: This guy)
(On’nyosh: Gives Cassiel a sweet smile. Gods are idiots, and you can’t deny it was fun)
(Me: I was wondering when he’d insult the gods)

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(Me: You don't have to refer to me as that. Actually, my name is Ashene, Ash for short. Just call me that. And, I do believe I know you well enough to know a lie when I see one.)
(Cass: Blushes more, stutters I-I uh… y-yeeees? She cringes)
(Me: Laughing)
(Cass: Shut up…)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me: Casual shrug)
(On’nyosh: Grins and snickers. Lie or not, you’d be surprised at how mellow I can get. But, that’s another story, and one not for public eyes. Stands up with a flourish and starts to fix his clothes and hair)
(Me: ‘Mellow’… says the jester who jumps off the walls and runs circles around people because of the amount of energy he has)
(On’nyosh: Ignores Serpentess, instead noticing Cassiel. He smiles again as he remakes the braid in his hair. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. He snickers)

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(Me: Lol. I agree.)
(Cass: Um… I'm going to go now. And try to figure myself out. And you. She stares at On'nyosh, then blushes and looks away when he notices her again.)
(Me: I'm just laughing and blushing because of this. It's funny, but weird.)
(Also, since I stayed up until an ungodly time in the morning yesterday/today, I should probably log off. See you when this kicks off later today, since it's officially monday!)

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(Me: Okay, Ash! See ya!)
(Me: I figured I should wait until most of the weird stuff between Cass and On'nyosh was mostly over for the night.)
(Cayde and Noctem: Still grinning Wow… that was definitely fun to listen to!)
(Me: Speaking of not sleeping until late in the morning, I stayed up until nearly 6 am CST, then got up. I have not slept since 10 am yesterday, lol. I just realized something: I have been up since saturday, not yesterday. My mind is totally wrecked…)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me: Lol)
(Me: Oh shit, I just had a very warped thought just now. On’nyosh just got his Halloween present. Laughing hysterically and blushing at the same time)
(On’nyosh: Steps out to look at Cayden and Noctem. He then dramatically points a finger, grinning. Spies, I say, spies! You were listening in, weren’t you, you perverts? He starts laughing)
(Me: Oof. Last night I went to bed at 7 am, so yeah. Me, your local nightowl from hell, lol)

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(Me: Wow… Happy Halloween, I guess. That is exactly what I did not expect, but should have, being just as messed up. Then again, I've been surviving off of sugar and caffeine the past couple days, so I'm not exactly my best. Laughs, then yawns)
(Cayde and Noctem: Nope! We just listened to the conversations. We stopped listening to you two once you started doing what you were doing.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me: Lmao! I have a very warped mind. Makes me wonder where On’nyosh gets it… hmm. Snickering)
(On’nyosh: Gives them a goofy suspicious look. I believe you… for now. You’re still goddamn perverts, oh Maid and Toe-Eye! Laughs hysterically)