forum I need another fecking RP // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Lor shrugged. "Do you need to?" they asked. "I could introduce you to some of the others, if you like. Though I know you said you did not want to be too involved with the rebels, so, if you do not want to, that's fine."


Lor nodded. "Right. Of course. Do you want me to walk you out?" they asked, standing up and looking over at them calmly. "Or can you find the way out by yourself?"


Why did they not feel safe? Did the half-fae who met them at the door just intimidate her? Was it because she felt like an outsider who didn’t belong?
“You can walk me out,” she said, standing up. They still held their limbs close to her.


"Alright." Lor opened the door and led her out of the side room, through the main room, and then out of the door into that hidden corridor. "Here we go." they said, closing the door behind them. The soft glow of the stones in the corridor cast an almost eerie light over Lor's features.


Indigo followed, keeping her head down and their footsteps quick. When they reached the corridor, her skin slowly lit up with bluish light.
“Thank you,” they said. “I just… knew it was important that you knew what was going on.”


Lor nodded a bit. "Of course. Thank you for coming to tell me. It is important." their agreement was soft and easy. "This was a risky thing for you to agree to, and we are all in your debt for agreeing to it in the first place."


Indigo offered them a small smile. “Well, you know. Not every day you get a real chance to change things, right? Even if it’s… this.”
In my debt? She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.


Lor shrugged their shoulders. "Still risky, though." they replied, laughing faintly. "So, we did not want to unfairly pressure you into doing anything."


“Yes,” Indigo said. “Though, the prince certainly doesn’t suspect anything. At least, I believe so. The risk factor will most likely go up after he drinks it.”


"Yes, well, it should kill him. If it does not, and he is only violently ill, then…" Lor trailed off. "He will likely assume it is some sort of illness or food poisoning or something of the sort." they sighed faintly. "Hopefully, anyway."


Lor led them back through the corridors, sighing very softly. They were tired, and this whole thing was very dramatic and, to be truthful, a touch nervewracking.


"Same as it has always been." they replied with a soft laugh. "I work with shit. Literally." their mouth pulled in an amused smile as they looked over at her, laughing a little bit.


One hand moved to their neck, and Lor’s laughter caused them to chuckle awkwardly. “Oh, heh. Just thought I’d ask.” Indigo glanced to the side, then back to the human beside her.


They laughed again. "It's going fine, I suppose. How has your work with the prince gone? Other than what you just accomplished, I mean." their footsteps were quiet as they walked through the corridors and passageways, the dim lights playing over their features.


Her hand fell to her side. “It’s not all bad. Though, it’s usually when he’s gone,” they shrugged. “There was one day where he was gone, and I got to sleep through the whole day. It was amazing. I’m actually thinking about taking a nap when I get back.”
Indigo had thought many times before that, in some ways, working for the prince was better than working for the Thistlewells. Of course, not being physically abused every ten minutes was a plus, but Riven was also disinterested in her to the point of not giving them any instructions to do anything most of the time, while the Thistlewells were constantly barking orders. Indigo had even built a cleaning routine for the prince’s chambers, so it would at least look like they were working.


Lor nodded faintly. "That is nice." they agreed, smiling softly. "A nap sounds wonderful, though I do not have the time to have one myself." they stretched, looking over at Indigo. In some ways, Lor's job was easier than Indigo's; they only had to work when toilets or sinks needed attention.


They smiled back. “Well, I hope that you do get the time for it one day. It is nice.”
It was a little strange, when Indigo thought about it. Recently she had been sleeping a lot, a lot more than she ever had, well, in their life. Sometimes there were nights where she couldn’t sleep, like when nightmares or being forced to listen to Riven’s shenanigans were concerned, but even then, they were able to make up for it with naps at some point in the day. She used to force herself to be awake and stay awake so they could work and not get too tired. If they did, she would be punished, and so they trained themself to stay awake. Now, that resolve was crashing down. Her body seemed to be crashing down, each time she laid their head on a pillow.


"I know they are. I've had them before. I just do not generally have the time or ability for them. I have to be on call, you understand, and it is hard to be on call and take naps." they laughed a little bit, shaking their head.