forum I need another fecking RP // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Indigo was not in the mood for an adventure. They just wanted to get the message to Lor and then go back to her room to nap. As she walked down the corridor, the bioluminescence started reacting to their emotions, flickering nervously. Indigo tried to get it to stop, breathing deeply and willing it to stay dark.
Their eyes focused on a door at the end of the corridor. With renewed resolve, she made their way towards it.


The door was nondescript, like all the doors in this hallway. Perhaps it was the correct one. Perhaps not. What was the worst that could happen when they opened it? Or, well, perhaps that was not the best possibility to consider. It could end in death, after all. But more than likely, it would either be the rebellion, or an empty, dark chamber. The Fae, it seemed, had mostly forgotten about these old passages, about these secret corridors in the heart of their palace.


It would also be nice if these doors and passages had signs, Indigo thought. But now was not the time for wishful thinking. When she reached the door, their hand touched the handle. But then they paused. She pulled back, and then moved to press their ear to the the old, dusty wood.


Beyond the door was the soft hum of activity. Of people moving about and hushed, quiet conversations. What precisely they were talking about was hard to make out, though, as they were all seemingly making an effort to be quiet.


Indigo moved away from the door, hesitance grabbing ahold of her. Her hand still held the letter. It was beginning to feel sweaty, so they switched to their other hand.
They were not really part of this rebellion, if at all. She was just some sort of outside associate who happened to be very close to the prince. Who also happened to be initiating a plan to assassinate him. But assassinating him felt just as self serving as it did in helping this rebellion. Who would she find on the other side? Not friends nor allies, but perhaps not enemies either. Perhaps Lor lurked among them, like a blueberry in a patch of deadly nightshade.
There was only one way to find out, but hesitance kept them still. Patches of light flickered along their arms, across her cheeks. Her hand reached out, as if pulled by a puppet’s string, and slowly, quietly, pulled on the door handle. Perhaps it was locked. Perhaps it was not.


The door was, in fact, unlocked, though once the people inside noticed the handle moving, much of the conversation stopped. Someone opened the door, staring at Indigo for a long moment. "Who are you?" they asked, arching an eyebrow. They were clearly half human, half fae, with slightly pointed ears and elegant features.


The sudden silence in the room had Indigo’s heart seized by fear. They found that they could not look directly at the person who met her at the door.
She did not answer the question. “Do you know Lor, the plumber?” The words were soft, betraying a bit of that fear. “I must speak with them.”


"I do." the person replied slowly. "Why?" they seemed defensive and wary, though unlikely to cause a fight just at this moment. They did seem, however, prepared for a fight should it become necessary.


Her hand slowly raised up the letter. A nervous flash of light raced across their shoulders like a sudden chill. “I have a message for them. It… it is important.”


The person's gaze flashed to the letter, then back to her. "Come wait inside." they said, stepping back. "They should be here soon, I believe." they led her inside, closing the door behind her.


Indigo kept their limbs close to their body, following the half-fae inside and avoiding looking at the others there. She only took a brief glance at the overall space before focusing on them and only them.


They led her over to a side room, opening the door. "Wait in here." they said, still keeping a wary eye on her. "I will send Lor in when they arrive." once she was in the room, they closed the door, leaving Indigo alone in the room. THere was only the one door, the one that they had come in by.


They had chosen to come here on their own to avoid confrontation with anyone, but it seems that was a foolish thing to hope for. At least it hadn’t escalated beyond this. Being in the side room alone was actually not the worst case scenario. All she had to do was wait. Indigo huddled up in a corner, keeping the letter close to their chest.


It took a little while, but eventually the door opened to reveal Lor, who raised their eyebrows faintly at her. "Hey." they greeted, sitting down on one of the other chairs. "Everything alright?" they asked the question calmly, studying them with a calm, careful gaze.


Raising her head when the door opened, they quietly sighed in relief when they recognized the familiar face.
“Hey,” she said. Their eyes blinked, following Lor as they sat down. “Um, I…” they paused. “Uh, I just… it might be better if I…” she trailed off, simply deciding to give them the letter.


Lor took the letter, opening it up and gaze flickering over the contents. They looked over at her. "Did he drink it yet?" they asked, raising their eyebrows and shifting in their seat. "The letter did not make it quite…clear."


They nodded a little. "Right. How much did you add to a bottle?" they asked, wanting to ensure that everything had been done correctly. It was not that they did not trust Indigo, only that they worried about all of this. They wanted this to go well.


“One vial of the poison,” she replied, holding up a finger. A bit of the nervousness came back. Had they done everything right? Was one vial too much or too little?


Lor thought for a moment, considering that. "I believe one vial should be enough. If it was not, then he will just be rather violently ill. Which will be unpleasant, but no one should suspect anything of it." they shrugged their shoulders. "It can be hard, I've heard, with poisons. Some fae have more natural immunity than others."


Indigo nodded, quietly relieved. Lor's last words made them think about the possibility of the prince surviving. Could more poison be used, or would they have to use a different method of killing him? She didn't say anything though, she found it difficult to speak.


"If he survives this, we'll just have to up the dosage, is all." Lor added after a moment, brows pulling together very fanitly as they considered just what to do about all of this.