forum The King Welcomes You (Group RP, Closed, DEAD)
Started by @Serpentess health_and_safety language

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(On’nyosh: Looking around. So, where’s the King? I want to talk to the fat ass)
(Me: Slaps him in the back of the head. Shut up and wait)
(On’nyosh: Hey, watch the hat. He takes his hat off. And where’s Shorty? That short toe-eyed bastard is still lurking around, I know he is)
(Me: Sighs, the madness)
(Happy Halloween folks)

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(Me: Nah, Noctem left. He's not in the sky anymore. Looks up, then looks behind On'nyosh and sees nothing out of the ordinary As a matter of fact, he seems to be gone.)
(Cayde: Running back, breathless What? There's finally a new king?)
(Me: sighs Yes, Sorcerer. There is.)
(And Happy Halloween to you too.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Cool. Just make your character with the template on the first post and you’re good)
(You want me to put it in the rules to avoid stuff like that? I don’t think that’ll come up, but still)
(And, if you and @knightinadream get your characters up by then, I was thinking of starting tomorrow. That sound good to you?)

@knightinadream group

Name: Valdemaras Jasur Attila Kedves
Aliases/Nicknames, if any: His Majesty King Valdemaras of Ethrin
Race: Human but possesses supernatural/human abilities
Age: 25
Gender: Cis male (He/Him)
Description: Valdemaras has short light brown hair with some blond in it. He prefers to part it in the middle and tries his best to keep it neat. Standing at six foot four, he has a muscular inverted triangle body shape. His skin is a warm ivory shade. Most of his facial features are sculpted yet fine-boned at the same time. He has dark brown eyes, complimented by their almond shape.

Normally he wears a white long sleeve under shirt with a royal nobleman's jacket over along with long black pants and a dark red cape. He does have a gold crown he wears, but he usually wears a simpler one everyday and the grand, more decorated, one on special occasions. One the side, he has a sword scabbard. He also has a ring with the kingdom's coat of arms.
Personality: Most can describe him to be the best example of a leader. Valdemaras is kind and compassionate towards most people that he comes across. It is odd for a monarch to be highly empathic towards everyone, but he does not care. He is always thinking for the better of the kingdom and all the people. The lengths he will go to make sure everything is alright is boundless. While it is amazing and all, it acts like a double-edged sword for him. He tends to push himself to exertion, even trying to go beyond that. Valdemaras often feels lonely despite being surrounded by so many people. Ignoring his own emotions, needs, and concerns leaves him melancholic.
Backstory: Valdemaras born as Prince Jasur to King Nicolae and his wife, Queen Elena. His mother's family is said to be descendants of a demigod while his father comes from a separate race called "dieviškieji žmonės" or commonly known as superhumans. Being the youngest with an older brother and two sisters, Jasur did not really expect to end up becoming king later on. When he was five, his parents sent him to live with an order of monks and fighters. Every day for the next thirteen years he would train and attend studies. He also spent time with his mentors who come from different races like orc and high elves; they are like family to him. Sometimes he would stay with his family or the king's army every now and then. Though he was supposed to stay with them till he was twenty-one, plans changed after his older brother, Johan, was murdered.

It took time for Jasur to adjust to being the crown prince. He had to undergo more training in order to be ready to rule, but court life left him closed off and in depressive episodes at first. His mother's passing in the winter made it even worse. Eventually he got used to it and adjusted well. While he helped his father with policies and trained with soldiers, his involvement in the kingdom and its society progressed as his father became ill. Taking advantage of this situation, he gradually began to reform the government and military in hopes of making the kingdom better and stronger than before.

At the age of twenty-one, he became king after his father died. Jasur took on the name "Valdemaras" as it has been tradition to do so in his family. The name means "great" and "rule", but it also means "peace" and "world" too. With the looming threat of the evil from the prophecy, he hopes to do whatever he can in order to stop it from wreaking havoc on the kingdom and his people.
Notable Powers/Skills: Valdemaras has superhuman strength and stamina. His aging is slowed down a little, but he is not immortal. On another note, he is a great swordsman. He is also good at shooting arrows, riding horseback, and shooting arrows while on horseback.
Other: Interestingly knows a lot about treating others if they are sick or injured. He does have depression and still goes through periods of depressive episodes, but he tends to hide them with the help of his concubines, training, or reading.

Deleted user

(Yeah, poor On'nyosh. Actually, no: poor Valdemaras. If how On'nyosh treats Noctem, Cayde and Cass is that bad, then… how he treats that king is worse.)

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(Cass: Hello to all besides the clown!)
(Me: Wow, you're just jumping right in. Okay. This should be fun.)
(Cass: Wait, the king is here! And oh my god, he's hot. smiles at Valdemaras My name is Cassiel, good king! What is yours?)
(Me: Aaaand she's flirting with the king. Okay then.)

Deleted user

(Me: How come she immediately goes from insulting On'nyosh to flirting with the king?)
(Cayde: scowling at Cass Why must you be like this?)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(On’nyosh: Feigning a hurt expression at Cassiel. And I thought you were mine. Oh, the horror, the horror, my love has betrayed me! He does seem a bit disturbed by her flirting though)
(Me: Raised eyebrow at On’nyosh)
(On’nyosh: Besides, how can you like him? That fat ass took forever to show up!)
(Me: Rolling eyes)

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(Cass: Trying her best not to smile Well, I was never yours, lizard. You aren't my type. However, tall and handsome over there is. Ignores On'nyosh's look of being disturbed by her flirting)
(Me: snorts Wow, this just got so much weirder in a few posts.)
(Cass: Sorcerer, I must be like this because I must be. You should learn not to question people like me. Also you're one to talk: you're fatter than the king is, On'nyosh.)

Deleted user

(Me: Looks very confused What is happening? Why is this happening?)
(Cayde and Noctem: Man, we don't even know, and we're literally the oldest entities here.)
(Me: Yeah, fair. Also, I wonder how Valdemaras feels about all of this, especially Cass. Grins)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(On’nyosh: Gives a helpless chuckle. Well, just stab me in the heart with your teeth and drink all my blood. That hurt. Though… do I have to be your type to hang around you? Moves close to Cassiel)
(Me: I know, lmao!)
(On’nyosh: Looks at himself, then the king. I won’t deny that I enjoy the luxurious things, but I’m honestly not that fat. Now, fat ass over there, I don’t give a shit how tall, short, fat, or skinny he is, he’s a fat bastard, plain and simple)
(Me: Yeah, same here. Where is Valdemaras?)

Deleted user

(Cass: I might just take you up on that offer. And no, but the real question is, even if you were my type, would I like you?)
(Me: Ouch, you should get some burn cream for that one.)
(Cass: And don't deny it, you're fat. Then again, everyone is overweight to me. And no, he's not a bastard. That would be you, actually.)
(Me: Yeah, that might have taken it a bit far.)
(Cass: I don't care. He can take it.)

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(Me: Ignores On'nyosh, thereby shutting On'nyosh up And yeah. That definitely needs some cold water.)
(Noctem: Should I leave again?)
(Me: Yeah, probably.)
(Noctem: Okay. Leaves)