forum Character Vibe Checks - BUT WITH PICTURES
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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He seems carefree and cheerful, He probably a surfer, judging from the shirt, necklace and tattoo. He probably just goes with the flow and can be a little lazy. His name is probably Tony or Mick

Carefree and cheerful? Well…he's at very least very sweet and kind of naïve.

The necklace was the error. I'm not sure how canon the tatts are. The shirt was the closest thing to a muscle shirt available. That said: he swims, so at very least body-surfing is certainly on the table.

Easygoing, yes. Lazy, no. He's an aspiring strength athlete, which is to say that he eats like a bear preparing to hibernate, lifts like a freight elevator, and takes both very seriously (which is also why he's so bulky; and note that I actually couldn't make his upper body any bigger.).

And his name is Kieron.

In a word (or abbreviation)? PTSD. They have seen terrible things, and had no real opportunity to process it properly.

@LittleBear group

I don't see one to be commented on from before, but I'll be glad to vibe check the next one!
Click on the image and then click again (to zoom in) to get the full effect

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

He's probably cheerful and freesprited, and he probably likes taking long walking in the field. He probably doesn't care what others think and wants to live life his own way. His name is probably Abram or Jacob

not too far off actually, that's quite accurate!

No idea as to name, although I'd guess that it's something either excruciatingly Gen X or excruciatingly Gen Z. Sweet soft boy who will nonetheless make your life absolutely miserable, in inventive and humiliating ways, if you mistake his sweetness and softness for weakness.

his name is quite gen z. he's super sweet just like you said! except i've never really thought of him as the type to make people's life miserable…maybe i ought to give that trait to him 👀

thanks for vibe checking my indie kid conner! :)


The girl in the blue dress’s name i think would be something like Evangeline

She looks like she’s very distant from everyone she knows, can swear in three languages. And can and will kick your ass, really likes to read, and dress up in fancy dresses for no reason other than they look nice.



A Picrew because I’m lazy lol, Filipinia Dress up

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

she looks like she'd be nice to everyone, making sure to give every person a chance. however if you cross her she'll ruin your life with ease. she might have very strong opinions and isn't afraid to speak them. as for a name, i'm feeling maybe blake or brooklyn? she's got a strong b name vibe

@squiddicus language

Looks like kind of a loner. Keeps herself to herself, but if you cross her, she can get angry and you'll regret it. Doesn't let a lot of people into her inner 'world', so not many people know many details about her. Appears pretty bored a lot of the time when she's around others. Her name could be Lennon, Rain or Winter.

@larcenistarsonist group


She seems to be a quiet and sorta confused type. Likes to hang out in the shadows and fairly introverted. Was probably adopted by a bunch of extroverts and joins them with all of their shenanigans and stuff. Pretty smart and gives good advice. She would probably fight with a knife if she's in some sort of situation like that. Sort of gives me Annabeth vibes from PJO. For a name I think is something with an A and gender neutral, Alex, Andi, Addi. Something like that.

@larcenistarsonist group

Oooh. She seems like the fairly quiet and sweet type. Likes to make aesthetics for fictional characters and probably has a small addiction to Starbucks. Well-liked by most of her peers and has a secret dark side. Likes soft things and probably has a cat or a small dog. Pretty innocent. For her name I think it would be something cuter and ending in -ee, -y, -ie, or -i. Brinlee, Bree, Cassie, Hadley, Izzy, Polly, something like that.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

She seems like a calm and friendly person, She normally goes with the flow and kind of the mood maker. She may be an ambivert, being reserved at times but she enjoys being around being around others. Her name may be Bree, Samatha, or Sasha

@larcenistarsonist group

She seems like a calm and friendly person, She normally goes with the flow and kind of the mood maker. She may be an ambivert, being reserved at times but she enjoys being around being around others. Her name may be Bree, Samatha, or Sasha

Eh, sorta close?? Her name is Sparrow and she's pretty energetic. She's very friendly and loves people. Definitely more extroverted though. She's ambitious, determined, and extremely courageous. She's an adventurer and a very optimistic person.

Deleted user

Hmm…I’m getting the name Clay???
I bet he’s the grim type of guy, who never smiles, and when he does, it’s once in a blue moon.
Because of the cloak, I’m guessing he’s a medieval type of guy?
He likes the forest and goes there to calm himself down. He would rather do archery, but he’s a wicked swordsman too.
He likes books, learning about history, drinks black coffee, and his favorite animal is something like a raven??



Fronts like he's all cool and edgy. Scratch the surface, however, and what you would find is vulnerability. Probably has some unresolved trauma.

(Warning; she's armed!)


@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

She seems like the tough and quiet type. She is very protective of the weak and vulnerable. maybe an astronaut or some space person. She can be a workaholic and tries her hardest to save everyone. Her name might be Sandra or Lillith