forum Oumami rp
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Rantaro was both surprised and relieved by the comment. He definitely wanted a relationship between the three of them, but he wasn't expecting Kokichi to want the same thing. Of course, the realization that he did made him rather happy. In the end, it seemed like everything did end up working out.

"As long as Kaito's alright with it, I love you both, so I was kinda hoping that it could be the three of us," he smiled softly as he glanced at Kaito. "So, what do you say?"


Rantaro smiled at the comment as he held both Kokichi and Kaito close to him. While he didn't expect the day to result in him having two boyfriends, he couldn't have been happier with that outcome. Having not one but two wonderful boyfriends made him incredibly happy. While he would still need to protect them from Maki, he didn't mind. He would do anything to see them happy.

"Perfect," he said softly. "That's perfect. I love you two so much."


Rantaro gave the two another soft smile as he watched them interact. They were getting along and cuddling, and it was all great. It felt like everything was going to be okay, or at least until Maki got back from her trip. In that time, surely they could cuddle and enjoy each other's company. They all loved each other a lot.

"I just said it, but I love both of you, too," he responded, continuing to smile softly. "Also, you two are adorable."


Rantaro laughed softly as he shook his head. While Kokichi was definitely chaotic, he found the other to be adorable as well, no matter what, too. He had been thinking that the other was adorable for a while, and now he finally got to tell him that and occasionally tease him about it.

"You can be chaotic, but you're always adorable," he smiled. "Seriously though, that's true. The fact that you're embarrassed right now is also adorable"


"What? You know it's true," he grinned. "I'll stop if you want me to, since the whole teasing and being a flirt is sort of your thing and not mine, but seriously, you make me happy from how adorable you are sometimes."


(I still have to wonder why your phone autocorrected Rantaro to Santa, but it's funny. Lol)

Rantaro couldn't help but blush at the kiss, although he definitely enjoyed it. After a couple of seconds, he kissed Kokichi back, smiling softly as he did so. While it left him a bit flustered, it was incredibly clear that he was also happy because of it.


Rantaro smiled softly as Kokichi did so. He held the other close to him as he continued to smile. He was happy with Kokichi. However, he glanced at Kaito after a moment, wondering if he wanted some attention as well.

"Kaito, if you want, you know that you can join us," he stated softly. "We're all boyfriends here, aren't we? It's not like I can't give both of you some love and attention at the same time."


Rantaro shook his head, letting out a small laugh as he did so. Sometimes he just didn't understand Kaito's logic. It seemed that Kokichi was comfortable with both of them there, so it only made sense that they could all cuddle. Besides, Rantaro wanted to cuddle with both of them at the time.

"I don't understand you sometimes," he replied softly. "Now come on. We can all cuddle, so how about we do that?"


Rantaro smiled softly as he held both Kokichi and Kaito close to him. He loved both of them a lot, and he wanted to keep both of them close to him. Holding them close couldn't have made him happier, and knowing that the two were happy made things even better for him.

"Aww, you're both cute," he smiled. "Seriously though, I could cuddle with you both all day. This is nice."


Rantaro nodded and held the others closer to him. He noticed that both of them were rather tired, but he didn't mind. If they were all going to be cuddling that day, it wouldn't be difficult for them to relax and get some sleep. In the end, it seemed like the two needed a day off from school, a day to just relax, spend time together, and be happy without having to worry about much.

"Huh, you seem tired, Kaito," he noted. It was still a bit strange in his mind since the other was so energetic, but he wasn't too concerned. "Have you even been sleeping at night recently? It'd take a lot to wear you out, so I have to ask. If you haven't been sleeping, please get some sleep."


Rantaro understood the concern, but it upset him that the other hadn't been taking care of himself and continued to ignore his problems as if they were nothing. Surely he could convince the other to get some sleep, though. He was determined to do so, actually.

"I get that, but you need to sleep," he said softly. "Kaito, please. Ko's fine now, so please get some sleep. Maki's gone, so he's safe. You need to sleep…"


Rantaro smiled softly at Kaito's actions before standing up. As much as he would have loved to continue cuddling, he figured that the other two were getting hungry, as it was about noon by then. He thought that making the two some food, as well as some for himself, would be a pretty good idea.

"So, I'm gonna make something. What do you guys want?" he asked softly. "I'll make just about anything."