forum Character Vibe Checks - BUT WITH PICTURES
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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@LittleBear group


She reminds me of a Kendra (if her name is similar to her brother's). Very observant and likely to think extensively before speaking about anything, ie. someone of few words, but those words are always meaningful. She looks shy and like she cares about her appearance, but not enough to be vain. She doesn't look kind or cruel, more like she would help someone if it would benefit her, but otherwise, she wouldn't really care.

@LilMeme group

She seem like the quiet, refined type with a hidden adventurous side. She is outspoken with the time calls for it and doesn't take well to being pushed around. Her name might Violet, Victoria or Scarlet

The guy is probably in a high position; major, prince, heir. He at first might be standoffish and cocky but warms up when you meet him. His name might be Louis, James, or Benjamin

@LilMeme group


She reminds me of a Kendra (if her name is similar to her brother's). Very observant and likely to think extensively before speaking about anything, ie. someone of few words, but those words are always meaningful. She looks shy and like she cares about her appearance, but not enough to be vain. She doesn't look kind or cruel, more like she would help someone if it would benefit her, but otherwise, she wouldn't really care.

Mostly on point. She a quiet, perfectionist girl who always want to look refined. Her name is Hikari

@LittleBear group

She seem like the quiet, refined type with a hidden adventurous side. She is outspoken with the time calls for it and doesn't take well to being pushed around. Her name might Violet, Victoria or Scarlet

Damn, very close. Natiselle is the lost princess who was raised by an assassin to take back her throne. So she has to be closed off by necessity, though her true self breaks through more often than is good for her.

The guy is probably in a high position; major, prince, heir. He at first might be standoffish and cocky but warms up when you meet him. His name might be Louis, James, or Benjamin

Strisen would have been a prince if his father hadn’t been disgraced. He and his father were demoted to High Lords. Because his twin was stolen at birth, his father is very protective of him and he has never been without his armed guard and is always initially suspicious.


(he/him yvy old art hh)

He seems super kind and quiet. He would probably bring peace and be the middleman in many situations resolving significantly more problems than he creates. He also seems like loves his friends to a fault possibly causing some issues through that.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

She is probably evil or at least an antihero, she's probably sadistic or manipulative. She at first may seem friendly or energetic but it's all a mask. Her name might be Cryus, Rockelle or Barbara. She may or may not be a yandere

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

seems like the kind to listen in on others' conversations for blackmail leverage. she'd have a personality similar to azula's from atla - stoic, cocky. she swears a lot, pointedly so in front of kids. name: kendra or azarea.



She looks like she's either the leader or one of the top-dogs of some corrupt organization. She seems like she'd put herself above others and also takes pleasure in other's pain and misfortune. Seems like she's really talented at what she does and got a lot of praise growing up.
As for a name, I'd have to say something like Amber, Gwen, Adria, or Rita

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

She's a shy and timid girl, she's a bit of a crybaby, leading people to either protect her or pick on her. She may have a love-based theme judging from the hearts in her eyes and on her hoodie. Her name might be Naomi, Naoko, or Ai

(On an unrelated note is that kisekae)


She is probably evil or at least an antihero, she's probably sadistic or manipulative. She at first may seem friendly or energetic but it's all a mask. Her name might be Cryus, Rockelle or Barbara. She may or may not be a yandere

This is half-ish correct? First and foremost her name is Ariel Josie or AJ for short. She can be somewhat manipulative, but it's far and few between when she is. She is also energetic and it is a mask but she's masking her soft side rather than a sadistic side.

seems like the kind to listen in on others' conversations for blackmail leverage. she'd have a personality similar to azula's from atla - stoic, cocky. she swears a lot, pointedly so in front of kids. name: kendra or azarea.

Once again half right, wouldn't be likely to blackmail someone, other than wes not super cocky, would absolutely cuss out a bunch of kids.


She looks like she's either the leader or one of the top-dogs of some corrupt organization. She seems like she'd put herself above others and also takes pleasure in other's pain and misfortune. Seems like she's really talented at what she does and got a lot of praise growing up.
As for a name, I'd have to say something like Amber, Gwen, Adria, or Rita

First point is technically correct as she is the Heir to Spirituality one of 16 heirs that are the basis for my entire story but she doesn't give a damn that she's an heir. She also doesn't put herself above others, instead putting nature above others, which is where her soft spot lies.



She seems like the shy and kind type; also known as a cinnamon roll. She's bullied for it, but she refuses to fight back no matter what and can fall back on her friends at the end of the day. Speaking of friends, she only has a small group of them, which is around 1-2 not including her, but their supper trustworthy. For her name, I'm feeling either Jennie, Jessie or Jem; basically anything that starts with a J.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group


He's probably cheerful and freesprited, and he probably likes taking long walking in the field. He probably doesn't care what others think and wants to live life his own way. His name is probably Abram or Jacob



No idea as to name, although I'd guess that it's something either excruciatingly Gen X or excruciatingly Gen Z. Sweet soft boy who will nonetheless make your life absolutely miserable, in inventive and humiliating ways, if you mistake his sweetness and softness for weakness.


(He/him. Note that there is a detail which I simply couldn't figure out a way to get rid of, despite it being inappropriate for him.)