forum Oumami rp
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Rantaro sighed softly, just as confused about the situation as Kokichi was. Whatever was going on was interesting and possibly concerning. There was no known cause for this, but they had to figure something out.

"Alright, aside from your hair, is anything else wrong?" he asked. "If anyone had something to do this, it might have been Maki. This isn't natural, that's for sure…"


Rantaro sighed but took note of that. It definitely seemed like Maki had done something to Kokichi, possibly some form of poison. He wasn't sure what would cause this, but he was sure that it was Maki, so that was definitely a start. If he could figure it out, he could save Kokichi.

"Off the top of my head, I can't think of a poison that will do that, but that's probably the case," he stated. "If I could figure out what Maki did, I'd be able to help you."


Rantaro sighed as he saw Kokichi's reaction. However, there was no other explanation for the current situation. In his mind, Maki must have gotten tired of waiting and tried to make her move. If not, then she did this in a non-lethal way just to make Kokichi suffer.

"She's the Ultimate Assassin. Maybe she has access to things we don't even know about," he stated. "However, maybe she'd have antidotes as well. We can save you!"


Rantaro nodded in response to the statement, but he could still follow that logic. She wouldn't willingly give them up, but she wasn't around, and there was a chance that she had everything in her room or something like that. Since he remembered the school's talent development labs, he figured that if what he needed was at the school, it would be in Maki's lab.

"Well, that may be true, but I may know where it's all kept," he responded. "Maybe there's still a way to reverse this!"


Rantaro was a bit concerned about the fact that the other was stuttering a bit, as it was unusual. At first, he thought that it was just due to denial, but the other was accepting things now, so something was wrong. Was the poison continuing to kick in? He hoped not. Either way, though, he was going to find a solution to it all.

"Alright, you're stuttering, which is unusual, so I have to ask, are you feeling alright?" he asked softly. "I need to make sure you're not suddenly feeling weak or something like that."


Rantaro nodded in response and quickly picked Kokichi up. The poison was definitely kicking in, which meant that time was limited. Sadly, he couldn't get Kokichi any sort of help since whatever Maki used was absolutely unheard of to just about everyone. He'd have to find the antidote to the poison himself, and he had to do so quickly if he didn't want his boyfriend to have long lasting or even permanent damage.

"I'm finding that antidote! Since the place I need to be is on the other side of the school and time is limited, you're just gonna have to come with me. I'll find somewhere to lay you down, and then I just need you to relax. Once I determine what she used, I'll find an antidote and fix this mess!"

He seemed determined as he rushed off with Kokichi in his arms. As much as he wanted the other to rest at the dorm, time was already limited, and even sprinting, it would take at least five minutes to get to the other location, and ten minutes spent just running didn't make sense when Kokichi could be dying. He'd just have to text Kaito and explain what was going on. However, at the time, all that was on his mind was solving this problem.


"You don't need to stay awake! You just need to be with me!" he told the other as he continued running.

After about five minutes, he finally arrived at the building where the students' development labs were. He rushed inside with his lover, and he quickly looked for Maki's lab. Once he did, he found that it was unlocked. The assassin must have left in a hurry to leave the door unlocked, but that made it much easier to look around.


Maki's lab was filled with various weapons for her to use as well as various poisons. The lab itself appeared to be neatly organized, and Rantaro noted that Maki's crossbow was gone. It was her go-to weapon, so it made sense that she took it with her, wherever it was that she had actually gone. Aside from that, everything seemed to be there.

"Alright, aside from her go-to weapon, it seems like everything's in place…" Rantaro stated. "The vials of poison are all where they should be, and there are a lot of them, but I will surely find the one that she used to harm Kichi. I mean, she wouldn't use all of the poison at once, especially if it was unknown. She'd try to use as little as possible to kill her victims so it could be undetected, and of course she has the antidotes in the event that she accidentally poisons someone close to her or does it to herself for one reason or another."

He was just making notes to himself at that point since Kokichi was unconscious. He began going through all of the vials, reading the labels and looking at how much of each poison was in them. Most of them had never been used, although he noticed that some of them had been used. Whatever she used to harm Kokichi wasn't clear, though. She had hidden her tracks well.


Rantaro noticed that as he continued to examine all of the poisons. So many of the ones that Maki had were ones that he had never heard of, which didn't help him narrow anything down. However, he continued looking through them, taking note of every small detail. As he considered the lethal amounts of each poison in comparison to the amount left in the vials, he eventually determined which one was used to poison Kokichi.

"Alright, so this is what poisoned him. Didn't know a poison could cause someone's hair to go white, but here we are…" he sighed to himself. "Anyways, let's find the antidote to this… It's not written on the vial, but surely Maki has a note about this somewhere in the room… I'll just have to find it…"


Rantaro noticed that when he was looking at the poison's information on the vial. Of course, since it caused a death related to the physical side effects of prolonged stress, it was undetectable. No one would know anything. If he could just find something that would be able to combat the stress, he would have the antidote. He had to act quickly, but as long as he could find that, Kokichi would be okay.

It took a few minutes, but he did find the antidote. He quickly put some into Kokichi's system, enough to reverse the effects, or according to the information on the vial, at least, and then he just stayed there with his unconscious boyfriend in his arms. He decided to see if it'd have any effect, and if it worked, then he would return to the dorm.


Rantaro gave Kokichi a small look of relief the moment that he saw that the other was awake. The fact that he had regained consciousness at all proved that the antidote had taken effect. Since he was so close to death only moments ago, if it hadn't worked, he would have been gone by then. While Rantaro wouldn't admit it, he had been worried that the other would have died.

"Yeah, I'm here, Kichi," he responded softly. "I found the antidote, and you should be alright now. I'm glad to see you awake again. Now, I'm gonna bring you back to the dorm, alright? While you're no longer going to die, you should really get some rest…"