forum WIP word search game
Started by @Starfast group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

“I shall have to explain things later, William. All I can say is that I’m a… friend of sorts with George. Cale has no idea of who I am, so don’t bother asking him about me…. William, be wary of Burma Waller.” She says, and lets him go. He stands there, confused as to what happened. He now quickly walks up to the doors to where Cale waits for him.

Next word: Decapitated

@Reblod flag

Mara lunged forward, her sword ricocheting off his shield. She twisted the long blade and attacked again, this time catching the edge of his arm, forcing him to spin. The sword arced around and up, slicing through his torso and with one final blow, she decapitated him.

Next word: Free

@Starfast group

“Oh come on!” Keyla threw her free arm up in frustration. “Would it kill either one of you just to tell me what’s going on?”

Next word: Anger

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

“Stay away from us you freak. We can’t be seen with a weirdo like you, you freak!” Jason balls the paper up in his hand, and heads to lunch. While in lunch Jason is called ‘freak’ and ‘fire starter’ by several people. His anger flares up, and the decorative poster next to him catches fire. A paraprofessional sees the poster go up in flames, and sees Jason in front, facing it. She pulls the fire alarm, and activates the sprinklers. After the fire department leaves Jason is called into the principal’s office.

Next word: Crucify

@Starfast group

(oh boy, my guess is it’s gonna be a while until somebody has the word crucify in a WIP)

Yeah, friendly reminder that this thread works best if you pick a word that is kinda common.


(Wow, I couldn't find either crucify OR earnest is over 400 pages of my writing wtf. Here's what I ended up with tho)

(Taken from a tabletop game encounter I'm writing)

Combat begins in earnest as the players encounter the first horde wave.

Next word: Under

@larcenistarsonist group

bringing this back because why not:

The little girl who had opened the door for him led the undercover hero through the maze of a house, winding through the identical Japanese hallways like a labyrinth. She looked so small compared to the looming walls of the Manor.

Next word: Why?


Lol Ig I like this game too much, here I am again

“No one’s ever going to find us here. You’re never gonna leave me, not like before. Honestly, I don’t know why you did that.

Next word: Beckon

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Saw this and got inspired, so yeah, magically reviving thread. I couldn’t find ‘beckon’, but I did have plenty of ‘beckoned’, so I hope that works)

He set her leg down and a clawed hand beckoned her to sit up. She gingerly obeyed and no issues presented themselves, besides the achiness of her sore arms.

Next word: Snow


Where the colours had once been, was now a gentle flurry of snow. White snowflakes fell to the ground, sticking to the blades of grass and beginning to dust the branches of trees. Soon, the snow had spread all throughout the glade, even reaching parts of the forest beyond. It blanketed the ground in a fresh, crisp layer. The once grey sky was now a soft blue, sprinkled with white dots of snow.

next word: Honey

@larcenistarsonist group

(oooo hells yes i love this forum asdfsd;fjaf)

Hana takes a shaky breath, her eyes still averted from Natsu. “What made you want to do all this? You’ve killed six people, Natsu.” Finally, her honey brown eyes flick up to Natsu’s own ice cold gray ones. “And severely injured at least-”

next word: broken

@Reblod flag

A soft glow emanated from within and sounds reached Kado’s ears. Voices and music although it was muffled and broken by the gale.

Next word: Dream

@larcenistarsonist group

“What? Oh, fuck, right.” Touya sighs through his nose, swiping his hand through his inky black hair. It’s a look Natsu’s still not entirely used to. In every dream of Touya he’s had in the last ten years, Touya has the stark red hair in the nightmares, soft white in the better ones. Black was never on the list. It was red or white, fire or ice, death or life. Black now seems to be the uneasy in between. The thin line drawn between it all, the line Touya seems to live now. The line that left Touya on the dead and Dabi on the barely-alive, the silver staples holding the sides together.

next word: string

@Reblod flag

The music was coming from a small group of travellers where one was languidly plucking the strings of a lyre, sometimes humming a quiet tune. The atmosphere was comfortable and sleepy almost as if it were a dream.

Next word: Shadow

@larcenistarsonist group

The flames dance around the person, the heat having no effect on them. Their hair flies around their face like a halo from hell and a glint of a smile shines through the shadows shrouding them. Glowing fists are clasped at their sides, one glinting in blue and the other in scarlet. Their posture screams confidence and purpose, proving to anyone watching that they’re the culprit of the deadly act of arson. The helicopters circling aim their lights on the figure, illuminating their features.

next word: scowl

@Reblod flag

“It was not a compliment.” Adda’s scowl was softened by the smirk they tried to push down.
“Don’t try to deny that you have fun with us too.” Kado bumped into their side playfully. Adda rolled their eyes.
“I’ll say nothing that will enable you.”
“I don’t mind. Actions speak louder than words after all.”
Adda shoved him and they both laughed.

Next word: War

@Starfast group

 “I thought you said that Ravina was the captain,” Keyla said. 
 “Officially it’s Garzlan,” Ravina called, as she pulled the thick rope as she tried to get the sails under control. “But sometimes the Captain is bad at making decisions, so unofficially, it’s both of us.”

Next word: Sky

@larcenistarsonist group

“No, I was just out on a walk.” Natsu watches the frost slowly melt in the heat of the evening sun. “I could come back if you’d want.”

next word: confusion/confused